JMdict 200217
Word 弔問客
Reading ちょうもんきゃく
Translation eng condolence caller Translation ger Trauergast

JMdict 200217
Word 哀悼痛惜
Reading あいとうつうせき
Translation hun gyász ; szomorúság Translation spa condolencia ; duelo ; duelo ; luto ; pesar ; dolor ; lamento
Translation eng condolence ; mourning ; sorrow ; lamentation Translation ger Beileid ; Kondolenz ; Trauer ; Leiden

JMdict 200217
Word 御花料
Reading おはなりょう
Translation eng condolence gift ; gift brought to a ( Christian ) funeral ; flower money
Crossref 香典

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lei3 Reading On ルイ Reading Kun しのびごと Reading Korean roe Reading Korean
Meaning condolence message

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning condolence gift

JMdict 200217

CEDict 100318
Traditional 弔喪 Simplified 吊丧
Pinyin diao4 sang1
English condolences ; a condolence visit

CEDict 100318
Traditional 慰勞 Simplified 慰劳
Pinyin wei4 lao2
English to express sympathy for sb ; to comfort ; condolences

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xi1 ; xi2 Reading On セキ Reading Kun お. しい ; お. しむ Reading Korean seog Reading Korean
Meaning pity ; be sparing of ; frugal ; stingy ; regret Meaning fr regret ; frugal ; radin ; économe Meaning es lastima ; condolencia ; pena ; penoso ; lamentable ; condolerse ; sentir ; estimar Meaning pt compaixão ; poupar ; frugal ; mesquinho

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xi1 ; xi2 Reading On セキ Reading Kun お. しい ; お. しむ Reading Korean seog Reading Korean
Meaning pity ; be sparing of ; frugal ; stingy ; regret Meaning fr regret ; frugal ; radin ; économe Meaning es lastima ; condolencia ; pena ; penoso ; lamentable ; condolerse ; sentir ; estimar Meaning pt compaixão ; poupar ; frugal ; mesquinho

JMdict 200217
Word 哀弔
Reading あいちょう
Translation spa condolencias compasivas
Translation eng sympathetic condolences Translation ger Betrauern ( den Tod eines Menschen )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dao4 Reading On トウ Reading Kun いた .む Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning lament ; grieve over Meaning fr déplorer ; se lamenter ; deuil Meaning es lamentar ; afligirse ; condolerse Meaning pt lamento ; sentir pesar

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dao4 Reading On トウ Reading Kun いた .む Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning lament ; grieve over Meaning fr déplorer ; se lamenter ; deuil Meaning es lamentar ; afligirse ; condolerse Meaning pt lamento ; sentir pesar

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