JMdict 100319
Word 温度
Reading おんど
Translation eng temperature Translation ger Temperatur ; Wärmegrad Translation fre température Translation rus температу́ра

JMdict 100319
Word 気温
Reading きおん
Translation eng atmospheric temperature Translation ger {Meteor .} Temperatur ; Lufttemperatur ; Außentemperatur Translation fre température

JMdict 100319
Word 高温
Reading こうおん
Translation eng high temperature Translation ger hohe Temperatur Translation fre température élevée

JMdict 100319
Word 水温
Reading すいおん
Translation eng water temperature Translation ger Wassertemperatur Translation fre température de l'eau

JMdict 100319
Word 体温
Reading たいおん
Translation eng temperature ; body temperature ( human , animal ) Translation ger Körpertemperatur Translation fre temperature corporelle

JMdict 100319
Reading ねつ
Translation eng fever ; temperature Translation ger Wärme ; Hitze ; Fieber ; Körpertemperatur ; Enthusiasmus ; Eifer ; Enthusiasmus ; Manie Translation fre chaleur ; fièvre ; température Translation rus ( высокая ) температура ; жар ; лихорадка

JMdict 100319
Word 低温
Reading ていおん
Translation eng low temperature Translation ger {Phys .} Tieftemperatur ; Untertemperatur Translation fre température basse

JMdict 100319
Word 検温
Reading けんおん
Translation eng temperature measurement Translation ger Fiebermessung ; Temperaturmessung

JMdict 100319
Word 熱度
Reading ねつど
Translation eng degree of heat ; temperature ; enthusiasm Translation ger ( schriftspr .) Hitzegrad ; Grad der Begeisterung

JMdict 100319
Word 温度調節
Reading おんどちょうせつ
Translation eng temperature control Translation ger Temperaturregelung

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 温度目盛
Reading おんどめもり
Translation eng temperature scale

JMdict 100319
Word 温度感覚
Reading おんどかんかく
Translation eng temperature sense

CEDict 100318
Traditional 冷熱度數 Simplified 冷热度数
Pinyin leng3 re4 du4 shu4
English temperature ( esp . of medical patient )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 土溫 Simplified 土温
Pinyin tu3 wen1
English temperature of the soil

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wen1
English warm ; lukewarm ; temperature ; to warm up ; mild ; soft ; tender ; to review ; to revise ; epidemic

CEDict 100318
Traditional 溫壓 Simplified 温压
Pinyin wen1 ya1
English temperature and pressure

CEDict 100318
Traditional 熱度 Simplified 热度
Pinyin re4 du4
English temperature

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin re4 Reading On ネツ Reading Kun あつ .い Nanori あた Reading Korean yeol Reading Korean
Meaning heat ; temperature ; fever ; mania ; passion Meaning fr chaleur ; fièvre ; température ; manie ; passion Meaning es calor ; fiebre ; pasión ; caliente Meaning pt calor ; temperatura ; febre ; mania ; paixão

JMdict 200217
Word 温度
Reading おんど
Translation dut temperatuur ; warmtegraad Translation hun hőmérséklet Translation slv temperatura Translation spa temperatura Translation swe temperatur
Translation eng temperature Translation ger Temperatur ; Wärmegrad Translation fre température Translation rus температура

JMdict 200217
Word 気温
Reading きおん
Translation dut ( buiten ) temperatuur ; temperatuur van de atmosfeer Translation slv temperatura Translation spa temperatura atmosférica
Translation eng air temperature Translation ger Temperatur ; Lufttemperatur ; Außentemperatur Translation fre température atmosphérique Translation rus температура {воздуха}

JMdict 200217
Word 高温
Reading こうおん
Translation dut hoge temperatuur Translation slv visoka temperatura ; vročina Translation spa temperatura alta ; temperatura elevada
Translation eng high temperature Translation ger hohe Temperatur Translation fre température élevée Translation rus высокая температура

JMdict 200217
Word 体温
Reading たいおん
Translation dut lichaamstemperatuur ; temperatuur ; lichaamswarmte Translation hun hőmérséklet Translation spa temperatura del cuerpo
Translation eng temperature ; body temperature ( human , animal ) Translation ger Körpertemperatur ; Körperwärme Translation fre température ; température du corps ( humaine , animale ) Translation rus температура {тела}

JMdict 200217
Word 低温
Reading ていおん
Translation dut lage temperatuur ; ondertemperatuur Translation slv nizka temperatura Translation spa temperatura baja
Translation eng low temperature Translation ger Tieftemperatur ; Niedrigtemperatur ; Untertemperatur Translation fre température basse Translation rus низкая температура

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 熱度
Reading ねつど
Translation hun lelkesedés
Translation eng degree of heat ; temperature ; enthusiasm Translation ger Hitzegrad ; Grad der Begeisterung Translation rus 1) теплота ; температура ; 2) степень энтузиазма

JMdict 200217
Word 温度調節
Reading おんどちょうせつ
Translation eng temperature control Translation ger Temperaturregelung

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 温度目盛
Reading おんどめもり
Translation eng temperature scale Translation ger Temperaturskale ; Temperaturskala

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin re4 Reading On ネツ Reading Kun あつ .い Nanori あた Reading Korean yeol Reading Korean
Meaning heat ; temperature ; fever ; mania ; passion Meaning fr chaleur ; fièvre ; température ; manie ; passion Meaning es calor ; fiebre ; pasión ; caliente Meaning pt calor ; temperatura ; febre ; mania ; paixão

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 冷熱度數 Simplified 冷热度数
Pinyin leng3 re4 du4 shu4
English temperature ( esp . of medical patient )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 升溫 Simplified 升温
Pinyin sheng1 wen1
English to become hot ; temperature rise ; ( fig .) to intensify ; to hot up ; to escalate ; to get a boost

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 土溫 Simplified 土温
Pinyin tu3 wen1
English temperature of the soil

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wen1
English warm ; lukewarm ; temperature ; to warm up ; mild ; soft ; tender ; to review (a lesson etc ) ; fever ( TCM ) ; old variant of [ wen1 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 溫壓 Simplified 温压
Pinyin wen1 ya1
English temperature and pressure

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 熱度 Simplified 热度
Pinyin re4 du4
English temperature ; heat ; short-lived enthusiasm

CC-CEDict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 温度感覚
Reading おんどかんかく
Translation eng temperature sense Translation ger Temperaturgefühl

JMdict 200217
Word 寒暖差
Reading かんだんさ
Translation eng temperature difference

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 溫度梯度 Simplified 温度梯度
Pinyin wen1 du4 ti1 du4
English temperature gradient

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 溫度 Simplified 温度
Pinyin wen1 du4
English temperature

CC-CEDict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 水温
Reading すいおん
Translation dut watertemperatuur Translation hun vízhőfok Translation spa temperatura del agua
Translation eng water temperature Translation ger Wassertemperatur Translation fre température de l'eau Translation rus температура воды

CEDict 100318
Traditional 溫標 Simplified 温标
Pinyin wen1 biao1
English temperature scale

CEDict 100318
Traditional 溫度梯度 Simplified 温度梯度
Pinyin wen1 du4 ti1 du4
English temperature gradient

CEDict 100318
Traditional 溫度 Simplified 温度
Pinyin wen1 du4
English temperature

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