Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pond , pool ; wash away , cleanse
Pinyin DANG4 TANG1 TANG4 Jyutping dong6 On TOU Kun UGOKU Hangul Korean THANG Tang *dhɑ̌ng dhɑng tɑng Viet đãng
Simplified U+8361
Cangjie Input Code TEAH

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pond , pool ; wash away , cleanse
Pinyin dàng Jyutping dong6 On TOU Kun UGOKU Hangul : 0N Korean THANG Tang *dhɑ̌ng dhɑng tɑng Viet đãng
Simplified U+8361
Cangjie Input Code TEAH

JMdict 100319
Reading フルーツパーラー
Source Language eng fruit parlor Translation eng teahouse that sells fruit ( or serves fruitcake , etc .) Translation ger an einen Obstladen angeschlossenes Café

JMdict 100319
Word 路地 ; 露地 ; 露路
Reading ろじ
Translation eng alley ; alleyway ; lane ; bare earth (i.e. ground not covered by a roof ) ; teahouse garden ; path through a gate ( or through a garden , etc .) Translation ger Gasse ; Gässchen ; Durchgang ; Zufahrt ; Auffahrt ; Weg ; Pfad Translation fre allée ; ruelle

JMdict 100319
Word 茶房
Reading さぼう
Translation eng teahouse ; coffee shop Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Café ; Kaffeestube

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茶座 Simplified 茶座
Pinyin cha2 zuo4
English teahouse ; tea-stall with seats ; tea-garden or teahouse seat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茶樓 Simplified 茶楼
Pinyin cha2 lou2
English tearoom ; teahouse ; dimsum restaurant ( Hong Kong )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 茶館 Simplified 茶馆
Pinyin cha2 guan3
English teahouse

JMdict 200217
Word 喫茶
Reading きっさ
Translation dut het theedrinken Translation slv pitje čaja ; čajna hiša Translation spa tomar ; casa de ( abreviatura )
Translation eng tea drinking ; teahouse ; tearoom ; coffee lounge ; coffee shop ; ( rather formal ) cafe Translation ger Teetrinken ; Teehaus ; Café ; Kaffeehaus ( Abk .) Translation rus ( кн .) чаепитие
Crossref 喫茶店

JMdict 200217
Word 路地 ; 露地 ; 露路
Reading ろじ
Translation dut steeg ; smalle straat ; straatje Translation hun fasor ; köz ; sikátor ; tekepálya Translation spa callejón
Translation eng alley ; alleyway ; lane ; bare earth (i.e. ground not covered by a roof ) ; open field ; outdoors ( non-greenhouse cultivation of crops ) ; teahouse garden ; path through a gate ( or through a garden , etc .) Translation ger draußen ; bloße Erde ; Teegarten ; Gasse ; Gässchen ; Durchgang ; Zufahrt ; Auffahrt ; Weg ; Pfad Translation fre allée ; ruelle Translation rus 1) открытый грунт ; 2) садик для чайной церемонии ; 1) дорожка ; 2) переулок

JMdict 200217
Word 茶房
Reading さぼう
Translation hun kávéház ; kávézó
Translation eng teahouse ; coffee shop Translation ger Café ; Kaffeestube

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶坊 Simplified 茶坊
Pinyin cha2 fang2
English teahouse

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶座 Simplified 茶座
Pinyin cha2 zuo4
English teahouse ; tea-stall with seats ; tea-garden or teahouse seat

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶房 Simplified 茶房
Pinyin cha2 fang2
English waiter ; steward ; porter ; teahouse

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶樓 Simplified 茶楼
Pinyin cha2 lou2
English tearoom ; teahouse ; dimsum restaurant ( Hong Kong )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 茶館 Simplified 茶馆
Pinyin cha2 guan3
English teahouse

JMdict 200217
Word 茶庭
Reading ちゃてい ; ちゃにわ
Translation eng teahouse garden Translation ger Teegarten ; Garten um ein Teehaus

JMnedict 200217
Reading チョープー Romaji Teahupo'o ( Tahiti )

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