Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jug , winecup , goblet ; square
Pinyin Jyutping gu1 On KO Kun SAKAZUKI Hangul : 1N Korean KO

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a monkey with yellow hair
Pinyin náo Jyutping naau4 On DOU NOU JUU NYUU Kun SARU Hangul : 1N Korean NO Tang nɑu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bright
Pinyin jiǒng Jyutping wing6
Traditional U+71B2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition evening meal , supper ; cooked food
Pinyin sūn Jyutping syun1 On SON Kun BANMESHI Hangul : 1N Korean SON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stir and cook
Pinyin chā
Traditional U+9937

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spoiled , rotten , stale , rancid
Pinyin sōu Jyutping sau1
Traditional U+993F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fill , be full , supply
Pinyin chōng Jyutping cung1 On JUU SHUU Kun ATERU MICHIRU MITASU Hangul : 0E Korean CHWUNG Tang chiung Viet sung

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slight , insult , treat with disrespect
Pinyin xiè Jyutping sit3
Traditional U+893B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition small lump of meat ; sliced meat
Pinyin luán Jyutping lyun5
Traditional U+81E0

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition collect , gather , assemble ; praise
Pinyin póu Jyutping fau4 pau4 On HOU Kun HOMERU Hangul : 1N Korean PWU Viet bâu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition spots , moles ; birthmark
Pinyin zhì Jyutping zi3 On SHI Kun HOKURO AZA Hangul : 1N Korean CI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition consumption ; tuberculosis
Pinyin láo Jyutping lou4
Traditional U+7646

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping ng4 ng6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dyspepsia , spleen infection
Pinyin Jyutping pei2 On HI Kun TSUKAE Hangul : 1N Korean PI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a swelling of the lymph nodes
Pinyin cuó Jyutping co4 On SA ZA Kun ENOGO HARIMONO Hangul : 1N Korean CWA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition epilepsy , convulsions
Pinyin xián Jyutping haan4
Traditional U+7647

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cholera ; colic
Pinyin shā Jyutping saa1 On SA Kun KORERA Hangul : 1N Korean SA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition absurd , foolish , reckless ; false
Pinyin wàng Jyutping mong5 On BOU MOU Kun MIDARI MIDARINI Hangul : 0E Korean MANG Tang miɑ̀ng

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition continue
Pinyin gēng Jyutping gang1
Traditional U+8CE1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition revere , respect , be in awe of
Pinyin sǒng Jyutping sung2 On SHOU Kun TSUTSUSHIMU OSORERU SUKUMU Hangul : 1N Korean SONG

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jar , pot
Pinyin Jyutping pau2 On HOU BU FU Kun KAME

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition only , merely ; just like ; stop at
Pinyin chì Jyutping ci3 On SHI Kun TADA Hangul : 1N Korean SI

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chin
Pinyin Jyutping hoi4
Traditional U+9826

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition silver pheasant , Lophura nycthemera ; Lophura species ( various )
Pinyin xián Jyutping haan4
Traditional U+9DF3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition door screen ; railing fence
Pinyin lán Jyutping laan4
Traditional U+95CC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition alone ; quiet , still
Pinyin Jyutping gwik1
Traditional U+95C3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition close , shut ; watch tower
Pinyin què Jyutping kyut3
Traditional U+95CB

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to mash rice
Pinyin Jyutping sai1 On SEI SAI Kun KOGOME

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition shut , close ; obstruct , block up
Pinyin Jyutping bai3
Traditional U+9589

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition strong , unyielding , forceful
Pinyin qiú Jyutping cau4 On SHUU Kun SEMARU TSUYOI Hangul : 1N Korean CWU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition breed in large numbers
Pinyin Jyutping zi1 On SHI JI Kun UMU SHIGERU Korean CA
Variant U+5B76

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boil vegetables for a very short time ; scald
Pinyin chāo Jyutping coek3 zoek3 On SHAKU TOKU TAKU Kun AKIRAKA Hangul : 1N Korean CAK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fire , flames ; bright , shining
Pinyin kūn Jyutping gwan1 On KON Kun KAGAYAKU Hangul : 1N Korean HON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dry over slow fire ; bake ; roast
Pinyin bèi Jyutping bui6 On HOU HAI HOI Kun ABURU Hangul : 0N Korean PAY Viet vùi

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flames
Pinyin yàn Jyutping jim6 On EN KEKI KYAKU Kun HONOO Hangul : 1N Korean HYEK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pelican
Pinyin Jyutping tai4
Traditional U+9D5C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition deep ; profound ; clear ; tranquil , placid
Pinyin zhàn Jyutping daam1 zaam3 On TAN CHIN Kun TATAERU SHIZUMU Hangul : 0N Korean TAM CHIM Tang djhæ̌m Viet đậm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beating of ocean ; surging of water
Pinyin xiè Jyutping sit3 On SETSU CHOU Kun SARAU CHIRU YAMERU Hangul : 0N Korean SEL CEP

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bury , sink , block up ; stain
Pinyin yān Jyutping jan1 jin1 On IN EN Kun SHIZUMU FUSAGU Hangul : 0N Korean IN

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ask about , inquire after
Pinyin wèn Jyutping man6
Traditional U+554F

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flushed with drink , drunk
Pinyin miǎn Jyutping min5 On BEN MEN Kun OBORERU SHIZUMU Hangul : 1N Korean MYEN Viet giờn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition transparent , clear
Pinyin shí Jyutping sat6 zik6 On SHOKU JIKI Kun KIYOI Hangul : 0N Korean SIK

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition name of a river in Shanxi
Pinyin wèi Jyutping wai6 On I Kun IKU SHIKU Hangul : 0N Korean WI Tang *hiuə̀i Viet ngan vây

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rapid water current , rapids
Pinyin tuān Jyutping teon1 On TAN Kun HAYASE HAYAI Hangul : 0N Korean TAN Tang tuɑn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a small pond ; a damp and narrow place
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping zau1 ziu2 On SHOU SHUU Kun KUTE Hangul : 0N Korean CHWU Tang tsiou

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition urinate ; soak , drench
Pinyin sōu Jyutping sau1 On SOU SHUU Kun HITASU IBARI Hangul : 1N Korean SWU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition river in qinghai province
Pinyin huáng Jyutping wong4 On KOU KYOU Kun HORI KUBOCHI Hangul : 0N Korean HWANG Tang huɑng
Variant U+6CC1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition river in Hunan
Pinyin Jyutping zeoi6
Traditional U+6F35

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition flow
Pinyin yuán Jyutping jyun4 wun4 On KAN EN Kun KYOI Hangul : 0N Korean WEN HWAN Tang hyɛn Viet bợn

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wash , cleanse ; purge
Pinyin jiān Jyutping zin1 On SEN SAN Kun ARAU Hangul : 1N Korean CEN

Records 51 - 100 of 111 retrieved in 1863 ms