JMdict 100319
Reading エンジン
Translation eng engine Translation ger Motor Translation fre moteur Translation rus дви́гатель ; мото́р ( en : engine )

JMdict 100319
Reading エンジンキー
Source Language eng engine key Translation eng ignition key Translation ger Zündschlüssel

JMdict 100319
Reading エンジンブレーキ
Translation eng engine brake Translation ger Motorbremse

JMdict 100319
Word エンジン故障
Reading エンジンこしょう
Translation eng engine failure Translation ger Motorschaden ; Motorpanne

JMdict 100319
Reading エンスト
Translation eng engine stall Translation ger ( ugs .) ; Abwürgen ; Absterben des Motors
Crossref エンジンストップ

JMdict 100319
Reading オイル
Translation eng oil ; engine oil ; kerosene Translation ger alt werden ; altern

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 機関車
Reading きかんしゃ
Translation eng locomotive ; engine Translation ger Lokomotive Translation fre locomotive ; moteur Translation rus локомоти́в

JMdict 100319
Word 発動機
Reading はつどうき
Translation eng engine Translation ger Motor Translation rus дви́гатель ; мото́р

JMdict 100319
Word 造機
Reading ぞうき
Translation eng engine construction Translation ger Maschinenbau

JMdict 100319
Word 機関室
Reading きかんしつ
Translation eng engine room Translation ger Maschinenraum

JMdict 100319
Word 機関手
Reading きかんしゅ
Translation eng locomotive engineer ; engine driver

JMdict 100319
Reading エンジンストップ
Source Language eng engine stop Translation eng engine stall
Crossref エンスト

JMdict 100319
Reading エンジンオイル
Translation eng engine oil ; motor oil

CEDict 100318
Traditional 引擎 Simplified 引擎
Pinyin yin3 qing2
English engine ( transliteration )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 推進機 Simplified 推进机
Pinyin tui1 jin4 ji1
English engine ; propulsion

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji1
English machine ; engine ; opportunity ; intention ; aircraft ; pivot ; crucial point ; flexible ( quick-witted ) ; organic ; surname Ji

CEDict 100318
Traditional 機油 Simplified 机油
Pinyin ji1 you2
English engine oil

CEDict 100318
Traditional 水溫表 Simplified 水温表
Pinyin shui3 wen1 biao3
English engine temperature gauge ; coolant temperature gauge

CEDict 100318
Traditional 發動機 Simplified 发动机
Pinyin fa1 dong4 ji1
English engine ; motor

JMdict 200217
Reading エンジン
Translation dut motor Translation hun gép ; mozdony ; jármű motorja Translation slv motor Translation spa motor ( eng : engine ) Translation swe lok
Translation eng engine Translation ger Motor Translation fre moteur Translation rus двигатель , мотор

JMdict 200217
Reading エンジンキー ; エンジン・キー
Translation dut contactsleutel ; contactsleuteltje Translation spa llave de encendido ( wasei : engine key )
Source Language eng engine key Translation eng ignition key Translation ger Zündschlüssel

Reading エンジンブレーキ ; エンジン・ブレーキ
Translation spa freno de maquina
Translation eng engine brake Translation ger Motorbremse

JMdict 200217
Word エンジン故障
Reading エンジンこしょう
Translation spa falla del motor
Translation eng engine failure Translation ger Motorschaden ; Motorpanne

JMdict 200217
Word エンジン発動機
Reading エンジンはつどうき
Translation hun gép ; mozdony Translation spa motor Translation swe lok
Translation eng engine

JMdict 200217
Reading エンスト
Translation spa calado de máquina
Translation eng engine stall Translation ger Abwürgen ; Absterben des Motors
Crossref エンジンストップ

JMdict 200217
Reading オイル
Translation dut olie ( in voedingswaren ) ; olie ; petroleum ; smeerolie ; verf ; olieverf Translation hun értesülés ; információ ; petróleum Translation slv nafta bencin kurivo Translation spa ( eng : oil ) aceite
Translation eng oil ; petroleum ; oil ; lubricant ; grease ; ( cooking ) oil ; ( massage ) oil ; ointment ; kerosene ; engine oil Translation ger Öl Translation fre pétrole ; huile moteur ; kérosène Translation rus (( англ .) oil ) масло ( растительное и техническое )

JMdict 200217
Word 機関車
Reading きかんしゃ
Translation dut locomotief {spoorw .} Translation hun gép ; mozdony Translation slv stroj ; lokomotiva Translation spa locomotora
Translation eng locomotive ; engine Translation ger Lokomotive Translation fre locomotive ; moteur Translation rus паровоз , локомотив

JMdict 200217
Reading はつ
Translation eng departure ; departing ( from ...) ; departing ( at time ...) ; sending ; sent ( by ...) ; sent ( at ...) ; engine ; counter for gunshots , bursts of gas , etc . ; counter for bullets , bombs , etc . ; counter for blows ( punches ) Translation fre départ ; partant ( de ...) ; partant l'heure ...) ; envoi ; envoyé ( par ...) ; envoyé ( au ...) ; moteur ; tuile du Dragon vert ; compteur pour les coups de feu , les explosions de gaz , etc . ; compteur pour les balles , les bombes , etc . ; compteur pour les coups ( coups de poing )
Crossref 発動機 ; 着・ちゃく・2

JMdict 200217
Word 発動機 ; 發動機
Reading はつどうき
Translation dut motor Translation hun gép ; mozdony Translation swe lok
Translation eng engine Translation ger Motor Translation rus двигатель , мотор

JMdict 200217
Word 造機
Reading ぞうき
Translation eng engine construction Translation ger Maschinenbau Translation rus машиностроение

JMdict 200217
Word 機関室
Reading きかんしつ
Translation swe maskinrum
Translation eng engine room Translation ger Geräteraum ; Installationsraum ; Maschinenraum Translation rus машинное отделение ( на судне и т. п.)

JMdict 200217
Word 機関手
Reading きかんしゅ
Translation hun mozdonyvezető
Translation eng locomotive engineer ; engine driver Translation ger Maschinist ; Lokomotivführer ; Ingenieur Translation rus (ж. .) машинист

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 引擎 Simplified 引擎
Pinyin yin3 qing2
English engine ( loanword )

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji1
English machine ; engine ; opportunity ; intention ; aircraft ; pivot ; crucial point ; flexible ( quick-witted ) ; organic

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 機房 Simplified 机房
Pinyin ji1 fang2
English machine room ; engine room ; computer room

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 機油 Simplified 机油
Pinyin ji1 you2
English engine oil

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 水溫表 Simplified 水温表
Pinyin shui3 wen1 biao3
English engine temperature gauge ; coolant temperature gauge

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 爆聲 Simplified 爆声
Pinyin bao4 sheng1
English explosion ; bang ; sonic boom ; engine knock

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 發動機 Simplified 发动机
Pinyin fa1 dong4 ji1
English engine ; motor

Reading エンジンストップ ; エンジン・ストップ
Translation spa calado de máquina ( wasei : engine stop )
Source Language eng engine stop Translation eng engine stall
Crossref エンスト

JMdict 200217
Reading エンジンオイル ; エンジン・オイル
Translation eng engine oil ; motor oil Translation ger Motoröl

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading エンジンルーム ; エンジン・ルーム
Translation eng engine compartment ( of a vehicle ) ; engine room (e.g. of ship ) Translation ger Maschinenraum

JMdict 200217
Word 機関区
Reading きかんく
Translation eng locomotive depot ; engine depot

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