JMnedict 100319
Word 根折
Reading ねおり Romaji Neori

JMnedict 200217
Word 音織梨
Reading ねおり Romaji Neori

JMnedict 200217
Word 根折
Reading ねおり Romaji Neori

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオリアリズム
Translation eng neorealism Translation ger Neorealismus

JMdict 200217
Reading ネオリアリズム
Translation eng neorealism Translation ger Neorealismus Translation rus (( англ .) neorealism ) неореализм

JMnedict 200217

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオリバラル
Translation eng neoliberal

JMdict 200217
Reading ネオリバラル
Translation eng neoliberal

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオロジー
Translation eng neology Translation ger Neologie

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオロジズム
Translation eng neologism

Reading ネオロマンチシズム
Translation eng neoromanticism Translation ger Neoromantizismus

Reading ネオロマンチシズム
Translation eng neoromanticism Translation ger Neoromantizismus

JMdict 200217
Word 嶺颪
Reading ねおろし
Translation eng wind coming from the top of a mountain
Crossref 山颪・やまおろし

JMnedict 100319

JMnedict 200217

JMdict 100319

JMnedict 100319

JMnedict 200217

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオシュガー
Translation eng neosugar

JMdict 200217
Reading ネオシュガー
Translation eng neosugar

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition slow-tongued ; to stammer , to shout in triumph ; the noise of shoting in battle
Pinyin NEI4 Jyutping neot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the stalk of grain ; straw , a hammer used to pound grains and corns , etc .
Pinyin NE4 Jyutping neot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition small children eat less , tired of eating , baked cakes
Pinyin NE4 Jyutping neot6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition food ( wheat gruel , etc .) to welcome the guest in old times , to eat to the full ; surfeited
Pinyin EN4 Jyutping neot6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition slow-tongued ; to stammer , to shout in triumph ; the noise of shoting in battle
Pinyin Jyutping neot6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the stalk of grain ; straw , a hammer used to pound grains and corns , etc .
Pinyin Jyutping neot6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition small children eat less , tired of eating , baked cakes
Pinyin Jyutping neot6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition food ( wheat gruel , etc .) to welcome the guest in old times , to eat to the full ; surfeited
Pinyin èn Jyutping neot6 Hangul :N :N

JMdict 200217
Reading ネオテーム
Translation eng neotame

JMdict 100319
Reading ネオテニー
Translation eng neoteny

JMdict 200217
Reading ネオテニー
Translation eng neoteny Translation ger Neotenie ( Eintritt der Geschlechtsreife im Larvenstadium )

JMdict 200217

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition snipe , kingfisher ; Tringa species ( various )
Pinyin YU4 SHU4 Jyutping neot6 wat6 On ITSU Kun SHIGI Hangul Korean HUL
Simplified U+9E6C

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition snipe , kingfisher ; Tringa species ( various )
Pinyin Jyutping neot6 wat6 On ITSU Kun SHIGI Hangul : 0N Korean HUL
Simplified U+9E6C

JMnedict 100319
Word 根緒坂
Reading ねおざか Romaji Neozaka

JMnedict 200217
Word 根緒坂
Reading ねおざか Romaji Neozaka

JMdict 100319
Reading しん
Translation eng new ; neo- ; Gregorian calendar ; Xin ( dynasty of China ) Translation fre néo- ; nouveau
Crossref 新暦

JMdict 200217
Reading しん
Translation dut het nieuwe ; iets nieuws ; nieuwheid ; nieuwigheid ; noviteit ; novelty ; nouveauté ; nieuwe stijl ; gregoriaanse tijdrekening ; zonnekalender ; n.s. van shinreki 新暦} {afk .} {verkorting ; Xīn {Chinese dynastie ; 8 - 23 (9 - 25 ) n. Chr .} ; nieuw ; neo- Translation hun modern Translation spa nuevo Translation swe ny
Translation eng Gregorian calendar ; Xin dynasty ( China , 9-23 CE ) ; Hsin dynasty ; new ; neo- ; newness ; novelty Translation ger Xin-Dynastie ( 9-24 n. Chr .) Translation fre néo- ; nouveau Translation rus ( кн .) новое ; новизна
Crossref 新暦

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 新太古代 Simplified 新太古代
Pinyin xin1 tai4 gu3 dai4
Deutsch Neoarchaikum ( eine Periode der Erdgeschichte ) (S, Geol )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 新太古代 Simplified 新太古代
Pinyin xin1 tai4 gu3 dai4
Deutsch Neoarchaikum ( eine Periode der Erdgeschichte ) (S, Geol )

Records 201 - 250 of 442 retrieved in 1948 ms