CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zun1
English senior ; of a senior generation ; to honor ; to respect ; honorific ; classifier for cannons and statues ; ancient wine vessel

CEDict 100318
Traditional 對茬兒 Simplified 对茬儿
Pinyin dui4 cha2 r5
English to agree with ; of the same opinion ; to coincide

CEDict 100318
Traditional 屬世 Simplified 属世
Pinyin shu3 shi4
English of this world

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin weng3
English of mountainous appearance

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Traditional 帶勁 Simplified 带劲
Pinyin dai4 jin4
English energetic ; exciting ; of interest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 平行 Simplified 平行
Pinyin ping2 xing2
English parallel ; of equal rank ; simultaneous

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Traditional 平辈 Simplified 平辈
Pinyin ping2 bei4
English of the same generation

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Traditional 惡劣 Simplified 恶劣
Pinyin e4 lie4
English vile ; nasty ; of very poor quality

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Traditional 擅自 Simplified 擅自
Pinyin shan4 zi4
English without permission ; of one's own initiative

CEDict 100318
Traditional 支與流裔 Simplified 支与流裔
Pinyin zhi1 yu3 liu2 yi4
English lit . branches and descendants ; of a similar kind ; related

CEDict 100318
Traditional 攸關 Simplified 攸关
Pinyin you1 guan1
English of great concern

CEDict 100318
Traditional 日用 Simplified 日用
Pinyin ri4 yong4
English daily expenses ; of everyday use

CEDict 100318
Traditional 日裔 Simplified 日裔
Pinyin Ri4 yi4
English of Japanese descent

CEDict 100318
Traditional 明達 Simplified 明达
Pinyin ming2 da2
English reasonable ; of good judgement

CEDict 100318
Traditional 暗合 Simplified 暗合
Pinyin an4 he2
English to agree implicitly ; of one mind ; views coincide without a word exchanged

CEDict 100318
Traditional 本來 Simplified 本来
Pinyin ben3 lai2
English original ; originally ; at first ; it goes without saying ; of course

CEDict 100318
Traditional 沒勁 Simplified 没劲
Pinyin mei2 jin4
English to have no strength ; to feel weak ; exhausted ; feeling listless ; boring ; of no interest

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 沒意思 Simplified 没意思
Pinyin mei2 yi4 si5
English boring ; of no interest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 沒有意思 Simplified 没有意思
Pinyin mei2 you3 yi4 si5
English boring ; of no interest

CEDict 100318
Traditional 渾然天成 Simplified 浑然天成
Pinyin hun2 ran2 tian1 cheng2
English to resemble nature itself ; of the highest quality ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 無濟於事 Simplified 无济于事
Pinyin wu2 ji4 yu2 shi4
English to no avail ; of no use

CEDict 100318
Traditional 無補 Simplified 无补
Pinyin wu2 bu3
English of no avail ; not helping in the least

CEDict 100318
Traditional 獰惡可怖 Simplified 狞恶可怖
Pinyin ning2 e4 ke3 bu4
English of fierce and terrifying appearance ( idiom )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 異性 Simplified 异性
Pinyin yi4 xing4
English the opposite sex ; of the opposite sex ; heterosexual ; different in nature

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Traditional 當時的 Simplified 当时的
Pinyin dang1 shi2 de5
English of that time ; former

CEDict 100318
Traditional 當然 Simplified 当然
Pinyin dang1 ran2
English only natural ; as it should be ; certainly ; of course ; without doubt

CEDict 100318
Traditional 百不咋 Simplified 百不咋
Pinyin bai3 bu4 za5
English of no consequence ( idiom )

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 短暫 Simplified 短暂
Pinyin duan3 zan4
English of short duration ; brief ; momentary

CEDict 100318
Traditional 等值 Simplified 等值
Pinyin deng3 zhi2
English of equal value

CEDict 100318
Traditional 籍籍 Simplified 籍籍
Pinyin ji2 ji2
English noisy ; of high reputation ; intricate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 繁多 Simplified 繁多
Pinyin fan2 duo1
English many and varied ; of many different kinds

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 認定 Simplified 认定
Pinyin ren4 ding4
English to maintain ( that sth is true ) ; to determine (a fact ) ; determination ( of an amount ) ; of the firm opinion ; to believe firmly ; to set one's mind on ; to identify with

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiang4
English elephant , CL : | [ zhi1 ] ; shape ; form ; appearance ; of that shape ; comparable to ; such as ... ; image under a map ( math .)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 近頃 Simplified 近顷
Pinyin jin4 qing3
English recently ; of late

CEDict 100318
Traditional 適婚 Simplified 适婚
Pinyin shi4 hun1
English of marriageable age ; nubile

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Traditional 適齡 Simplified 适龄
Pinyin shi4 ling2
English of age ; of the appropriate age

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 首要 Simplified 首要
Pinyin shou3 yao4
English the most important ; of chief importance

CEDict 100318

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin geng4 ; geng1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun さら ; さら .に ; ふ. ける ; ふ. かす Reading Korean gyeong ; gaeng Reading Korean ;
Meaning grow late ; night watch ; sit up late ; of course Meaning fr se faire tard ; veiller ; de plus ; bien sûr Meaning es renovar ; cambiar ; caer la noche ; de nuevo ; aún Meaning pt ficar atrasado ; horário noturno ; certamente

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi1 Reading On Reading Kun の ; これ ; おいて ; ゆく ; この Nanori ゆき ; いたる ; あき ; つな ; ゆみ Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning of ; this Meaning fr de ; ceci ; avancer ( radical shinnyuu ) Meaning es esto ; de ( partícula posesiva )

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition companion , colleague ; utensils
Pinyin huǒ Jyutping fo2 On KA Kun HI HO Korean HWA
Variant U+5925
Cangjie Input Code OF

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