CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cha2
English to cross ; be stuck

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tao1
English be in receipt of

CEDict 100318
Traditional 只得 Simplified 只得
Pinyin zhi3 de2
English have no alternative but to ; be obliged to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 叫做 Simplified 叫做
Pinyin jiao4 zuo4
English be called ; be known as

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃不下 Simplified 吃不下
Pinyin chi1 bu5 xia4
English not feel like eating ; be unable to eat any more

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃不住 Simplified 吃不住
Pinyin chi1 bu5 zhu4
English be unable to bear or support

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃不開 Simplified 吃不开
Pinyin chi1 bu5 kai1
English be unpopular ; won't work

CEDict 100318
Traditional 吃力 Simplified 吃力
Pinyin chi1 li4
English entail strenuous effort ; be a strain

CEDict 100318
Traditional 合算 Simplified 合算
Pinyin he2 suan4
English worthwhile ; be a good deal ; be a bargain ; reckon up ; calculate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 善於 Simplified 善于
Pinyin shan4 yu2
English be good at ; be adept in

CEDict 100318
Traditional 善用 Simplified 善用
Pinyin shan4 yong4
English be good at using something

CEDict 100318
Traditional 喚作 Simplified 唤作
Pinyin huan4 zuo4
English be called ; be known as

CEDict 100318
Traditional 喚做 Simplified 唤做
Pinyin huan4 zuo4
English be called

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin you4
English park ; to limit ; be limited to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 在座 Simplified 在座
Pinyin zai4 zuo4
English be present

CEDict 100318
Traditional 在野 Simplified 在野
Pinyin zai4 ye3
English be out of ( political ) office ; out of power

CEDict 100318
Traditional 執意 Simplified 执意
Pinyin zhi2 yi4
English be determined to ; insist on

CEDict 100318
Traditional 執著 Simplified 执着
Pinyin zhi2 zhuo2
English attachment ; stubborn ; be attached to ; persistent ; persevering

CEDict 100318
Traditional 奔命 Simplified 奔命
Pinyin ben1 ming4
English rush about on errands ; be kept on the run

CEDict 100318
Traditional 奔忙 Simplified 奔忙
Pinyin ben1 mang2
English be busy rushing about ; bustle about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 奔波 Simplified 奔波
Pinyin ben1 bo1
English rush about ; be busy running about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 奔走 Simplified 奔走
Pinyin ben1 zou3
English run ; rush about ; be busy running about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 好比 Simplified 好比
Pinyin hao3 bi3
English be just like ; can be compared to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 好象 Simplified 好象
Pinyin hao3 xiang4
English seem ; be like

CEDict 100318
Traditional 好鬥 Simplified 好斗
Pinyin hao4 dou4
English be warlike

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ren4
English be pregnant

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pin1
English be a mistress or lover

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji2
English jealousy ; be jealous of

CEDict 100318
Traditional 定婚 Simplified 定婚
Pinyin ding4 hun1
English be betrothed ; get engaged

CEDict 100318
Traditional 將要 Simplified 将要
Pinyin jiang1 yao4
English will ; shall ; be going to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 對得起 Simplified 对得起
Pinyin dui4 de5 qi3
English not to let sb down ; to treat sb fairly ; be worthy of

CEDict 100318
Traditional 就要 Simplified 就要
Pinyin jiu4 yao4
English will ; shall ; be going to

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shu3
English category ; genus ( taxonomy ) ; family members ; dependents ; to belong to ; subordinate to ; affiliated with ; be born in the year of ( one of the 12 animals ) ; to be ; to prove to be ; to constitute

CEDict 100318
Traditional 幫倒忙 Simplified 帮倒忙
Pinyin bang1 dao4 mang2
English be more of a hindrance than a help

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sou1
English to search ; be concealed

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 心寒 Simplified 心寒
Pinyin xin1 han2
English be very disappointed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 必定 Simplified 必定
Pinyin bi4 ding4
English be bound to ; be sure to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 忌口 Simplified 忌口
Pinyin ji4 kou3
English abstain from certain food ( as when ill ) ; avoid certain foods ; be on a diet

CEDict 100318
Traditional 忌憚 Simplified 忌惮
Pinyin ji4 dan4
English be afraid of ; fear

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin niu3
English accustomed to ; blush ; be shy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 感興趣 Simplified 感兴趣
Pinyin gan3 xing4 qu4
English be interested

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin she4
English afraid ; be feared ; to fear ; to frighten ; to intimidate

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English fear ; be in awe ; sudden glance

CEDict 100318
Traditional 把風 Simplified 把风
Pinyin ba3 feng1
English keep watch ( during a clandestine activity ) ; be on the lookout

CEDict 100318
Traditional 抱不平 Simplified 抱不平
Pinyin bao4 bu4 ping2
English be outraged by an injustice

CEDict 100318
Traditional 抱病 Simplified 抱病
Pinyin bao4 bing4
English be ill ; be in bad health

CEDict 100318
Traditional 掌權 Simplified 掌权
Pinyin zhang3 quan2
English to wield ( political etc ) power ; be in power

CEDict 100318
Traditional 揹債 Simplified 背债
Pinyin bei1 zhai4
English be in debt ; be saddled with debts

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