KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kou3 Reading On コウ ; ク Reading Kun くち Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning mouth Meaning fr bouche Meaning es boca ; orificio ; apertura Meaning pt boca
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gong1 Reading On コウ ; ク ; グ Nanori もく Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning craft ; construction ; katakana e radical ( no . 48 ) Meaning fr ingénierie ; industrie ; construction ; radical katakana E ( no . 48 ) Meaning es construcción ; fabricación ; obrero Meaning pt ofício ; construção
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shi3 Reading On Reading Kun はじ . める ; -はじ . める ; はじ . まる Nanori もと Reading Korean si Reading Korean
Meaning commence ; begin Meaning fr commencer ; débuter Meaning es comenzar ; empezar ; empezar ( trans .) ; empezar ( intrans .) Meaning pt iniciar ; começar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi2 ; zhi4 Reading On シツ ; シチ ; チ Reading Kun たち ; ただ .す ; もと ; わりふ Reading Korean jil ; ji Reading Korean ;
Meaning substance ; quality ; matter ; temperament Meaning fr substance ; matière ; qualité ; tempérament Meaning es substancia ; contenido ; simplicidad ; calidad ; depósito ; custodia Meaning pt substância ; qualidade ; matéria ; temperamento
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhong4 ; chong2 Reading On ジュウ ; チョウ Reading Kun え ; おも .い ; おも .り ; おも . なう ; かさ . ねる ; かさ . なる ; おも Nanori さね ; しげ ; しげる Reading Korean jung Reading Korean
Meaning heavy ; heap up ; pile up ; nest of boxes ; -fold Meaning fr lourd ; empiler ; entasser ; s'emboîter ; - couches Meaning es pesado ; importante ; apilar ; amontonar Meaning pt pesado ; empilhar ; pilha de caixas ; -dobrar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tu2 Reading On ズ ; ト Reading Kun え ; はか .る Nanori Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning map ; drawing ; plan ; unexpected ; accidentally Meaning fr carte ; dessin ; plan ; inattendu ; accidentellement Meaning es dibujo ; ilustración ; consulta ; estrategia ; planear ; diseñar Meaning pt mapa ; desenho ; plano ; inesperado ; acidentalmente
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ti2 Reading On ダイ Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning topic ; subject Meaning fr sujet Meaning es objeto ; tema ; materia Meaning pt tópico ; assunto
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin biao3 Reading On ヒョウ Reading Kun おもて ; -おもて ; あらわ .す ; あらわ . れる ; あら . わす Reading Korean pyo Reading Korean
Meaning surface ; table ; chart ; diagram Meaning fr surface ( apparente ) ; face ; tableau ; graphique ; diagramme Meaning es superficie ; tabla ; diagrama ; expresar ; mostrar Meaning pt superfície ; tabela ; gráfico ; diagrama
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bi4 Reading On ヘイ Reading Kun と. じる ; と. ざす ; し. める ; し. まる ; た. てる Nanori Reading Korean pye Reading Korean
Meaning closed ; shut Meaning fr fermer ; clore Meaning es cerrar ; finalizar ; dejar de hacer ; guardar Meaning pt fechado ; fechar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mo4 Reading On マツ ; バツ Reading Kun すえ Reading Korean mal Reading Korean
Meaning end ; close ; tip ; powder ; posterity Meaning fr extrémité ; fin ; dernier ; poudre ; avenir ; postérité Meaning es aún ; punta ; extremo ; final ; polvo ; fin ; futuro ; el más joven Meaning pt não ainda ; fim ; fechar ; dica ; ; posteridade
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mian4 Reading On メン ; ベン Reading Kun おも ; おもて ; つら Nanori お ; ずら ; ほおつき ; も Reading Korean myeon Reading Korean
Meaning mask ; face ; features ; surface Meaning fr masque ; face ; traits ; surface Meaning es cara ; semblante ; superficie Meaning pt máscara ; rosto ; recursos ; superfície
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wen4 Reading On モン Reading Kun と.う ; と.い ; とん Nanori はる Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning question ; ask ; problem Meaning fr question ; demander ; problème Meaning es duda ; pregunta ; problema ; preguntar ; acusar Meaning pt perguntar ; pergunta ; problema
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shi3 Reading On Reading Kun はじ . める ; -はじ . める ; はじ . まる Nanori もと Reading Korean si Reading Korean
Meaning commence ; begin Meaning fr commencer ; débuter Meaning es comenzar ; empezar ; empezar ( trans .) ; empezar ( intrans .) Meaning pt iniciar ; começar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhi2 ; zhi4 Reading On シツ ; シチ ; チ Reading Kun たち ; ただ .す ; もと ; わりふ Reading Korean jil ; ji Reading Korean ;
Meaning substance ; quality ; matter ; temperament Meaning fr substance ; matière ; qualité ; tempérament Meaning es substancia ; contenido ; simplicidad ; calidad ; depósito ; custodia Meaning pt substância ; qualidade ; matéria ; temperamento
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhong4 ; chong2 Reading On ジュウ ; チョウ Reading Kun え ; おも .い ; おも .り ; おも . なう ; かさ . ねる ; かさ . なる ; おも Nanori さね ; しげ ; しげる Reading Korean jung Reading Korean
Meaning heavy ; important ; esteem ; respect ; heap up ; pile up ; nest of boxes ; -fold Meaning fr lourd ; empiler ; entasser ; s'emboîter ; - couches Meaning es pesado ; importante ; apilar ; amontonar Meaning pt pesado ; empilhar ; pilha de caixas ; -dobrar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tu2 Reading On ズ ; ト Reading Kun え ; はか .る Nanori Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning map ; drawing ; plan ; extraordinary ; audacious Meaning fr carte ; dessin ; plan ; inattendu ; accidentellement Meaning es dibujo ; ilustración ; consulta ; estrategia ; planear ; diseñar Meaning pt mapa ; desenho ; plano ; inesperado ; acidentalmente
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ti2 Reading On ダイ Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning topic ; subject Meaning fr sujet Meaning es objeto ; tema ; materia Meaning pt tópico ; assunto
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin biao3 Reading On ヒョウ Reading Kun おもて ; -おもて ; あらわ .す ; あらわ . れる ; あら . わす Reading Korean pyo Reading Korean
Meaning surface ; table ; chart ; diagram Meaning fr surface ( apparente ) ; face ; tableau ; graphique ; diagramme Meaning es superficie ; tabla ; diagrama ; expresar ; mostrar Meaning pt superfície ; tabela ; gráfico ; diagrama
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bi4 Reading On ヘイ Reading Kun と. じる ; と. ざす ; し. める ; し. まる ; た. てる Nanori Reading Korean pye Reading Korean
Meaning closed ; shut Meaning fr fermer ; clore Meaning es cerrar ; finalizar ; dejar de hacer ; guardar Meaning pt fechado ; fechar
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mo4 Reading On マツ ; バツ Reading Kun すえ ; うら ; うれ Reading Korean mal Reading Korean
Meaning end ; close ; tip ; powder ; posterity Meaning fr extrémité ; fin ; dernier ; poudre ; avenir ; postérité Meaning es aún ; punta ; extremo ; final ; polvo ; fin ; futuro ; el más joven Meaning pt não ainda ; fim ; fechar ; dica ; ; posteridade
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mian4 Reading On メン ; ベン Reading Kun おも ; おもて ; つら Nanori お ; ずら ; ほおつき ; も Reading Korean myeon Reading Korean
Meaning mask ; face ; features ; surface Meaning fr masque ; face ; traits ; surface Meaning es cara ; semblante ; superficie Meaning pt máscara ; rosto ; recursos ; superfície
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin wen4 Reading On モン Reading Kun と.う ; と.い ; とん Nanori はる Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning question ; ask ; problem Meaning fr question ; demander ; problème Meaning es duda ; pregunta ; problema ; preguntar ; acusar Meaning pt perguntar ; pergunta ; problema
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin kou3 Reading On コウ ; ク Reading Kun くち Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning mouth Meaning fr bouche Meaning es boca ; orificio ; apertura Meaning pt boca
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gong1 Reading On コウ ; ク ; グ Nanori もく Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning craft ; construction ; katakana e radical ( no . 48 ) Meaning fr ingénierie ; industrie ; construction ; radical katakana E ( no . 48 ) Meaning es construcción ; fabricación ; obrero Meaning pt ofício ; construção
Dictionary dr_busy_people 2.16

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