Unicode 5.2
Character Definition tribute paid in cloth by the tribes in Szechwan and Yunnan under the Han dynasty
Pinyin CONG2 Jyutping cung4 On SOU ZU Kun MITSUGI

JMdict 100319
Word 哀悼
Reading あいとう
Translation eng condolence ; regret ; tribute ; sorrow ; sympathy ; lament Translation ger Beileid ; Kondolenz ; Trauer Translation fre condoléances ; peine ; regret

JMdict 100319
Word 貢ぎ
Reading みつぎ
Translation eng tribute Translation ger Tribut ; Steuer Translation fre tribut

JMdict 100319
Word 貢ぎ物 ; 貢物
Reading みつぎもの
Translation eng tribute Translation ger Tribut ; Abgaben Translation fre tribut

JMdict 100319
Word 貢賦
Reading こうふ
Translation eng tribute and taxation Translation ger Abgaben und Steuern

JMdict 100319
Word 貢租
Reading こうそ
Translation eng annual tax ; tribute

JMdict 100319
Word 幣貢
Reading へいこう
Translation eng offering ; tribute

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading さん
Translation eng praise ; tribute ; inscription ( on a painting ) Translation ger Legende ; Bildinschrift ; Bildunterschrift

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading こう
Translation eng tribute

JMdict 100319
Reading トリビュート
Translation eng tribute

CEDict 100318
Traditional 敬意 Simplified 敬意
Pinyin jing4 yi4
English respect ; tribute

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong4
English to offer tribute ; tribute ; gifts

CEDict 100318
Traditional 貢品 Simplified 贡品
Pinyin gong4 pin3
English tribute

CEDict 100318
Traditional 貢物 Simplified 贡物
Pinyin gong4 wu4
English tribute

CEDict 100318
Traditional 貢賦 Simplified 贡赋
Pinyin gong4 fu4
English tribute

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cong2
English tribute paid by Han dynasty tribes

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gong4 Reading On コウ ; ク Reading Kun みつ .ぐ Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning tribute ; support ; finance Meaning fr tribut ; contribution ; financer Meaning es tributo ; finanzas ; tributar ; financiar Meaning pt tributo ; apoiar ; financiar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フ ; ブ Nanori うた Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning levy ; ode ; prose ; poem ; tribute ; installment Meaning fr prélèvement ; tribut ; impôt ; versements ; ode ; poème ; prose poétique Meaning es arancel ; tributo ; asignación Meaning pt ode ; prosa ; poema ; tributo ; prestações ; tributar

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cong2 Reading On ソウ ; ズ Reading Kun みつ .ぐ
Meaning tribute paid in cloth by the tribes in Szechwan and Yunnan under the Han dynasty

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition tribute paid in cloth by the tribes in Szechwan and Yunnan under the Han dynasty
Pinyin cóng Jyutping cung4 On SOU ZU Kun MITSUGI

JMdict 200217
Word 貢ぎ
Reading みつぎ
Translation hun adó ; hűbér ; sarc ; tartozás Translation swe tribut
Translation eng tribute Translation ger Tribut ; Steuer Translation fre tribut

JMdict 200217
Word 貢ぎ物 ; 貢物
Reading みつぎもの
Translation hun adó ; hűbér ; sarc ; tartozás Translation spa tributo ; contribución ; impuesto Translation swe tribut
Translation eng tribute Translation ger Tribut ; Abgaben Translation fre tribut Translation rus ( см .) みつぎ【貢】

JMdict 200217
Word 貢賦
Reading こうふ
Translation eng tribute and taxation Translation ger Abgaben und Steuern

JMdict 200217
Word 貢租
Reading こうそ
Translation hun adó ; hűbér ; sarc ; tartozás
Translation eng annual tax ; tribute Translation ger Ackerland auferlegte Grundsteuer

JMdict 200217
Word 幣貢
Reading へいこう
Translation hun ajándék ; adó ; tartozás
Translation eng offering ; tribute

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Reading さん
Translation hun felirat ; monda ; képaláírás ; képszöveg Translation spa leyenda ( titulo , inscripción ) ; subtitulo
Translation eng praise ; tribute ; inscription ( on a painting ) Translation ger Legende ; Bildinschrift ; Bildunterschrift Translation rus хвала , панегирик

JMdict 200217
Reading こう
Translation dut tribuut ; schatting ; tribuut betalen ; offeren ; aanbevelen ; voordragen
Translation eng tribute Translation rus ( ист .) дань

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フ ; ブ Nanori うた Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning levy ; ode ; prose ; poem ; tribute ; installment Meaning fr prélèvement ; tribut ; impôt ; versements ; ode ; poème ; prose poétique Meaning es arancel ; tributo ; asignación Meaning pt ode ; prosa ; poema ; tributo ; prestações ; tributar

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cong2 Reading On ソウ ; ズ Reading Kun みつ .ぐ
Meaning tribute paid in cloth by the tribes in Szechwan and Yunnan under the Han dynasty

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gong4 Reading On コウ ; ク Reading Kun みつ .ぐ Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning tribute ; support ; finance Meaning fr tribut ; contribution ; financer Meaning es tributo ; finanzas ; tributar ; financiar Meaning pt tributo ; apoiar ; financiar

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 敬意 Simplified 敬意
Pinyin jing4 yi4
English respect ; tribute

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gong4
English to offer tribute ; tribute ; gifts

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 貢品 Simplified 贡品
Pinyin gong4 pin3
English tribute

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 貢物 Simplified 贡物
Pinyin gong4 wu4
English tribute

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 貢賦 Simplified 贡赋
Pinyin gong4 fu4
English tribute

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cong2
English tribute paid by Han dynasty tribes

JMdict 200217
Reading トリビュート
Translation dut tribuut ; eerbetoon ; huldeblijk ; hulde
Translation eng tribute Translation ger Tribut

JMdict 200217
Reading コピーバンド ; コピー・バンド
Source Language eng copy band Translation eng cover band Translation ger Coverband ; Tributeband

Records 1 - 41 of 41 retrieved in 172 ms