Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to shoulder ; to take on the shoulder ; to take upon oneself
Pinyin YING2 Jyutping zing4
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition war , fighting , battle
Pinyin ZHAN4 Jyutping zin3 On SEN Kun TATAKAU IKUSA Hangul Korean CEN Tang *jiɛ̀n Viet chiến
Simplified U+6218 Variant U+6226
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition order , sequence ; next
Pinyin CI4 Jyutping ci3 On JI SHI Kun TSUGU TSUGI TSUGINI Hangul Korean CHA Tang tsì Viet thứ
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fill ; full , overflowing ; surplus
Pinyin YING2 Jyutping jing4 On EI Kun MICHIRU Hangul Korean YENG Tang *iɛng Viet dềnh
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a kind of bird in ancient books ; a wood-pigeon ; a hawk
Jyutping zeoi1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition approve , allow , permit ; in accord
Pinyin ZHUN3 Jyutping zeon2 On JUN SHUN Kun NAZORAERU Hangul Korean CWUN Viet chốn
Traditional U+6E96

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sell
Pinyin SHOU4 Jyutping sau6 On SHUU Kun URU Hangul Korean SWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition only ; yes
Pinyin WEI2 WEI3 Jyutping wai2 wai4 On YUI I Kun TADA KORE Hangul Korean YU Tang *ui Viet dõi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition heap , pile , crowd ; pile up
Pinyin DUI1 Jyutping deoi1 On TAI TSUI Kun UZUTAKAI Hangul Korean THOY Tang *duəi Viet đôi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strive , exert effort ; arouse
Pinyin FEN4 Jyutping fan5
Traditional U+596E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition strive , exert effort ; arouse
Pinyin FEN4 Jyutping fan5 On FUN Kun FURUU Hangul Korean PWUN Tang biə̀n Viet phấn
Simplified U+594B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition high , lofty , towering ; surname
Pinyin CUI1 Jyutping ceoi1 On SAI SUI SE Kun MAJIWARU Hangul Korean CHOY Tang tsuəi Viet thôi

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place name
Pinyin SUI3 GUI1 Jyutping kwai4 seoi2 seoi5 On SUI

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tent ; curtain , screen
Pinyin WEI2 Jyutping wai4 On I Kun TOBARI Hangul Korean YU Tang hyui
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition but , however , nevertheless ; only
Pinyin WEI2 Jyutping wai4 On I YUI BI Kun OMOU OMOUNI KORE Hangul Korean YU Tang *ui ui
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition push , expel ; push forward
Pinyin TUI1 Jyutping ceoi1 teoi1 On SUI Kun OSU OSHITE Hangul Korean CHWU THOY Tang tuəi Viet suy

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition hammer , mallet ; vertebra
Pinyin ZHUI1 CHUI2 Jyutping ceoi4 zeoi1 On TSUI SUI Kun TSUCHI UTSU SHII Hangul Korean CHWU Tang djhui Viet chòi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition river in Anhui province
Pinyin HUAI2 Jyutping waai4 On WAI KAI Kun HITOSHIKUSURU KAKOMU Hangul Korean HOY Tang *huæi Viet hoài

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gaze at , stare at ; uninhibited
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 On KI KEI KE Kun MIAGERU Hangul Korean SWU Tang xiuɛ xyui
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname
Pinyin JU4 QU2 JI2 QU1 Jyutping geoi3 geoi6 keoi4 On KU Kun MIRU OSORERU Hangul Korean KWU Tang ghio

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pestle
Pinyin DUI4 DUI1 Jyutping deoi3 On TAI Kun USU Hangul Korean TAY Tang duə̀i
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition young , immature ; childhood
Pinyin ZHI4 Jyutping zi6 On CHI Kun OSANAI ITOKENAI Hangul Korean CHI Tang *djhì
Variant U+7A49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition maintain , preserve , safeguard
Pinyin WEI2 YI2 Jyutping wai4 On I YUI Kun TSUNA TSUNAGU KORE Hangul Korean YU Tang ui
Simplified U+7EF4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1
Traditional U+96D6

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin WEI4 WEI3 Jyutping wai2 wai6 On I YUI RUI Kun SARU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition who? whom? whose? anyone?
Pinyin SHUI2 SHEI2 Jyutping seoi4 On SUI Kun DARE Hangul Korean SWU Tang *zhui
Simplified U+8C01
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition place
Pinyin CUI3 Jyutping ceoi2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition advance , make progress , enter
Pinyin JIN4 Jyutping zeon3 On SHIN JIN Kun SUSUMU SUSUMERU Hangul Korean CIN Tang *tzìn Viet tiến
Simplified U+8FDB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gimlet , awl , drill , auger ; bore
Pinyin ZHUI1 Jyutping zeoi1 On SUI Kun KIRI Hangul Korean CHWU Tang jui Viet dùi
Simplified U+9525
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bird ; KangXi radical 172
Pinyin ZHUI1 CUI1 WEI2 Jyutping zeoi1 On SUI SAI Kun TORI Hangul Korean CHWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a bird flying high ambition

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition aquiline ( nose ); a falcon
Pinyin ZHUN3 SUN3 Jyutping zeon2 On JUN SHUN Kun HAYABUSA Hangul Korean CWUN Tang suǐn

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition superior , outstanding , talented
Pinyin JUN4 JUAN4 Jyutping syun5 zeon3
Traditional U+96CB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wise , sagacious ; wise man , sage
Pinyin ZHE2 Jyutping zit3 On TETSU Kun AKIRAKA SATOI Hangul Korean CHEL Tang djiɛt Viet triết
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition penetrate , pervade ; penetrating
Pinyin CHE4 Jyutping cit3 On TETSU Kun TOORU Hangul Korean CHEL Tang djhiɛt tjiɛt Viet triệt
Simplified U+5F7B
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition superior , outstanding , talented
Pinyin JUN4 JUAN4 Jyutping syun5 zeon3 On SEN SHUN Kun SUGURERU Hangul Korean CWUN Viet tuấn
Simplified U+96BD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition although , even if
Pinyin SUI1 Jyutping seoi1 On SUI Kun IEDOMO Hangul Korean SWU Tang *sui Viet tuy
Simplified U+867D
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition shoes , footwear in general
Pinyin XIE2 WA1 Jyutping haai4 On AI KAI Kun WARAJI Hangul Korean HYEY Tang hæi hɛi Viet hài

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition piebald horse
Pinyin ZHUI1 Jyutping zeoi1 On SUI Kun ASHIGE Hangul Korean CHWU Tang jui Viet choai
Simplified U+9A93
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bear
Pinyin TUI2 CHUI2 ZHUI1 Jyutping teoi4 On TAI ZUI TSUI Hangul Korean CHWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pigeon ; turtle-dove ; a hawk
Pinyin ZHUI1 Jyutping zeoi1 zeon2 On SUI SHUN Kun KOBATO Hangul Korean CHWU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character 𨿽
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

Unicode 5.2
Character 𩋔
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 285

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 二百八十五 Simplified 二百八十五
Pinyin er4 bai3 ba1 shi2 wu3
Deutsch 285 ( zweihundertfünfundachtzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei3 Reading On Reading Kun えら .い Nanori ひで Reading Korean wi Reading Korean
Meaning admirable ; greatness ; remarkable ; conceited ; famous ; excellent Meaning fr admirable ; grandeur ; remarquable ; vaniteux ; célèbre ; excellent Meaning es admirable ; notable ; excelente Meaning pt admirável ; grandeza ; notável ; conceituado ; excelente ; famoso
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 285

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu3 Reading On Nanori いえ ; たか ; ひろ ; ひろし Reading Korean u Reading Korean
Meaning eaves ; roof ; house ; heaven Meaning fr firmament ; cieux ; auvent ; toit ; maison Meaning es edificio grande ; cielo ; sensación Meaning pt Beira de telhado ; teto ; casa ; paraíso
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 285

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin guo4 ; guo1 Reading On Reading Kun す. ぎる ; -す . ぎる ; -す .ぎ ; す. ごす ; あやま .つ ; あやま .ち ; よ. ぎる Reading Korean gwa Reading Korean
Meaning overdo ; exceed ; go beyond ; error Meaning fr passer ; dépasser ; excéder ; erreur Meaning es pasar ; extralimitarse ; exceder ; fallo ; error ; traspasar ; fallar Meaning pt sobrepujar ; exceder ; ir além de ; erro
Miscellaneous Frequency 285

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huo2 Reading On カツ Reading Kun い. きる ; い. かす ; い. ける Reading Korean hwal ; gwal Reading Korean ;
Meaning lively ; resuscitation ; being helped ; living Meaning fr vivant ; animé ; résurrection ; être aidé Meaning es vida ; energía ; actividad Meaning pt vivo ; resuscitação ; existência ; ser ajudado ; vida
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 285

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jun1 Reading On クン Reading Kun きみ ; -ぎみ Nanori Reading Korean gun Reading Korean
Meaning old boy ; name-suffix Meaning fr jeune homme ; tu ; suffixe de nom ( -kun ) Meaning es señor ; don ; ( familiarmente ) Meaning pt rapaz ; sufixo p/ nome
Dictionary dr_henshall3 285

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zuo3 Reading On Nanori すけ Reading Korean jwa Reading Korean
Meaning assistant ; help Meaning fr assistant ; aide Meaning es ayuda ; asistencia ; rango militar Meaning pt assistente ; ajuda
Dictionary dr_gakken 285

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