Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fatty ; greasy , not thick ; not tight , plump and pretty of the flesh
Pinyin NA2 Jyutping naa4 Viet da

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to hold in hand ; to grasp ; to take , to arrest ; to use , ( non-classical form of ) to spy ; to find out secretly
Pinyin NA2 Jyutping naa4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( same as ) a part of the skull
Pinyin NA2 RU2 Jyutping zyu4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ( Cant .) exclamation , there! now!
Pinyin NA2 Jyutping naa4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition take ; bring ; grasp , hold ; arrest
Pinyin NA2 Jyutping naa4 On DA NA Kun HIKU Hangul Korean NA
Variant U+F95B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition take , hold , grasp ; bring ; with
Pinyin NA2 Jyutping naa4 On DA NA Kun HIKU Hangul Korean NA Viet
Variant U+F95B

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin NA2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition neptunium
Pinyin NA2
Simplified U+954E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition np
Pinyin NA2
Traditional U+93BF

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
English to hold ; to seize ; to catch ; to apprehend ; to take

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿不准 Simplified 拿不准
Pinyin na2 bu4 zhun3
English in doubt ; unsure of sth ; unable to decide ; indecisive

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿不動 Simplified 拿不动
Pinyin na2 bu5 dong4
English to be unable to carry ; lift ( sth heavy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿不定 Simplified 拿不定
Pinyin na2 bu5 ding4
English to be unsure

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿主意 Simplified 拿主意
Pinyin na2 zhu3 yi5
English to make a decision ; to make up one's mind

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿人 Simplified 拿人
Pinyin na2 ren2
English making things awkward ; to cause difficulties ; to exert influence ; to attract

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿來 Simplified 拿来
Pinyin na2 lai2
English bring

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿俄米 Simplified 拿俄米
Pinyin Na2 e2 mi3
English Naomi ( name )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿出 Simplified 拿出
Pinyin na2 chu1
English to take out ; to put out ; to provide ; to put forward (a proposal ) ; to come up with ( evidence )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿出手 Simplified 拿出手
Pinyin na2 chu1 shou3
English not presentable ; not fit to be seen in company

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿喬 Simplified 拿乔
Pinyin na2 qiao2
English pretentious ; striking a pose

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿大 Simplified 拿大
Pinyin na2 da4
English to put on airs ; self-important ; high and mighty

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿大頂 Simplified 拿大顶
Pinyin na2 da4 ding3
English to do a handstand

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿手 Simplified 拿手
Pinyin na2 shou3
English expert in ; good at

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿手菜 Simplified 拿手菜
Pinyin na2 shou3 cai4
English specialty ( dish )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿捏 Simplified 拿捏
Pinyin na2 nie1
English to grasp ; ( dialect ) affecting shyness ; coy ; to create difficulties

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿捕 Simplified 拿捕
Pinyin na2 bu3
English to detain ; to apprehend ; to capture

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿撒勒 Simplified 拿撒勒
Pinyin Na2 sa3 le4
English Nazareth ( in Biblical Palestine )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿架子 Simplified 拿架子
Pinyin na2 jia4 zi5
English to throw one's weight around ; to put on airs

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿權 Simplified 拿权
Pinyin na2 quan2
English to hold power ; in the driving seat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿獲 Simplified 拿获
Pinyin na2 huo4
English to capture ; to apprehend

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿破侖 Simplified 拿破仑
Pinyin Na2 po4 lun2
English Napoleon ( name ) ; Napoleon Bonaparte ( 1769-1821 ), Emperor of France 1804-1815

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿走 Simplified 拿走
Pinyin na2 zou3
English to take away

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿起 Simplified 拿起
Pinyin na2 qi3
English pick up

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿辦 Simplified 拿办
Pinyin na2 ban4
English to arrest for punishment

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿鐵 Simplified 拿铁
Pinyin na2 tie3
English latte ; latté

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿鐵咖啡 Simplified 拿铁咖啡
Pinyin na2 tie3 ka1 fei1
English latte ( coffee ) ; café latte

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿頂 Simplified 拿顶
Pinyin na2 ding3
English to do a handstand

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿順 Simplified 拿顺
Pinyin Na2 shun4
English Nashon ( son of Amminadab )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
English apprehend ; take

CEDict 100318
Traditional 拿騷 Simplified 拿骚
Pinyin na2 sao1
English Nassau , capital of The Bahamas

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
English apprehend ; take

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
English neptunium ( chemistry )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
Deutsch ergreifen , einnehmen (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin na2
Deutsch abholen ( von Sachen ) (u.E.) (V) ; nehmen , halten (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 拿…來說 Simplified 拿…来说
Pinyin na2 lai2 shuo1
Deutsch zum Beispiel (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 拿辦 Simplified 拿办
Pinyin na2 ban4
Deutsch vor Gericht stellen (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 拿捕 Simplified 拿捕
Pinyin na2 bu3
Deutsch festnehmen ; aufbringen ( Schiff ) (u.E.) (V)

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 932 ms