Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to carve wood
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun KIZAMU Hangul Korean LOK
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toad
Pinyin CHAN2 Jyutping sim4 On SEN Kun HIKIGAERU Hangul Korean SEM Tang zhiɛm
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character 調 Definition transfer , move , change ; tune
Pinyin DIAO4 TIAO4 TIAO2 ZHOU1 Jyutping deu6 diu6 tiu4 On CHOU Kun TOTONOU SHIRABERU YAWARAGU Hangul Korean CO CWU Tang *dhèu dheu Viet điều
Simplified U+8C03

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping lik1
Traditional U+6AEA
Four-Corner Code 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition 10th terrestrial branch ; a wine vessel
Pinyin YOU3 Jyutping jau5 On YUU Kun TORI MINORU Hangul Korean YU Viet dấu
Variant U+4E23
Hong Kong proper shape 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cover over , hide ; narrow-necked
Pinyin YAN3 YAN1 Jyutping jim2 On EN KAN KON DAN NAN Kun OOU Hangul Korean KAM
KPS 10721-2000 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition return ; repeat ; repeatedly
Pinyin FU4 FOU4 Jyutping fau6 fuk6 On FUKU Kun KAERU KAESU MATA Hangul Korean POK PWU Tang *bhiuk bhiòu
Simplified U+590D Variant U+8986
JIS X 0208-1990 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition grope , press , span
Pinyin ZHAN3 ZHA4 Jyutping zaa6
GB 7589-87 4192

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin MO4
GB 7590-87 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bright , shining , brilliant
Pinyin YU4 Jyutping juk1 On IKU IU OU Kun KAGAYAKU Hangul Korean WUK UP
JIS X 0212-1990 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sacrificial animal ; animal
Pinyin SHENG1 Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun IKENIE Hangul Korean SAYNG Tang shræng Viet sinh
GB 12345-90 4192 GB 2312-80 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition make move , take action
Pinyin ZHAO2 ZHE5 ZHAO1 ZHUO2 Jyutping zau1 zau2 zoek3 zoek6 On CHAKU JAKU Kun KIRU TSUKU Hangul Korean CHAK Tang *djiɑk djiɑk
Traditional U+8457
PRC Telegraph Code 4192 Taiwan Telegraph 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to examine ; to study ; to investigate exhaustively
Pinyin JIU4 Jyutping gau3
Unicode Code Point 4192

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kong1 ; kong4 Reading On クウ Reading Kun そら ; あ.く ; あ.き ; あ. ける ; から ; す.く ; す. かす ; むな . しい Nanori うつ ; き ; く Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning empty ; sky ; void ; vacant ; vacuum Meaning fr vide ; ciel ; vacant ; creux Meaning es cielo ; atmósfera ; vacío ; vacante ; quedarse vacío ; vaciar Meaning pt esvaziar ; ceú ; desocupado ; vazio ; vácuo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4192

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chan2 Reading On セン Reading Korean seom Reading Korean
Meaning toad
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to carve wood
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun KIZAMU Hangul : 1N Korean LOK
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition toad
Pinyin chán Jyutping sim4 On SEN Kun HIKIGAERU Hangul : 0N Korean SEM Tang zhiɛm
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character 調 Definition transfer , move , change ; tune
Pinyin diào Jyutping deu6 diu6 tiu4 On CHOU Kun TOTONOU SHIRABERU YAWARAGU Hangul : 0E :N Korean CO CWU Tang *dhèu dheu Viet điều
Simplified U+8C03

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition type of oak ; stable
Pinyin Jyutping lik1
Traditional U+6AEA
Four-Corner Code 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition 10th terrestrial branch ; a wine vessel
Pinyin yǒu Jyutping jau5 On YUU Kun TORI MINORU Hangul : 0E Korean YU Viet dấu
Variant U+4E23
Hong Kong proper shape 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cover over , hide ; narrow-necked
Pinyin yǎn Jyutping jim2 On EN KAN KON DAN NAN Kun OOU Hangul : 1N Korean KAM
KPS 10721-2000 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition return ; repeat ; repeatedly
Pinyin Jyutping fau6 fuk6 On FUKU Kun KAERU KAESU MATA Hangul : 0E : 0N Korean POK PWU Tang *bhiuk bhiòu
Simplified U+590D Variant U+8986
JIS X 0208-1990 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition grope , press , span
Pinyin zhǎ Jyutping zaa6
GB 7589-87 4192

Unicode 12.1
GB 7590-87 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bright , shining , brilliant
Pinyin Jyutping juk1 On IKU IU OU Kun KAGAYAKU Hangul : 0N Korean WUK UP
JIS X 0212-1990 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sacrificial animal ; animal
Pinyin shēng Jyutping saang1 sang1 On SEI SHOU Kun IKENIE Hangul : 0N Korean SAYNG Tang shræng Viet sinh
GB 12345-90 4192 GB 2312-80 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition make move , take action
Pinyin zhe Jyutping zau1 zau2 zoek3 zoek6 On CHAKU JAKU Kun KIRU TSUKU Hangul : 0E Korean CHAK Tang *djiɑk djiɑk
Traditional U+8457
PRC Telegraph Code 4192 Taiwan Telegraph 4192

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ( corrupted form of ) to examine ; to study ; to investigate exhaustively
Pinyin jiù Jyutping gau3
Unicode Code Point 4192

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chan2 Reading On セン Reading Korean seom Reading Korean
Meaning toad
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 4192

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ji2 Reading On キュウ Reading Kun およ .ぶ ; およ .び ; および ; およ . ぼす Nanori おい ; の Reading Korean geub Reading Korean
Meaning reach out ; exert ; exercise ; cause Meaning fr allonger ; tendre le bras ; exercice ; s'étendre ; causer Meaning es alcanzar ; llegar a ; y ; tocar ; extenderse ; causar Meaning pt alcance fora ; exerce ; exercício
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 4192

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin kong1 ; kong4 Reading On クウ Reading Kun そら ; あ.く ; あ.き ; あ. ける ; から ; す.く ; す. かす ; むな . しい Nanori うつ ; き ; く Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning empty ; sky ; void ; vacant ; vacuum Meaning fr vide ; ciel ; vacant ; creux Meaning es cielo ; atmósfera ; vacío ; vacante ; quedarse vacío ; vaciar Meaning pt esvaziar ; ceú ; desocupado ; vazio ; vácuo
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 4192

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to bump
Pinyin TING2 TING1 CHENG2 Jyutping caang4 ting1 On TOU JOU TEI CHOU Kun TSUKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition axe-handle ; stalk , bough ; surname
Pinyin KE1 Jyutping o1 On KA Kun E Hangul Korean KA Tang

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to bump
Pinyin chéng Jyutping caang4 ting1 On TOU JOU TEI CHOU Kun TSUKU Hangul :N

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition axe-handle ; stalk , bough ; surname
Pinyin Jyutping o1 On KA Kun E Hangul : 0N Korean KA Tang

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cross-beams of roof
Pinyin HENG2 HANG2 HANG4 Jyutping haang4 hang4 hong4 hong6 On KOU Kun KETA Hangul Korean HANG HYENG Tang hɑ̀ng Viet hành
Variant U+822A

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin YAN3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cross-beams of roof
Pinyin héng Jyutping haang4 hang4 hong4 hong6 On KOU Kun KETA Hangul : 0N Korean HANG HYENG Tang hɑ̀ng Viet hành
Variant U+822A

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin yǎn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strike , hit , beat , hammer
Pinyin ZHUO2 Jyutping doek3 On TAKU Kun TATAKU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition strike , hit , beat , hammer
Pinyin zhuó Jyutping doek3 On TAKU Kun TATAKU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition decayed , rotten ; rot , decay
Pinyin XIU3 Jyutping jau2 nau2 On KYUU Kun KUCHIRU Hangul Korean HWU Tang xiǒu Viet hủ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition loquat
Pinyin WU1 Jyutping wu1 On O U KO GO Kun KOTE NURU Viet ô

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition type of oak ; stable

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition handle , lever , knob ; authority
Pinyin BING3 BING4 Jyutping beng3 bing3 On HEI HYOU Kun E GARA TSUKA Hangul Korean PYENG Tang biæ̀ng Viet bính

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition king-post
Pinyin ER2 Jyutping ji4 On JI NI Kun MASUGATA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition headboard
Pinyin MA4 MA3 Jyutping maa5 maa6
Simplified U+6769

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Ailanthus glandulosa or A. altissima , a kind of tree useless as timber
Pinyin CHU1 SHU1 Jyutping syu1 On CHO Kun OUCHI Hangul Korean CE Tang chio Viet vụ

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