JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading しま
Translation eng island ; territory ( of a prostitute , organized crime gang , etc .) ; turf Translation ger Insel ; Eiland ; Inselchen ; Atoll Translation fre île Translation rus остров

JMdict 200217
Word 宝島
Reading たからじま
Translation spa isla del tesoro Translation swe Skattkammarön
Translation eng treasure island Translation ger Schatzinsel ; Treasure Island ; Die Schatzinsel ( Abenteuerroman von R. L. Stevenson ; 1883 ) Translation rus остров сокровищ

JMdict 200217
Word イースター島
Reading イースターとう
Translation swe Påskön
Translation eng Easter Island Translation ger Osterinsel ; ( span .) Isla de Pascua ; ( polines .) Rapa Nui ( Insel im Süd-Pazifik ) Translation rus остров Пасхи

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word タヒチ島
Reading タヒチとう
Translation eng Tahiti Translation ger Tahiti Translation rus остров Таити

JMdict 100319
Word 諸島
Reading しょとう
Translation eng archipelago ; group of islands Translation ger Inseln ; Inselgruppe Translation fre archipel ; groupe d'îles Translation rus острова́ ; архипела́г

JMdict 200217
Word 島嶼
Reading とうしょ
Translation dut grote en kleine eilanden ; eilanden en eilandjes Translation spa islas
Translation eng islands Translation ger Inseln ; große und kleine Inseln Translation rus острова

JMdict 200217
Word 諸島
Reading しょとう
Translation dut eilanden ; archipel Translation hun szigetvilág
Translation eng archipelago ; group of islands Translation ger Inseln ; Inselgruppe Translation fre archipel ; groupe d'îles Translation rus острова ; архипелаг

JMdict 200217
Word 島民
Reading とうみん
Translation dut eilandbewoner ; eilander ; eilandbevolking {verzameln .}
Translation eng islander Translation ger Inselbewohner ; Insulaner Translation rus островитяне

JMdict 100319
Word 島国
Reading しまぐに ; とうごく
Translation eng island country ( sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan ) Translation ger Inselstaat ; Inselland ; Inselreich Translation fre pays insulaire ( par ex . le Japon ) Translation rus островная страна

JMdict 200217
Word 海国
Reading かいこく
Translation eng maritime nation Translation ger Inselreich ; Seemacht Translation rus островное государство

JMdict 200217
Word 小島
Reading こじま ; しょうとう ; おじま
Translation dut eilandje ; klein eiland Translation hun szigetecske Translation spa isla pequeña ; islote
Translation eng small island ; islet Translation ger Ojima ; Kojima ; kleine Insel Translation rus островок , небольшой остров ; островок

Records 1 - 22 of 22 retrieved in 832 ms