JMdict 100319
Word 主因
Reading しゅいん
Translation eng primary cause ; main factor Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Hauptursache ; Hauptgrund ; primäre Ursache Translation fre cause principale

JMdict 100319
Word 手淫
Reading しゅいん
Translation eng masturbation ; onanism Translation ger Masturbation ; Onanie

JMdict 100319
Word 朱印
Reading しゅいん
Translation eng red seal Translation ger rotes Siegel Translation fre sceau ( rouge )

JMdict 100319
Word 木陰 ; 木かげ ; 木蔭 ; 樹陰 ; 樹蔭
Reading こかげ ; じゅいん
Translation eng shade of tree ; bower Translation ger Schatten eines Baumes Translation fre couvert ( d'un arbre ) ; ombre d'un arbre

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 朱印
Reading しゅいん
Translation dut rood zegel Translation spa sello rojo
Translation eng red seal Translation ger rotes Siegel Translation fre sceau ( rouge ) Translation rus красная печать ( личная ); ( ср .) ごしゅいん

JMdict 200217
Word 木陰 ; 木かげ ; 木蔭 ; 樹陰 ; 樹蔭
Reading こかげ ; じゅいん
Translation hun budoár ; falusi házikó ; kerti ház ; női szoba Translation spa sombra de árbol
Translation eng shade of tree ; bower Translation ger Schatten ; Schatten eines Baumes ; Schatten eines Baumes Translation fre couvert ( d'un arbre ) ; ombre d'un arbre Translation rus тень дерева ( деревьев ) ; в тени дерева {~に} ; ( кн .) тень деревьев

JMdict 100319

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