Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) with a charming ; slim carriage ( of a woman ), pretty
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 seoi1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( said of a woman ) with a charming sprightly carriage ; slim ; delicate and beautiful
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition high and lofty
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping muk6 niu5

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a kind of stone , bends ; curves ; turns and twists of the mountains
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the buttocks ; the rump , fat ; plump , one of the seven constellations ; name of a star , the anus
Pinyin NIAO3 ZHUO2 Jyutping doek3 duk1 zaa1

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition an appliance for walking on the sands ( as boat for river ; car for highway )
Pinyin NIAO3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) curling up , as smoke ; wavering gently , around ; all around
Pinyin NIAO3 XING4 Jyutping niu5

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slender and delicate
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 On JOU JAKU DEKI Kun TAOYAKA SHINAYAKA Hangul Korean NYO YAK Tang *něu
Variant U+5B1D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition delicate ; graceful
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 On JOU Kun TAOYAKA
Variant U+88CA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition frolic , play with ; flirt with ; ( Cant .) angry
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping nau1 niu5 On JOU Kun NABURU Hangul Korean NYO

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the convovulvus ; parasitic plants such as mistletoe ; Ribes ambiguum
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5
Traditional U+8526

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the convovulvus ; parasitic plants such as mistletoe ; Ribes ambiguum
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 On CHOU Kun TSUTA Hangul Korean CO
Simplified U+8311

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curling upwards ; wavering gently
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5
Traditional U+88CA Variant U+5B1D

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curling upwards ; wavering gently
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 On JOU NYOU Kun SHINAYAKA Hangul Korean NYO Tang *něu Viet nẻo
Simplified U+8885 Variant U+5B1D

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NIAO3 Jyutping niu5 Tang něu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bird ; KangXi radical 196
Pinyin NIAO3 DIAO3 DAO3 QUE4 Jyutping niu5 On CHOU Kun TORI Hangul Korean CO Tang *děu Viet điểu
Simplified U+9E1F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bird ; KangXi radical 196
Pinyin NIAO3 DIAO3 Jyutping niu5
Traditional U+9CE5

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢶑 Definition ( same as U+22E23 𢸣 ) to select , pick
Pinyin NIAO3 Viet níu

Unicode 5.2
Character 𢸣 Definition to select , pick
Pinyin NIAO3

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English delicate ; graceful

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English delicate ; graceful

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English tease ; disturb

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English grossulariaceae

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English delicate ; graceful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 裊娜 Simplified 袅娜
Pinyin niao3 nuo2
English slim and graceful

CEDict 100318
Traditional 裊裊婷婷 Simplified 袅袅婷婷
Pinyin niao3 niao3 ting2 ting2
English ( of a woman ) elegant and supple

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
Variant | [ niao3 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niao3
English bird

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥不生蛋 Simplified 鸟不生蛋
Pinyin niao3 bu4 sheng1 dan4
English deserted ( of a place )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥兒 Simplified 鸟儿
Pinyin niao3 r5
English bird

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥卵 Simplified 鸟卵
Pinyin niao3 luan3
English bird's egg

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥嘌呤 Simplified 鸟嘌呤
Pinyin niao3 piao4 ling4
English guanine nucleotide (G, pairs with cytosine C 胞嘧啶 in DNA and RNA )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥嘴 Simplified 鸟嘴
Pinyin niao3 zui3
English beak

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥屋 Simplified 鸟屋
Pinyin niao3 wu1
English birdhouse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥巢 Simplified 鸟巢
Pinyin niao3 chao2
English bird's nest ; nickname for Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥槍 Simplified 鸟枪
Pinyin niao3 qiang1
English fowling piece ( archaic gun )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥機 Simplified 鸟机
Pinyin niao3 ji1
English fowling piece ( archaic gun )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥澡盆 Simplified 鸟澡盆
Pinyin niao3 zao3 pen2
English birdbath

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥獸 Simplified 鸟兽
Pinyin niao3 shou4
English birds and beasts ; fauna

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥獸散 Simplified 鸟兽散
Pinyin niao3 shou4 san4
English to scatter like birds and beasts

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥疫 Simplified 鸟疫
Pinyin niao3 yi4
English ornithosis

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥疫衣原體 Simplified 鸟疫衣原体
Pinyin niao3 yi4 yi1 yuan2 ti3
English Chlamydia ornithosis

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鳥眼 Simplified 鸟眼
Pinyin niao3 yan3
English bird's eye

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 406 ms