JMdict 100319
Reading シンパセティック
Translation eng sympathetic Translation ger mitfühlend ; verständnisvoll ; sympathisch

JMdict 100319
Reading シンポ
Translation eng sympathetic ; symposium Translation ger Symposium ; ( Abk . ; z.B. in Zeitungen verwendet )

JMdict 100319
Word 共振
Reading きょうしん
Translation eng resonance ; sympathetic vibration Translation ger {Phys .} Resonanz

JMdict 100319
Word 共鳴
Reading きょうめい
Translation eng resonance ; sympathetic ( sound ) ; ( being in ) sympathy Translation ger Resonanz ; Mittönen ; Nachklang ; Anklang ; Widerhall ; Mitgefühl ; Sympathie Translation fre résonance ; sympathie

JMdict 100319
Word 交感神経
Reading こうかんしんけい
Translation eng sympathetic nerves Translation ger {Anat .} sympathischer Nerv ; Sympathikus

JMdict 100319
Reading いき ; すい
Translation eng chic ; stylish ; refined ; sophisticated ; smart ; understanding ; sympathetic ; the best Translation fre élégance ; chic ; coquet ; de bon goût ; raffiné

CEDict 100318
Traditional 交感神經 Simplified 交感神经
Pinyin jiao1 gan3 shen2 jing1
English sympathetic nervous system

CEDict 100318
Traditional 共鳴 Simplified 共鸣
Pinyin gong4 ming2
English physical resonance ; sympathetic response to sth

CEDict 100318
Traditional 惻隱 Simplified 恻隐
Pinyin ce4 yin3
English sympathetic ; empathetic

CEDict 100318
Traditional 有同情心 Simplified 有同情心
Pinyin you3 tong2 qing2 xin1
English sympathetic

CEDict 100318
Traditional 諧振 Simplified 谐振
Pinyin xie2 zhen4
English resonance ; sympathetic vibration

JMdict 200217
Reading シンパセティック
Translation hun megértő ; rokonszenvező Translation swe sympatetisk
Translation eng sympathetic Translation ger mitfühlend ; verständnisvoll ; sympathisch

JMdict 200217
Reading シンポ
Translation hun megértő ; rokonszenvező
Translation eng sympathetic ; symposium Translation ger Symposium

JMdict 200217
Word 哀弔
Reading あいちょう
Translation spa condolencias compasivas
Translation eng sympathetic condolences Translation ger Betrauern ( den Tod eines Menschen )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading いき ; すい
Translation dut knap ; verzorgd ; keurig ; mooi ; chic ; stijlvol ; elegant ; modieus ; deftig ; attent ; kies ; inlevend ; begrijpend ; begripvol ; meevoelend ; invoelend ; empathisch Translation hun megszólítás ; modor Translation slv stil ; čistost ; bistvo Translation spa clase ; finura
Translation eng chic ; smart ; stylish ; tasteful ; refined ; sophisticated ; worldly ( esp . in terms of being familiar with the red light district , geishas and actors ) ; considerate ; understanding ; sympathetic ; essence ; the best ; the cream Translation ger Eleganz ; Schick ; Feinheit ; Geschmack ; schick ; elegant ; fein ; geschmackvoll ; ästhetisch ; taktvoll ; verständnisvoll ; feinfühlig ; Wesen ; Essenz ; Beste ; Auslese ; fein ; elegant ; geschmackvoll ; modisch ; Rücksicht ; Takt Translation fre élégance ; chic ; coquet ; de bon goût ; raffiné Translation rus очаровательный ; изящный ; стильный ; со вкусом ; изысканный , утончённый ; очарование ; изящество ; шик ; очаровательный ; изящный ; стильный ; со вкусом {~な} ; 1) суть , квинтэссенция ; чистота , подлинность ; 2) лучшее , цвет ( чего-л .) ; 3) хороший вкус , утончённость ; элегантность ; изысканный , утончённый {~な} ; 4) такт , внимательность ; 5) ( уст .) разгульная жизнь

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 交感神經 Simplified 交感神经
Pinyin jiao1 gan3 shen2 jing1
English sympathetic nervous system

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 有同情心 Simplified 有同情心
Pinyin you3 tong2 qing2 xin1
English sympathetic

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 諧振 Simplified 谐振
Pinyin xie2 zhen4
English resonance ; sympathetic vibration

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 共鳴 Simplified 共鸣
Pinyin gong4 ming2
English resonance ( physics ) ; sympathetic response to sth

JMdict 100319
Word 哀弔
Reading あいちょう
Translation eng sympathetic condolences Translation ger Betrauern ; ( den Tod eines Menschen )

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