JMdict 100319
Reading けい
Translation eng penalty ; sentence ; punishment Translation ger Strafverfolgung ; Bestrafung ; Strafe Translation fre peine ; punition ; sanction

JMdict 100319
Word 厳罰
Reading げんばつ
Translation eng severe punishment ; rigorous measures Translation ger strenge Strafe ; harte Strafe Translation fre mesures draconiennes ; punition sévère

JMdict 100319
Word 処刑
Reading しょけい
Translation eng execution Translation ger Urteilsvollstreckung ; Exekution ; Hinrichtung Translation fre punition

JMdict 100319
Word 処罰
Reading しょばつ
Translation eng punishment Translation ger Bestrafung ; Strafe Translation fre punition

JMdict 100319
Word 制裁
Reading せいさい
Translation eng restraint ; sanctions ; punishment Translation ger Bestrafung ; Sanktion ; Maßregel ; Sühnemaßnahme Translation fre punition ; sanction

JMdict 100319
Word 体罰
Reading たいばつ
Translation eng corporal punishment Translation ger Prügelstrafe ; körperliche Züchtigung Translation fre punition corporelle Translation rus теле́сное наказа́ние

JMdict 100319
Word 懲戒
Reading ちょうかい
Translation eng discipline ; punishment ; reprimand Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Disziplinarstrafe ; Ordnungsstrafe ; Verweis Translation fre discipline ; peine ( disciplinaire ) ; punition ; réprimande ; sanction

JMdict 100319
Word 懲罰
Reading ちょうばつ
Translation eng discipline ; punishment ; reprimand Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Disziplinarstrafe Translation fre châtiment ; discipline ; peine ( disciplinaire ) ; punition ; sanction

JMdict 100319
Word 天罰
Reading てんばつ
Translation eng divine punishment ; wrath of God ; justice of heaven Translation ger Gottesstrafe ; Himmelsstrafe Translation fre châtiment ( divin ) ; courroux de Dieu ; punition divine

JMdict 100319
Reading ばち
Translation eng ( divine ) punishment ; curse ; retribution Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Züchtigung ; göttliche Strafe ; verdiente Strafe ; Verdammnis Translation fre châtiment ( divin ) ; punition

JMdict 100319
Reading ばつ
Translation eng punishment ; penalty Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Züchtigung Translation fre châtiment ; peine ; punition

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xing2 Reading On ケイ Nanori おさか ; ぎょう Reading Korean hyeong Reading Korean
Meaning punish ; penalty ; sentence ; punishment Meaning fr peine ; sanction ; condamnation ; punition Meaning es pena ; sentencia ; castigo Meaning pt Punir ; penalidade ; sentença ; punição

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cheng2 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun こ. りる ; こ. らす ; こ. らしめる Reading Korean jing Reading Korean
Meaning penal ; chastise ; punish ; discipline Meaning fr punition ; pénal ; châtiment ; sanction Meaning es pena ; castigo ; castigar ; disciplinar Meaning pt penal ; castigar ; punir ; disciplinar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fa2 Reading On バツ ; バチ ; ハツ Reading Kun ばっ . する Reading Korean beol Reading Korean
Meaning penalty ; punishment Meaning fr punition ; châtiment Meaning es pena ; castigo Meaning pt penalidade ; punição

JMdict 200217
Reading けい
Translation dut straf ; bestraffing ; penaliteit {jur .} ; peine {arch .} Translation hun bírság ; büntetés ; büntető ; megtorlás Translation spa castigo ; penitencia ; pena
Translation eng penalty ; sentence ; punishment Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung Translation fre peine ; punition ; sanction Translation rus наказание , кара ; приговор

JMdict 200217
Word 厳罰
Reading げんばつ
Translation dut strenge straf ; zware straf ; strenge bestraffing ; zware bestraffing Translation spa duro castigo ; medidas duras
Translation eng severe punishment ; rigorous measures Translation ger strenge Strafe ; harte Strafe ; schwere Strafe Translation fre mesures draconiennes ; punition sévère Translation rus строгое наказание

JMdict 200217
Reading つみ
Translation dut wandaad ; vergrijp ; misdrijf ; delict ; misdaad {i .h.a.} ; crime ; crimen {Lat .} ; zonde ; schuld ; verantwoordelijkheid ; sanctie ; straf ; strafmaatregel ; veroordeling ; verschrikkelijk ; wreed ; afschuwelijk ; schandalig ; onheus ; gemeen Translation hun bűncselekmény ; botlás ; hiányosság ; vetődés Translation slv zločin ; hudodelstvo ; greh ; hudodelen ; krivda Translation spa pecado ; crimen
Translation eng crime ; sin ; wrongdoing ; indiscretion ; penalty ; sentence ; punishment ; fault ; responsibility ; culpability ; thoughtlessness ; lack of consideration Translation ger verantwortungslos ; grausam ; herzlos ; Sünde ; Schuld ; Verantwortung ; Verbrechen ; Delikt ; Vergehen ; Verstoß ; Fehler ; Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Verantwortung ; Fehler ; Verantwortungslosigkeit Translation fre crime ; délit ; péché ; méfait ; indiscrétion ; peine ; pénalité ; sentence ; condamnation ; punition ; sanction ; faute ; responsabilité ; culpabilité ; inconscience ; étourderie ; légèreté ( par ex . faire preuve de légèreté ) ; manque de considération ; manque d'égards Translation rus грешный ; порочный ; жестокий ; 1) преступление , проступок ; 2) вина , виновность ; виновный {~のある} ; а) невиновный ; б) ( прям . и перен .) невинный {~のない} ; 3) грех , зло ; грешный ; порочный ; жестокий {~な} ; 4) кара , наказание ; карать {~{に}する} ; ( ср .) つみする

JMdict 200217
Word 体罰
Reading たいばつ
Translation hun testi fenyítés Translation spa castigo corporal Translation swe aga ; kroppsaga ; kroppsstraff
Translation eng corporal punishment Translation ger Prügelstrafe ; körperliche Züchtigung Translation fre punition corporelle Translation rus телесное наказание

JMdict 200217
Reading ばち
Translation dut boete ; vergelding {goddelijke} ; straf Translation hun büntetés Translation slv kazen ; prekletstvo Translation spa castigo ( divino ) ; maldición ; castigo justo
Translation eng ( divine ) punishment ; curse ; retribution Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Züchtigung ; göttliche Strafe ; verdiente Strafe ; Verdammnis Translation fre châtiment ( divin ) ; punition Translation rus кара , наказание ; возмездие

JMdict 200217
Reading ばつ
Translation dut straf ; bestraffing ; tuchtiging ; straffe {arch .} Translation hun büntetés ; megtorlás ; büntető ; hibapont ; kötbér ; pénzbüntetés ; tizenegyes Translation spa castigo Translation swe bestraffning
Translation eng punishment ; penalty Translation ger Strafe ; Bestrafung ; Züchtigung Translation fre châtiment ; peine ; punition Translation rus наказание , кара ; взыскание

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cheng2 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun こ. りる ; こ. らす ; こ. らしめる Reading Korean jing Reading Korean
Meaning penal ; chastise ; punish ; discipline Meaning fr punition ; pénal ; châtiment ; sanction Meaning es pena ; castigo ; castigar ; disciplinar Meaning pt penal ; castigar ; punir ; disciplinar

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fa2 Reading On バツ ; バチ ; ハツ Reading Kun ばっ . する Reading Korean beol Reading Korean
Meaning penalty ; punishment Meaning fr punition ; châtiment Meaning es pena ; castigo Meaning pt penalidade ; punição

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xing2 Reading On ケイ Nanori おさか ; ぎょう Reading Korean hyeong Reading Korean
Meaning punish ; penalty ; sentence ; punishment Meaning fr peine ; sanction ; condamnation ; punition Meaning es pena ; sentencia ; castigo Meaning pt Punir ; penalidade ; sentença ; punição

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