JMdict 100319
Reading ふんだん
Translation eng plentiful ; abundant ; lavish Translation ger reichlich ; genügend

JMdict 100319
Word 厚い ; 篤い
Reading あつい
Translation eng thick ; deep ; heavy ; kind ; cordial ; hospitable ; warm ; faithful ; serious ( of an illness ) ; abundant Translation ger dick ; dicht ; schwer ; stark ; herzlich ; aufrichtig ; teilnehmend ; warmherzig ; liebevoll Translation fre aimable ; chaleureux ; cordial Translation rus толстый плоских предметах )

JMdict 100319
Word 豊か
Reading ゆたか
Translation eng abundant ; wealthy ; plentiful ; rich ; affluent Translation ger reich ; reichlich ; ergiebig ; genügend ; üppig ; viel ; in Hülle und Fülle ; in Mengen ; bemittelt ; vermögend ; wohlhabend Translation fre abondant ; copieux ; nombreux ; riche ; somptueux

JMdict 100319
Word 豊作
Reading ほうさく
Translation eng abundant harvest ; bumper crop Translation ger gute Ernte ; reiche Ernte Translation fre bonne récolte ; moisson abondante ; récolte exceptionnelle

JMdict 100319
Word 豊熟
Reading ほうじゅく
Translation eng abundant harvest Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; reiche Ernte

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 夥しい
Reading おびただしい
Translation eng large number ; innumerable ; great many ; immense ; vast ; abundant Translation ger unermesslich ; enorm ; immens ; unzählig ; zahllos ; zahlreich ; heftig Translation fre considérable ; innombrable

JMdict 100319
Word 紆余
Reading うよ
Translation eng meandering ; beating around the bush ; abundant talent Translation ger Winden ; Gelassenheit ; Gemütlichkeit

JMdict 100319
Word 豊潤
Reading ほうじゅん
Translation eng rich and prosperous ; luxurious ; abundant Translation ger Reichtum ; Üppigkeit

JMdict 100319
Word 豊穣
Reading ほうじょう
Translation eng good harvest ; abundant crop Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Fruchtbarkeit

JMdict 100319
Word 樹海
Reading じゅかい
Translation eng sea of trees ; broad expanse of dense woodland ; abundant leafage Translation ger riesiger Wald ; Meer von Bäumen

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充份 Simplified 充份
Pinyin chong1 fen4
English ample ; sufficient ; abundant ; full

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充分 Simplified 充分
Pinyin chong1 fen4
English full ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充暢 Simplified 充畅
Pinyin chong1 chang4
English abundant and fluent ; affluent and smooth

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充沛 Simplified 充沛
Pinyin chong1 pei4
English abundant ; plentiful ; vigorous

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充盈 Simplified 充盈
Pinyin chong1 ying2
English abundant ; plentiful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充裕 Simplified 充裕
Pinyin chong1 yu4
English abundant ; ample ; plenty ; abundance

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充足 Simplified 充足
Pinyin chong1 zu2
English adequate ; sufficient ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yi4
English abundant ; graceful

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin kang1
English healthy ; peaceful ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pei4
English copious ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xu3
English abundant ; bright ; strain spirits

CEDict 100318
Traditional 無虞匱乏 Simplified 无虞匮乏
Pinyin wu2 yu2 kui4 fa2
English no fear of deficiency ; sufficient ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ang4
English abundant ; bowl ; dish ; pot

CEDict 100318
Traditional 盎然 Simplified 盎然
Pinyin ang4 ran2
English abundant ; full ; overflowing ; exuberant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rang2
English surname Rang ; abundant ; stalk of grain

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu1
English abundant ; ample ; at ease ; relaxed ; to free from ; to relieve

CEDict 100318
Traditional 萋萋 Simplified 萋萋
Pinyin qi1 qi1
English luxuriant ; lavish ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 蓬蓬 Simplified 蓬蓬
Pinyin peng2 peng2
English luxuriant ; abundant ; booming sound of wind ( onomatopoeia )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fen2
English hemp seeds ; luxurious ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yu4
English abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin feng1
English surname Feng ; abundant ; plentiful ; great

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豐富 Simplified 丰富
Pinyin feng1 fu4
English to enrich ; rich ; plentiful ; abundant

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豐水 Simplified 丰水
Pinyin feng1 shui3
English abundant water ; high water level

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豐美 Simplified 丰美
Pinyin feng1 mei3
English abundant and prosperous

CEDict 100318
Traditional 豐足 Simplified 丰足
Pinyin feng1 zu2
English abundant ; plenty

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ta4
English abundant ; mixed

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fu4
English abundant ; mound

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin rao2
English rich ; abundant ; exuberant ; to add for free ; to throw in as bonus ; to spare ; to forgive ; despite ; although ; surname Rao

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フ ; フウ Reading Kun と.む ; とみ Nanori と ; とん ; ふっ Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning wealth ; enrich ; abundant Meaning fr fortune ; richesse ; abondance Meaning es riqueza ; fortuna ; ser rico ; hacerse rico Meaning pt riqueza ; enriquecer ; abundante

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フ ; フウ Reading Kun と.む ; とみ Nanori Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning enrich ; wealthy ; abundant

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On ユウ Nanori すけ ; のり ; ひろ ; ひろし ; やす ; ゆ ; ゆたか Reading Korean yu Reading Korean
Meaning abundant ; rich ; fertile Meaning fr abondant ; riche ; fertile ; opulent ; aisé Meaning es abundante ; rico ; fértil Meaning pt fértil ; rico ; abundante

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xuan1 Reading On ケン ; カン Reading Korean seon ; hweon Reading Korean ;
Meaning abundant ; generous

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pang4 ; pan2 Reading On ハン Nanori ゆたか ; なお ; ひろ Reading Korean ban Reading Korean
Meaning half a sacrifice ; ribs ; abundant ; plentiful

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tian3 Reading On テン Reading Kun あつ .い Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning much ; abundant ; kind ; considerate

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin rao2 Reading On ジョウ ; ニョウ Reading Kun ゆたか Nanori ぬう ; の ; よ Reading Korean yo Reading Korean
Meaning abundant

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin feng1 Reading On ホウ ; フ ; フウ Reading Kun みめよ .い ; しげ .る Reading Korean bong
Meaning abundant ; lush ; bountiful ; plenty ; fat face ; luxurious growth of grass

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pang2 ; mang3 Reading On ボウ ; モ ; モウ Reading Kun はっきり . しない
Meaning abundant ; mixed

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xu3 Reading On ショ Reading Kun こ.す ; きよ .い ; したみ Reading Korean seo
Meaning to strain spirits ; dregs ; lees ; river in Guangxi ; abundant ; bright

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