CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English bureaucrat

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English clear sound ; cry ( of cranes etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 嘹亮 Simplified 嘹亮
Pinyin liao2 liang4
English loud and clear ; resonant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English good ; smart ; to play

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English empty ; lonesome ; very few

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寥寥 Simplified 寥寥
Pinyin liao2 liao2
English very few

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寥寥可數 Simplified 寥寥可数
Pinyin liao2 liao2 ke3 shu3
English just a very few ( idiom ); tiny number ; just a handful ; not many at all ; You count them on your fingers .

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寥寥無幾 Simplified 寥寥无几
Pinyin liao2 liao2 wu2 ji3
English just a very few ( idiom ); tiny number ; not many at all ; You count them on your fingers .

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寥落 Simplified 寥落
Pinyin liao2 luo4
English sparse ; few and far between

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English Laos ; fellow-official ; hut

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English penis

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Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English to rely on

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English to strangle ; to inquire into

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English stitch ; to take ; to tease ; to provoke ; to stir up ( emotions )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩人 Simplified 撩人
Pinyin liao2 ren2
English to attract ; to titillate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩動 Simplified 撩动
Pinyin liao2 dong4
English to stir up ; to provoke

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩惹 Simplified 撩惹
Pinyin liao2 re3
English to provoke ; to tease

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩撥 Simplified 撩拨
Pinyin liao2 bo1
English to provoke ; to tease

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩是生非 Simplified 撩是生非
Pinyin liao2 shi4 sheng1 fei1
English to stir up trouble ; to provoke angry exchange

CEDict 100318
Traditional 撩逗 Simplified 撩逗
Pinyin liao2 dou4
English to provoke ; to tease

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English keep tidy and repaired ; sew

CEDict 100318
Traditional 潦倒 Simplified 潦倒
Pinyin liao2 dao3
English disappointed ; frustrated ; dejected

CEDict 100318
Traditional 潦草 Simplified 潦草
Pinyin liao2 cao3
English careless ; slovenly ; illegible ( of handwriting )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English to burn ; to set afire

CEDict 100318
Traditional 燎原 Simplified 燎原
Pinyin liao2 yuan2
English to start a prairie fire

CEDict 100318
Traditional 燎泡 Simplified 燎泡
Pinyin liao2 pao4
English blister ( caused by burns )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English fierce ; hunt ; name of a tribe

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English to treat ; to cure ; therapy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 療傷 Simplified 疗伤
Pinyin liao2 shang1
English healing ; to heal ; to make healthy again

CEDict 100318
Traditional 療效 Simplified 疗效
Pinyin liao2 xiao4
English healing efficacy ; healing effect

CEDict 100318
Traditional 療法 Simplified 疗法
Pinyin liao2 fa3
English therapy ; treatment

CEDict 100318
Traditional 療養 Simplified 疗养
Pinyin liao2 yang3
English to get well ; to heal ; to recuperate ; to convalesce ; convalescence ; to nurse

CEDict 100318
Traditional 療養所 Simplified 疗养所
Pinyin liao2 yang3 suo3
English sanitorium ; convalescent hospital

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English lines for a sail ; wind round

CEDict 100318
Traditional 繚亂 Simplified 缭乱
Pinyin liao2 luan4
English dazzled ; confused

CEDict 100318
Traditional 繚繞 Simplified 缭绕
Pinyin liao2 rao4
English to curl up ; to linger on ( sound )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English to chat ; to have a chat ; to kill time

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊且 Simplified 聊且
Pinyin liao2 qie3
English for the time being ; tentatively

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊以解悶 Simplified 聊以解闷
Pinyin liao2 yi3 jie3 men4
English relaxation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊城 Simplified 聊城
Pinyin Liao2 cheng2
English Liaocheng prefecture level city in Shandong

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊城地區 Simplified 聊城地区
Pinyin Liao2 cheng2 di4 qu1
English Liaocheng prefecture in Shandong )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊城市 Simplified 聊城市
Pinyin Liao2 cheng2 shi4
English Liaocheng prefecture level city in Shandong

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊天 Simplified 聊天
Pinyin liao2 tian1
English to chat ; to gossip

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊天兒 Simplified 聊天儿
Pinyin liao2 tian1 r5
English erhua variant of 聊天 | 聊天 , to chat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊天室 Simplified 聊天室
Pinyin liao2 tian1 shi4
English chat room

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊敘 Simplified 聊叙
Pinyin liao2 xu4
English to speak tentatively

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊生 Simplified 聊生
Pinyin liao2 sheng1
English to earn a living ( esp . with negative )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聊賴 Simplified 聊赖
Pinyin liao2 lai4
English to suffer tedium

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin liao2
English fat on intestines

Records 51 - 100 of 150 retrieved in 370 ms