Unicode 5.2
Character Definition logical reasons , logical order
Pinyin LUN2 Jyutping leon4
Traditional U+4F96

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition kwukyel
Korean SYA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition granary ; berth ; sea
Pinyin CANG1 Jyutping cong1
Traditional U+5009

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rely upon ; protector ; fight ; war , weaponry
Pinyin ZHANG4 Jyutping zoeng3 zoeng6 On JOU Kun YORU MAMORI TSUWAMONO Hangul Korean CANG Tang djhiɑ̀ng djhiɑ̌ng Viet trượng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Taoist super-being , transcendent , immortal
Pinyin XIAN1 Jyutping sin1 On SEN Kun SENNIN SENTO Hangul Korean SEN Tang *siɛn siɛn Viet tiên
Variant U+50CA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ceremony , rites gifts ; admire
Pinyin YI2 Jyutping ji4
Traditional U+5100

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition raise the head to look ; look up to , rely on , admire
Pinyin YANG3 YANG4 ANG2 Jyutping joeng5 ngong5 On GYOU KOU Kun AOGU OOSE AORU Hangul Korean ANG Tang *ngiɑ̌ng ngiɑ̌ng Viet ngưỡng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition middle brother ; go between , mediator ; surname
Pinyin ZHONG4 Jyutping zung6 On CHUU Kun NAKA Hangul Korean CWUNG Tang *djhiùng djhiùng

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition plan a project ; stand on tiptoe
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping kei2 kei5 On KI Kun KUWADATERU KUWADATE Hangul Korean KI Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition third person pronoun ; he , she , this , that
Pinyin YI1 Jyutping ji1 On I Kun KORE KARE TADA Hangul Korean I Tang *qi qi Viet y

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition five , company of five ; troops Value 5
Pinyin WU3 Jyutping ng5 On GO Kun KUMI ITSUTSU Hangul Korean O Viet ngũ
Variant U+4E94

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rest , stop ; retire ; do not!
Pinyin XIU1 Jyutping jau1 On KYUU KU Kun YASUMU IKOU YAMERU Hangul Korean HYU Tang *xiou xiou Viet hưu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition companion , colleague ; utensils
Pinyin HUO3 HUO5 Jyutping fo2 On KA Kun HI HO Korean HWA
Variant U+5925

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition normal human relationships
Pinyin LUN2 Jyutping leon4
Traditional U+502B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition older brother ; father's elder brother ; senior male 'sire' ; feudal rank 'count'
Pinyin BO2 BAI3 BA4 Jyutping baa3 baak3 On HAKU HA Kun OSA HATAGASHIRA Hangul Korean PAYK PHAY Tang bæk Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition merchant ; estimate , guess , presume
Pinyin GU1 GU3 GU4 Jyutping gu2 gu3 On KO Kun AKINAU ATAI Hangul Korean KO Tang

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition companion , comrade , partner ; accompany
Pinyin BAN4 PAN4 Jyutping bun6 pun5 On HAN BAN Kun TOMONAU TOMO Hangul Korean PAN Tang *bhɑ̌n bhɑ̌n Viet bạn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition extend , stretch out , open up ; trust
Pinyin SHEN1 Jyutping san1 On SHIN Kun NOBIRU NOBASU Hangul Korean SIN Tang *shin shin

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spread , publicize , announce
Pinyin BU4 Jyutping bou3 On HO HU Kun AMANESHI Hangul Korean PHO
Variant U+5E03

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition occupy by force , usurp ; possess
Pinyin ZHAN4 Jyutping zim3 On CHIN SEN Kun MIRU UKAGAU SHIMERU Hangul Korean CEM
Variant U+5360

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition what , why , where , which , how
Pinyin HE2 HE4 Jyutping ho4 ho6 On KA GA Kun NANI NANZO IZUKU Hangul Korean HA Tang *hɑ

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition I, my , me ; surname ; surplus
Pinyin YU2 XU2 Jyutping jyu4 On YO Kun AMARU WARE AMARI Hangul Korean YE Tang *iu iu Viet
Simplified U+4F59 Traditional U+4F59 U+9918

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition Buddha ; of Buddhism ; merciful person ; Buddhist image ; the dead ( Jap .)
Pinyin FO2 FU2 Jyutping bat6 fat1 fat6 On BUTSU FUTSU HOTSU Kun HOTOKE Hangul Korean PWUL PHIL Tang bhiət Viet phật
Variant U+4ECF

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition belt ornament , pendant ; wear at waist , tie to the belt ; respect
Pinyin PEI4 Jyutping pui3 On HAI Kun OBIDAMA OBIRU Hangul Korean PHAY Tang *bhə̀i

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition serve , attend upon ; attendant , servant ; samurai
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping si6 On JI Kun SAMURAI HABERU SABURAU Hangul Korean SI Tang *zhiə̀ zhiə̌

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chivalrous person ; knight-errant
Pinyin XIA2 Jyutping haap6 hap6 On KYOU Kun OTOKODATE KYAN Korean HYEP KYEP
Traditional U+4FE0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spy , reconnoiter ; detective
Pinyin ZHEN1 ZHENG1 Jyutping zing1
Traditional U+5075

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side ; incline , slant , lean
Pinyin CE4 ZE4 Jyutping zak1
Traditional U+5074

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sojourn , lodge
Pinyin QIAO2 Jyutping kiu4
Traditional U+50D1

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition marquis , lord ; target in archery
Pinyin HOU2 HOU4 Jyutping hau4 hau6 On KOU Kun MATO KIMI Hangul Korean HWU Tang *hou hou Viet hậu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition invade , encroach upon , raid
Pinyin QIN1 Jyutping cam1 On SHIN Kun OKASU Hangul Korean CHIM Tang *tsim tsim Viet xâm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition urge , press , hurry ; close
Pinyin CU4 Jyutping cuk1 On SOKU Kun UNAGASU SEMARU Hangul Korean CHOK Tang *tsiok tsiok Viet xúc

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition social customs ; vulgar , unrefined
Pinyin SU2 Jyutping zuk6 On ZOKU Kun NARAWASHI Hangul Korean SOK Tang *ziok ziok Viet tục

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chivalrous person ; knight-errant
Pinyin XIA2 Jyutping haap6 hap6 On KYOU Kun OTOKODATE KYAN Hangul Korean HYEP KYEP Tang hep Viet hiệp
Simplified U+4FA0

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition all , together ; accompany
Pinyin JU4 Jyutping geoi1 keoi1 On KU Kun TOMONI Hangul Korean KWU Viet câu
Variant U+5036

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition granary ; berth ; sea
Pinyin CANG1 Jyutping cong1 On SOU Kun KURA Hangul Korean CHANG Tang *tsɑng tsɑng
Simplified U+4ED3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition times , fold , multiple times
Pinyin BEI4 Jyutping pui5 On BAI Kun SOMUKU MASU Hangul Korean PAY PHAY Tang bhəǐ Viet bội

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lucky , fortunate ; dote on , spoil
Pinyin XING4 Jyutping hang6 On KOU Kun SAIWAI Hangul Korean HAYNG Tang *hɛ̌ng hɛ̌ng Viet hãnh
Variant U+5E78

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rely on , depend on ; lean heavily
Pinyin YI3 Jyutping ji2 On I KI Kun YORU TANOMU Hangul Korean UY KI Tang *gyɛ̌ gyɛ̌ Viet

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition borrow ; lend ; make pretext of
Pinyin JIE4 Jyutping ze3 On SHAKU SHA SEKI Kun KARIRU KARI TATOI Hangul Korean CHA CEK Tang *tzià Viet
Variant U+85C9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition normal human relationships
Pinyin LUN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Kun TAGUI TSUIDE MICHI Hangul Korean LYUN Tang luin Viet luân
Simplified U+4F26 Variant U+F9D4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition upset , pour out , overflow
Pinyin QING1 Jyutping king1
Traditional U+50BE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition great , robust ; extraordinary
Pinyin WEI3 Jyutping wai5 On I Kun ERAI Hangul Korean WI Viet
Simplified U+4F1F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition inclined one side ; slanting
Pinyin PIAN1 Jyutping pin1 On HEN Kun KATAYORU HITOENI Hangul Korean PHYEN Tang piɛn Viet thiên

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strong , robust , healthy ; strength
Pinyin JIAN4 Jyutping gin6 On KEN Kun SUKOYAKA TAKESHI SHITATAKA Hangul Korean KEN KYEN Tang *ghiæ̀n Viet kiện

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition side ; incline , slant , lean
Pinyin CE4 ZE4 Jyutping zak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun KAWA KATAWARA SOBAMERU Hangul Korean CHUK Tang *jriək jriək Viet trắc
Simplified U+4FA7

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition spy , reconnoiter ; detective
Pinyin ZHEN1 ZHENG1 Jyutping zing1 On TEI Kun UKAGAU Hangul Korean CENG Viet trinh
Simplified U+4FA6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition accidentally , coincidently ; an idol
Pinyin OU3 Jyutping ngau5 On GUU GOU Kun TAGUI TAMATAMA Hangul Korean WU Tang *ngǒu Viet ngẫu

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to steal , burglar , thief
Pinyin TOU1 Jyutping tau1 On CHUU TOU Kun NUSUMU Korean THWU Tang tou
Variant U+5078

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