Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to collect ; to take up ; to pick ; to gether
Pinyin XIE2 XIN4 YE2 Jyutping kit3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) wise and clever , shrewd , discreet , astute , quick of perception , the divine sagacity of sages
Pinyin RUI4 Jyutping zeoi6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to pierce ; to stab ; to hurt , to give ; to hand over ; to confer , to teach , to build , to pound ( grain ) in order to remove the husk
Pinyin ZHUO2 Jyutping coek3 zuk6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition luxuriant ; exuberant ; lush ; flourishing
Pinyin DUI4 Jyutping deoi3 kit3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wet clothes not completely dry ; to dry in the sun or use sand to dry up on the ground
Jyutping zaap1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( an ancient form of ) to sun to air ; to expose to sunlight , to expose or be exposed ; exposure , a tree with scatter or dispersed leaves
Pinyin PU4 Jyutping buk6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition brave ; courageous ; bold ; valiant ; intrepid ; fearless ; heroic
Pinyin YUE4
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( standard form ) a collar , the neck , to connect collars to the clothes
Pinyin BO2 Jyutping bok3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dates , a kind of oak ; Quercus dentata , ( same as ) a shrub ( plant ); thicket , strong and durable , a county in ancient times
Pinyin PU2 Jyutping buk6 lok3 pok3 Viet bục
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a basin
Pinyin JIN3 Jyutping zeon2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to show ; to exhibit , to manifest , a kind of supporting post
Pinyin BIAO3 Jyutping biu1 biu2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a cabinet ; a wardrobe ; a cupboard , ( same as ) hard ground
Pinyin JIAN4 Jyutping lam6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to bind ; to tie up ; a bundle ; a bondage ; restrictions ; restraints
Pinyin GUN3 HUN4 Jyutping gwan2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition (a variant of U+6AB3 ) the areca-nut ; the betel-nut
Jyutping ban1 ping1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) nightmare
Pinyin AN4 YAN3 Jyutping zim1 zim2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to understand thoroughly ; quick or keen of perception , wise and clever , the profoundest ; the divine sagacity of sages
Pinyin RUI4 Jyutping zeoi6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition long hairy
Pinyin RAN2 Jyutping zim4
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a hairy dog
Pinyin NING2 Jyutping ning4 ning6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as abbreviated form of ) the strength of a current , flowing water , name of a stream ; at Yoybeiping
Pinyin DUI4 LEI3 Jyutping leoi5
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cold ; chilly , ( ancient form of ) clean ; pure ; to purify
Pinyin JING4 QING4 Jyutping cing6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character 㵿 Definition endlessly long or vast water currents
Pinyin XI2 Jyutping haat6 hau6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition deep and vast of the flowing water , name of a stream
Jyutping bak6 gau1 ngaau4 pak3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition after blocking the water flow takes different waterway , sound of the flowing water
Pinyin GUO2 Jyutping gwik1 wak6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a raging fire
Pinyin JI4 JIE2 Jyutping zai6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ashes ; candle end
Pinyin JIE2 Jyutping zit3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition broken leather
Pinyin PIAN4 Jyutping pang4 pin3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cattle and sheep have no children
Pinyin TAO2 Jyutping tou1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shinbone of a cattle , a kind of cattle
Pinyin RU2 RU4 RUI2 Jyutping zyu4 zyu6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a black ape with long tail , ( same as ) a kind of animal ( of weasel tribe )
Pinyin YOU4 YU4 Jyutping zaau6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jade articles , fine stone which is little less valuable than jade
Jyutping zung2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a crack in jade ( or porcelain )
Pinyin E2 WEN4 YUAN3 Jyutping waan6
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pulp of a melon
Jyutping dong1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition earthenware ; a bowl ; a cup , tiles with a circular facade at one end used along the edge of palace eaves during the Han Dynasty
Jyutping dong1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition unburnt tiles , earthenware
Pinyin GUAI4 HU2 HUI2 MENG2 SE4 Jyutping wu4 zyu5
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition seeds of the plant allied to the water-lily ; used when ground into meal ; as a coarse food , also as medicine ( same as ) to block up , to bank up roots of plants , to impede ( flow , etc .)
Pinyin YONG3 Jyutping zung1
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) to assist , secondary ( in importance ), rich and dense
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+7619 ) a kind of skin disease ( like sores from scabies )
Pinyin SAO4 Jyutping sou3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( interchangeable U+3FBE ) lump in the throat , sting of a poisonous insect ( scorpion )
Jyutping cim1 zim3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as U+75A5 ) scabies
Pinyin JIE4 Jyutping gaai3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sick ; depress and melancholy , swelling , heat rashes ; heat spots ; prickly heat
Pinyin FEN4 Jyutping faan4 faan5 gak3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition paralysis of the body
Pinyin QUN2 Jyutping kwan4
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jutting on the epidermis or the cuticle ( of plants ); ( Cant .) skin peeling off
Pinyin TA4 Jyutping taat3
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition keep on looking , change the facial expression
Pinyin ZHAN3 Jyutping zin2
Total Strokes 18

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition newborn baby with the eyelids closed , big eyes , to close the eyes
Pinyin BIAN3 Jyutping pin2
Total Strokes 18

Records 51 - 100 of 150 retrieved in 231 ms