Unicode 5.2
Character Definition all , complete , entire
Pinyin LUN2 Jyutping leon4 On RIN Korean LYUN
Simplified U+56F5
Cangjie Input Code WOMB

JMdict 100319
Word 子宮
Reading しきゅう
Translation eng womb ; uterus Translation ger {Anat .} Gebärmutter ; Uterus Translation fre utérus

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading はたけ ; はた
Translation eng field ( for fruits , vegetables , etc .) ; cultivated land ; vegetable plot ; kitchen garden ; plantation ; field ( of specialization ) ; sphere ; area ; womb ; birth ; birthplace Translation ger Feld ; Trockenfeld ; Acker ; ( übertragen ) ; Fachgebiet Translation fre champ Translation rus поле ( суходольное )

JMdict 100319
Word 母胎
Reading ぼたい
Translation eng womb ; uterus Translation ger {Anat .} Mutterleib ; Uterus ; Ursprung ; Basis ; Matrix Translation fre corps d'une mère ; utérus

JMdict 100319
Word 胎蔵界
Reading たいぞうかい
Translation eng Garbhadhatu ; Womb Realm

JMdict 100319
Word 胎蔵
Reading たいぞう
Translation eng Garbhadhatu ; Womb Realm

JMdict 100319
Reading たい ; はら
Translation eng womb

CEDict 100318
Traditional 子宮 Simplified 子宫
Pinyin zi3 gong1
English uterus ; womb

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bao1
English placenta ; womb ; born of the same parents

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tai1 Reading On タイ Reading Korean tae Reading Korean
Meaning womb ; uterus Meaning fr utérus ; foetus Meaning es útero ; feto ; concebir Meaning pt útero

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition all , complete , entire
Pinyin lún Jyutping leon4 On RIN Hangul :N Korean LYUN
Simplified U+56F5
Cangjie Input Code WOMB

JMdict 200217
Word 子宮
Reading しきゅう
Translation dut baarmoeder {anat .} ; uterus ; schoot Translation hun méh Translation spa útero
Translation eng womb ; uterus Translation ger Gebärmutter… ; uterin ; Gebärmutter ; Uterus Translation fre utérus Translation rus ( анат .) матка

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Reading はら
Translation hun has ; has ; étvágy ; gőg ; hajlandóság ; mersz Translation spa panza ; barriga ; tripa Translation swe mage ; buk
Translation eng abdomen ; belly ; stomach ; womb ; one's mind ; one's real intentions ; one's true motive ; courage ; nerve ; willpower ; generosity ; magnanimity ; feelings ; emotions ; wide middle part ; bulging part ; inside ; interior ; inner part ; anti-node ; counter for hard roe ; counter for containers with bulging middles ( pots , vases , etc .) Translation ger Bauch ; Magen ; Unterleib ; Darm ; Bauch ( einer Flasche ) ; dicke Seite von etw ; Aufmerksamkeit ; Geist ; Absicht ; Mut ; Gemüt ; Gefühl ; Empfindung ; Inneres ; Herz Translation fre abdomen ; ventre ; estomac ; utérus ; compteur pour les récipients avec un centre bombé ( pots , vases , etc .) ; son esprit ; ses intentions réelles ; son vrai mobile ; courage ; culot ; volonté ; générosité ; magnanimité ; sentiments ; émotions ; grande partie du milieu ; partie renflée ; intérieur ; partie interne ; anti-noeud ; compteur pour les œufs de poisson Translation rus ( редко ) ; 1) живот ; чрево ( уст .); брюхо ( грубо ) ; брюшной {~の} ; 2) ( перен ., связ .) душа ; намерения ; тайные мысли ; настроение ; малодушный {~のない} ; 3) ( перен .) утолщённая ( самая широкая ) часть ( чего-л .)
Crossref 胎・はら

JMdict 200217
Word 母胎
Reading ぼたい
Translation dut baarmoeder ; moederschoot ; bakermat {fig .} ; wieg Translation hun méh Translation spa útero
Translation eng womb ; uterus Translation ger Mutterleib ; Uterus ; Ursprung ; Basis ; Matrix Translation fre corps d'une mère ; utérus

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading たい ; はら
Translation eng womb Translation rus ( см .) たいない【胎内】

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin tai1 Reading On タイ Reading Korean tae Reading Korean
Meaning womb ; uterus Meaning fr utérus ; foetus Meaning es útero ; feto ; concebir Meaning pt útero

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 娘胎 Simplified 娘胎
Pinyin niang2 tai1
English womb

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 子宮 Simplified 子宫
Pinyin zi3 gong1
English uterus ; womb

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin bao1
English placenta ; womb ; born of the same parents

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 胞宮 Simplified 胞宫
Pinyin bao1 gong1
English uterus ; womb

JMdict 200217
Word 子袋
Reading こぶくろ ; コブクロ
Translation eng womb ; uterus ; pork or beef uterus , eaten grilled or raw Translation ger Gebärmutter ; Uterus
Crossref 子宮

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition womb , placenta , fetal membrane
Pinyin BAO1 PAO2 PAO4 Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun ENA Hangul Korean PHO Viet bào
Variant U+812C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition womb , placenta , fetal membrane
Pinyin bāo Jyutping baau1 On HOU Kun ENA Hangul : 0E Korean PHO Viet bào
Variant U+812C

JMdict 100319
Reading ウォンバット
Translation eng wombat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 袋熊 Simplified 袋熊
Pinyin dai4 xiong2
English wombat ( native Australian mammal )

JMdict 200217
Reading ウォンバット
Translation eng wombat Translation ger Wombat ; Plumpbeutler ( ein australisches Beuteltier ) ; Vombatidae

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 袋熊 Simplified 袋熊
Pinyin dai4 xiong2
English wombat ( Australian marsupial )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 袋熊 Simplified 袋熊
Pinyin dai4 xiong2
Deutsch Wombats (u.E.)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 袋熊 Simplified 袋熊
Pinyin dai4 xiong2
Deutsch Wombats (S, Zool )

JMnedict 100319
Reading ウムウェル Romaji Wombwell

JMnedict 200217
Reading ウムウェル Romaji Wombwell

Records 1 - 39 of 39 retrieved in 608 ms