Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrap ; KangXi radical 20
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU Korean PHO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wrap , pack , bundle ; package
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun TSUTSUMU TSUTSUMI Hangul Korean PHO Tang bau Viet bao

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spore
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to heat ; to boil a saucepan
Pinyin BAO1 BAO4 Jyutping bou1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAO1 On HOU HYOU KOU KYOU Viet vầu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition womb , placenta , fetal membrane
Pinyin BAO1 PAO2 PAO4 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun ENA Hangul Korean PHO Viet bào
Variant U+812C

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a variety of rush ; firm , enduring ; to burst forth
Pinyin BAO1 PAO2 BIAO1 Jyutping baau1 On HOU HYOU Kun TSUTO Hangul Korean PHO Tang bau

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition praise , commend , honor , cite
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping bou1 On HOU Kun HOMERU Hangul Korean PHO Tang bɑu
Variant U+8943

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition commend , honor , cite
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping bou1 On HOU Kun HOMERU
Variant U+8912

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin BAO1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) to push with the body
Pinyin BAO1 Jyutping baau6 biu6 On HAKU GOU GYOU HOU BYOU Kun YAJIRI

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bao1
English to peel ; to skin ; to shell ; to shuck

CEDict 100318
Traditional 剝皮 Simplified 剥皮
Pinyin bao1 pi2
English to skin ; to flay ; to excoriate ; to peel ; to bark at sb ; to physically punish sb

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bao1
English to cover ; to wrap ; to hold ; to include ; to take charge of ; package ; wrapper ; container ; bag ; to hold or embrace ; bundle ; packet ; to contract ( to or for ) ; surname Bao

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包乘 Simplified 包乘
Pinyin bao1 cheng2
English to charter (a car , ship , plane )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包乘制 Simplified 包乘制
Pinyin bao1 cheng2 zhi4
English chartering system

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包乘組 Simplified 包乘组
Pinyin bao1 cheng2 zu3
English chartering charge

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包二奶 Simplified 包二奶
Pinyin bao1 er4 nai3
English to cohabit with and financially support a mistress

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包伙 Simplified 包伙
Pinyin bao1 huo3
English contracted communal meals

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包價旅遊 Simplified 包价旅游
Pinyin bao1 jia4 lu :3 you2
English package holiday

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包剿 Simplified 包剿
Pinyin bao1 jiao3
English to surround and annihilate ( bandits )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包包 Simplified 包包
Pinyin bao1 bao1
English bag or purse etc ; small bump or pimple ; hillock

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包含 Simplified 包含
Pinyin bao1 han2
English to contain ; to embody ; to include

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包囊 Simplified 包囊
Pinyin bao1 nang2
English bundle ; bag

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包圍 Simplified 包围
Pinyin bao1 wei2
English to surround ; to encircle ; to hem in

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包園兒 Simplified 包园儿
Pinyin bao1 yuan2 r5
English buy the whole lot ; finish up or off

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包圓兒 Simplified 包圆儿
Pinyin bao1 yuan2 r5
English to buy the whole lot ; to take everything remaining

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包場 Simplified 包场
Pinyin bao1 chang3
English book a whole theater

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包子 Simplified 包子
Pinyin bao1 zi5
English steamed stuffed bun

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包容 Simplified 包容
Pinyin bao1 rong2
English tolerant ; forgiving ; to pardon ; to forgive ; can contain ; can hold ; to tolerate ; to show tolerance

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包封 Simplified 包封
Pinyin bao1 feng1
English to seal ; to close up a package with a seal

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包層 Simplified 包层
Pinyin bao1 ceng2
English cladding ; covering ( on a fiber )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包工頭 Simplified 包工头
Pinyin bao1 gong1 tou2
English chief labor contractor

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包巾 Simplified 包巾
Pinyin bao1 jin1
English headscarf ; turban

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包干制 Simplified 包干制
Pinyin bao1 gan1 zhi4
English a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包庇 Simplified 包庇
Pinyin bao1 bi4
English shield ; harbor ; cover up

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包廂 Simplified 包厢
Pinyin bao1 xiang1
English box ( in a theater or concert hall )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包扎 Simplified 包扎
Pinyin bao1 za1
English to wrap up ; to bind up ; to pack

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包承制 Simplified 包承制
Pinyin bao1 cheng2 zhi4
English responsible crew system

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包承組 Simplified 包承组
Pinyin bao1 cheng2 zu3
English ( responsible ) crew

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包抄 Simplified 包抄
Pinyin bao1 chao1
English outflank ; envelop

CEDict 100318
Traditional 包括 Simplified 包括
Pinyin bao1 kuo4
English to comprise ; to include ; to involve ; to incorporate ; to consist of

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 224 ms