JMdict 100319
Reading レッスン
Translation eng lesson Translation ger Privatstunden ; Unterricht ; Stunden Translation rus уро́к ( en : lesson )

JMdict 100319
Word 下読み
Reading したよみ
Translation eng rehearsal ( of play ) ; preparatory reading ; lesson study Translation ger Vorbereitung ; Proben ; Präparieren

JMdict 100319
Translation eng lesson ; section ( in an organization ) ; division ; department ; counter for lessons and chapters ( of a book ) Translation ger Lektion ... ; Zählwort für Lektionen ; Abteilung ; Departement Translation fre compteur pour les chapitres ou les leçons

JMdict 100319
Word 学課
Reading がっか
Translation eng lesson ; school work Translation ger Unterrichtsfach

JMdict 100319
Word 教え
Reading おしえ
Translation eng teachings ; precept ; lesson ; doctrine Translation ger Lehre ; Belehrung ; Unterweisung ; Vorschrift Translation fre doctrine ; enseignement ; leçon ; précepte

JMdict 100319
Word 教訓
Reading きょうくん
Translation eng lesson ; precept ; moral instruction Translation ger Lehre ; Belehrung ; Lektion ; Unterweisung ; Moral Translation fre leçon ; morale ; précepte

JMdict 100319
Word 見せしめ
Reading みせしめ
Translation eng lesson ; example ; warning Translation ger Warnung ; warnendes Beispiel ; Exempel ; Lektion ; Abschreckungsmittel

JMdict 100319
Word 授業
Reading じゅぎょう
Translation eng lesson ; class work Translation ger Unterricht Translation fre cours ; leçon Translation rus урок ; занятия

JMdict 100319
Word 第一課
Reading だいいっか
Translation eng Lesson one Translation ger Lektion 1 ; erste Lektion Translation fre première leçon Translation rus первый урок

JMdict 100319
Word 習い事
Reading ならいごと
Translation eng accomplishment ; lesson ; practice ; practise Translation ger Unterricht ; Übung

JMdict 100319
Word 教案
Reading きょうあん
Translation eng lesson or teaching plan Translation ger Lehrplan ; Unterrichtsplan

CEDict 100318
Traditional 功課 Simplified 功课
Pinyin gong1 ke4
English homework ; assignment ; task ; classwork ; lesson ; study

CEDict 100318
Traditional 寓意 Simplified 寓意
Pinyin yu4 yi4
English moral ( of a story ) ; lesson to be learned ; implication ; message ; import ; metaphorical meaning

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ke4
English subject ; course ; class ; lesson

CEDict 100318
Traditional 課業 Simplified 课业
Pinyin ke4 ye4
English lesson ; schoolwork

CEDict 100318
Traditional 鑒戒 Simplified 鉴戒
Pinyin jian4 jie4
English lesson from events of the past ; warning

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ke4 Reading On Reading Korean gwa Reading Korean
Meaning chapter ; lesson ; section ; department ; division ; counter for chapters ( of a book ) Meaning fr leçon ; chapitre ; section ; service ; division ; compteur de chapitres Meaning es capitulo ; lección ; sección ; departamento ; división Meaning pt capítulo ; lição ; seção ; departamento ; divisão ; sufixo para contagem de capítulos ( de um livro )

JMdict 200217
Reading レッスン
Translation dut les ; les Translation hun szentlecke Translation spa lección ( eng : lesson ) Translation swe lektion
Translation eng lesson Translation ger Privatstunden ; Unterricht ; Stunden Translation rus (( англ .) lesson ) урок{и}

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 学課
Reading がっか
Translation dut leerstof ; lesstof ; leerwerk ; schoolwerk ; les Translation hun tanulság
Translation eng lesson ; school work Translation ger Unterrichtsfach Translation rus урок учебном заведении , задаваемый на дом )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 教訓
Reading きょうくん
Translation dut les ; zedenles ; moraal Translation hun lecke ; tan Translation slv poduk ; nauk {zgodbe} Translation spa lección ; precepto ; enseñanza moral
Translation eng lesson ; precept ; teachings ; moral Translation ger Unterweisung ; Belehrung ; Lehre ; Lektion ( Vorgang der Unterweisung und der Inhalt ) Translation fre leçon ; morale ; précepte Translation rus наставление ; инструкция ; урок ; поучительный ; дидактический {~的}

JMdict 200217
Word 時間
Reading じかん
Translation dut tijd ; tijdruimte ; spanne ( tijds ) ; tijdspanne ; tijdsduur ; tijdsbestek ; stond {arch .} ; tempus {Lat .} ; hora {Lat .} ; chrono- ; tijd ; uur ; lesuur {i .h.b.} ; lestijd {i .h.b.} ; voor uren} {maatwoord Translation hun időmérés ; időszámítás ; időtartam ; szabadidő ; ütem Translation slv čas ; ( Msr ) ur Translation spa tiempo Translation swe tid
Translation eng time ; hour ; period ; class ; lesson Translation ger Zeit ; Stunde ; Termin ; Uhrzeit ; Unterrichtsstunde ; Arbeitszeit ; Dienststunde Translation fre temps ; heures ( durée ) Translation rus 1) час ; 2) урок учебном заведении ) ; 3) часы , {определённое} время ; сверять часы {時計の}時間を合わせる

JMdict 200217
Word 第一課
Reading だいいっか
Translation eng lesson one ; first lesson Translation ger Lektion 1 ; erste Lektion Translation fre première leçon Translation rus первый урок

JMdict 200217
Word 習い事 ; 習いごと
Reading ならいごと
Translation hun edzés ; gyakorlás ; gyakorlat ; szokás Translation slv učenje veščin ; učenje umetnosti Translation swe lektion ; träning
Translation eng accomplishment ; lesson ; practice Translation ger Unterricht ; Übung

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ke4 Reading On Reading Korean gwa Reading Korean
Meaning chapter ; lesson ; section ; department ; division ; counter for chapters ( of a book ) Meaning fr leçon ; chapitre ; section ; service ; division ; compteur de chapitres Meaning es capitulo ; lección ; sección ; departamento ; división Meaning pt capítulo ; lição ; seção ; departamento ; divisão ; sufixo para contagem de capítulos ( de um livro )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 借鏡 Simplified 借镜
Pinyin jie4 jing4
English ( Tw ) to draw on ( others' experience ) ; to learn from ( how others do things ) ; lesson to be learned ( by observing others )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 借鑒 Simplified 借鉴
Pinyin jie4 jian4
English to draw on ( others' experience ) ; to learn from ( how others do things ) ; lesson to be learned ( by observing others )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 功課 Simplified 功课
Pinyin gong1 ke4
English homework ; assignment ; task ; classwork ; lesson ; study

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 啟示 Simplified 启示
Pinyin qi3 shi4
English to reveal ; to enlighten ; enlightenment ; revelation ; illumination ; moral ( of a story etc ) ; lesson

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 寓意 Simplified 寓意
Pinyin yu4 yi4
English moral ( of a story ) ; lesson to be learned ; implication ; message ; import ; metaphorical meaning

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 教訓 Simplified 教训
Pinyin jiao4 xun5
English lesson ; moral ; to chide sb ; to lecture sb

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ke4
English subject ; course ; class ; lesson ; to levy ; tax ; form of divination

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 課業 Simplified 课业
Pinyin ke4 ye4
English lesson ; schoolwork

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 鑒戒 Simplified 鉴戒
Pinyin jian4 jie4
English lesson from events of the past ; warning

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lesson ; course ; classwork
Pinyin KE4 Jyutping fo3 On KA Kun KOKOROMIRU Hangul Korean KWA Viet khoá
Simplified U+8BFE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition lesson ; course ; classwork
Pinyin KE4 Jyutping fo3
Traditional U+8AB2

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition lesson ; course ; classwork
Pinyin Jyutping fo3 On KA Kun KOKOROMIRU Hangul : 0E Korean KWA Viet khoá
Simplified U+8BFE

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