Unicode 5.2
Character Definition play with ; ( Cant .) to provoke

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+65D2 , a corrupted form of U+8352 ) a cup with pendants , a pennant , wild , barren , uncultivated
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a vegetable-plot , to plough ; to till lands , among dikes and fields
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping lau6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO2 LIAO3 LIU2 Jyutping liu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition male organ
Pinyin LAO2 LIAO2 Jyutping liu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) name of a small ancient State , a Chinese family name
Pinyin LIAO4 Jyutping liu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to feel or touch with hands ; to hold , to lay the hand on , to cover
Pinyin JIU4 LIU3 YU2 Jyutping lau5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( the large seal ; a type of Chinese calligraphy ) to draw out ; to sprout ; to rid ; to whip , to build , to thresh ; to hull or unhusk , to beat ; to pound ; ( Cant .) to shake down
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping cau1 lau3

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fire
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping gaau3 laau6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the ridge of a roof
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping lau6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( abbreviated form of ) to remain ; to stay , to detain , to leave behind
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( ancient form ) to pray and to curse ( the ways of treating a patient in ancient times )
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping lau6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to put forth ears and to blossom of the grains ( corns and cereals )
Pinyin LIAO3 Jyutping liu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( non-classical form of ) materials ; ingredients
Pinyin LIAO4 Jyutping liu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long and narrow boat , a small boat
Pinyin LIAO3 Jyutping liu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a mole-cricket , a kind of insect ; ( same as U+45BB ) ephemera ; ephemerid ; mayfly ; snake poison
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping laau4 laau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curved with angles ; curved corner
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sweet ; artful words
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to go forward ; to depart
Pinyin LIAO4 LIN3 QUE4 Jyutping liu6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) small birds -- the wren , tit , etc .
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to look pale or pallid
Pinyin LIAO3 Jyutping liu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sound of wind
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition guinea pig ; a kind of big rat ; living in the bamboo grove
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to finish ; particle of completed action
Pinyin LE5 LIAO3 Jyutping liu5 On RYOU Kun OWARU TSUINI Hangul Korean LYO Tang *leǔ leǔ Viet liễu
Variant U+F9BA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition companion ; associate with
Pinyin LÜ3 Jyutping leoi5 On RYO RO Kun TOMO Hangul Korean LYE Tang liǔ Viet lứa
Simplified U+4FA3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition companion , colleague ; officials ; bureaucracy ; a pretty face
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun TOMO TSUKASA Hangul Korean LYO Viet liêu
Variant U+F9BB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition number six Value 6
Pinyin LIU4 LU4 Jyutping luk6 On ROKU RIKU Kun MUTSU MUTABI Hangul Korean LYUK Tang *liuk liuk Viet lục
Variant U+F9D1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; kill , destroy
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4 On RYUU Kun KOROSU Korean LYU
Traditional U+5289

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; kill , destroy
Pinyin LIU2 Jyutping lau4 On RU RYUU Kun KOROSU Hangul Korean LYU Tang *liou
Simplified U+5218

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; a musical note
Pinyin LÜ3 Jyutping leoi5 On RYO RO Kun SEBONE Hangul Korean LYE Tang *liǔ Viet
Simplified U+5415 Variant U+F980

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition used describe clarity of voice ; resonant
Pinyin LIAO2 LIAO4 Jyutping liu4 On REU RYOU Hangul Korean LYO Viet rêu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a clod of earth ; land
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping luk6 On RIKU ROKU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIU4

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIU2 On RIU RU

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition few , scarce ; empty , deserted
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun SABISHII Hangul Korean LYO Tang *leu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shanty , hut , shack
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU Kun TSUKASA Hangul Korean LYO Tang leu
Variant U+F9BC

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO4 Jyutping liu6 On RYOU HOU CHOU Kun YUKINAYAMU
Variant U+5C26

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition penis
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIU2 On RIU RU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On REU KOU KEU Kun TAKAI

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LIU4 Jyutping lau6 On RIU RU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; name of an ancient state
Pinyin LIAO4 Jyutping liu6 On RYOU Kun MUNASHII Hangul Korean LYO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hut , cottage ; name of a mountain
Pinyin LU2 Jyutping lou4 On RYO RO Kun IORI IE Hangul Korean LYE Tang *liu
Simplified U+5E90 Variant U+F982

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be concerned , worry about
Pinyin LÜ4 Jyutping leoi6 On RYO ROKU Kun OMONPAKA Hangul Korean LYE Tang liù Viet lự
Simplified U+8651

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to rely on
Pinyin LIAO2 Jyutping liu4 On RYOU RYUU RU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clear ; intelligible ; severe ; cold
Pinyin LIAO3 LIAO2 Jyutping liu5 On RYOU Kun SATOI Viet trêu

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