Unicode 5.2
Character Definition combine , unite , join ; gather
Pinyin HE2 GE3 Jyutping gap3 hap6 On GOU KATSU GATSU Kun AU AWASERU Hangul Korean HAP KAP Tang *hop Viet hợp
Variant U+95A4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition good , excellent , fine ; well
Pinyin HAO3 HAO4 Jyutping hou2 hou3 On KOU Kun KONOMU SUKU YOI Hangul Korean HO Tang *xɑ̀u *xɑ̌u Viet háo

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition one's deceased mother
Pinyin BI3 Jyutping bei2 On HI Kun NAKIHAHA Hangul Korean PI
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition save , rescue , relieve ; help , aid
Pinyin JIU4 Jyutping gau3 On KYUU GU Kun SUKUU SUKUI Hangul Korean KWU Tang *giòu Viet cứu
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bridge ; beam , crosspiece
Pinyin QIAO2 Jyutping kiu4 On KYOU KOU Kun HASHI Hangul Korean KYO Tang *ghyɛu Viet kiều
Simplified U+6865
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 1193

Unicode 5.2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bottom , underneath , underside
Pinyin DI3 DE5 Jyutping dai2 On TEI Kun SOKO NANZO Hangul Korean CE CI Tang *děi Viet để
Hong Kong proper shape 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition style , system , formula , rule
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NORI NOTTORU Hangul Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet thức

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to kill one's superior
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping si3 On SHI SHII Kun SHIISURU KOROSU Hangul Korean SI Viet thí
Traditional U+5F12
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to kill one's superior
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping si3 On SHI SHII Kun SHIISURU KOROSU Korean SI
Simplified U+5F11
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wipe away stains with cloth
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NUGUU FUKU Hangul Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet rị
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition test , try , experiment
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping si3 si5 On SHI Kun KOKOROMIRU TAMESU Hangul Korean SI Tang *shiə̀ Viet thí
Simplified U+8BD5
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horizontal wooden bar in front of a sedan chair
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping sik1 On SHOKU SHIKI Kun SHIKIMI Hangul Korean SIK
Simplified U+8F7C
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition begin , start ; then , only then
Pinyin SHI3 Jyutping ci2 On SHI Kun HAJIMERU HAJIME HAJIMARU Hangul Korean SI Tang *shiə̌ Viet thuỷ
PRC Telegraph Code 1193 Taiwan Telegraph 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jing3 Reading On セイ ; ショウ Reading Kun Nanori いの ; さい ; ひ Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning well ; well crib ; town ; community Meaning fr puits ; margelle ; ville ; communauté Meaning es pozo ; ciudad Meaning pt bem
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ge2 Reading On カク Reading Korean gag Reading Korean
Meaning tower ; tall building ; palace Meaning fr tour ; tour ( immeuble ) ; palais Meaning es torre ; edificio alto ; palacio ; gabinete Meaning pt torre ; edifício alto ; palácio
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi2 ; ji4 Reading On Reading Korean gi Reading Korean
Meaning equestrian ; riding on horses ; counter for equestrians Meaning fr cavalier ; monter à cheval ; compteur de cavaliers Meaning es jinete ; montar a caballo ; contador para jinetes Meaning pt cavaleiro ; equitação ; sufixo para contagem de cavalos
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xing2 Reading On ケイ Nanori おさか ; ぎょう Reading Korean hyeong Reading Korean
Meaning punish ; penalty ; sentence ; punishment Meaning fr peine ; sanction ; condamnation ; punition Meaning es pena ; sentencia ; castigo Meaning pt Punir ; penalidade ; sentença ; punição
Dictionary dr_henshall 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cuo4 ; cu4 Reading On サク ; シャク Reading Korean chag ; jo Reading Korean ;
Meaning confused ; mix ; be in disorder Meaning fr embrouillé ; confus ; complexe ; mélange Meaning es confundirse ; mezclarse ; equivocarse ; estar desordenado Meaning pt confundir ; mistura ; está em desordem
Dictionary dr_maniette 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 姿
Reading Pinyin zi1 Reading On Reading Kun すがた Nanori しな Reading Korean ja Reading Korean
Meaning figure ; form ; shape Meaning fr silhouette ; forme ; aspect Meaning es figura ; forma ; apariencia Meaning pt figura ; formulário ; forma
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qu4 ; cu4 Reading On シュ Reading Kun おもむき ; おもむ .く Reading Korean chwi ; chug Reading Korean ;
Meaning gist ; proceed to ; tend ; become Meaning fr teneur ; fond ; aspect ; apparence ; sens ; tendance ; devenir Meaning es significado ; sentido ; apariencia ; proceder Meaning pt essência ; continuar para ; tender ; tornar-se
Dictionary dr_gakken 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shi4 Reading On ショク Reading Kun かざ .る ; かざ .り Nanori しか Reading Korean sig Reading Korean
Meaning decorate ; ornament ; adorn ; embellish Meaning fr décorer ; orner ; parer ; embellir Meaning es decorar ; ornamentar ; adornar ; embellecer Meaning pt decorar ; ornamento ; adornar ; embelezar
Miscellaneous Frequency 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xi2 Reading On セキ Reading Kun むしろ Reading Korean seog Reading Korean
Meaning seat ; mat ; occasion ; place Meaning fr siège ; natte ; occasion ; place Meaning es asiento ; plaza ; posición Meaning pt assento ; esteira ; ocasião ; lugar
Dictionary dr_heisig 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yang2 Reading On ヨウ Nanori なだ ; ひろ ; ひろし ; よ ; よし Reading Korean yang Reading Korean
Meaning ocean ; western style Meaning fr océan ; style occidental Meaning es océano ; de estilo occidental ; cada una de las dos mitades del mundo Meaning pt oceano ; estilo ocidental
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin long2 ; long1 Reading On リュウ Nanori お ; たか ; たかし Reading Korean ryung Reading Korean
Meaning hump ; high ; noble ; prosperity Meaning fr protubérance ; haut ; noble ; prospérité Meaning es montículo ; giba ; alto ; próspero ; floreciente Meaning pt corcova ; alto ; nobre ; prosperidade
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ge1 Reading On カ ; コ Reading Kun あに ; うた Reading Korean ga Reading Korean
Meaning big brother
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bi3 Reading On Reading Kun なきはは Reading Korean bi Reading Korean
Meaning mother
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 1193

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mu3 Reading On ボ ; モ Reading Kun うば Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning wet nurse
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition combine , unite , join ; gather
Pinyin Jyutping gap3 hap6 On GOU KATSU GATSU Kun AU AWASERU Hangul : 0E Korean HAP KAP Tang *hop Viet hợp
Variant U+95A4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition good , excellent , fine ; well
Pinyin hǎo Jyutping hou2 hou3 On KOU Kun KONOMU SUKU YOI Hangul : 0E Korean HO Tang *xɑ̀u *xɑ̌u Viet háo

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition one's deceased mother
Pinyin Jyutping bei2 On HI Kun NAKIHAHA Hangul : 1N Korean PI
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition save , rescue , relieve ; help , aid
Pinyin jiù Jyutping gau3 On KYUU GU Kun SUKUU SUKUI Hangul : 0E Korean KWU Tang *giòu Viet cứu
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bridge ; beam , crosspiece
Pinyin qiáo Jyutping kiu4 On KYOU KOU Kun HASHI Hangul : 0E Korean KYO Tang *ghyɛu Viet kiều
Simplified U+6865
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 1193

Unicode 12.1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bottom , underneath , underside
Pinyin Jyutping dai2 On TEI Kun SOKO NANZO Hangul : 0E Korean CE CI Tang *děi Viet để
Hong Kong proper shape 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition style , system , formula , rule
Pinyin shì Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NORI NOTTORU Hangul : 0E Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet thức

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to kill one's superior
Pinyin shì Jyutping si3 On SHI SHII Kun SHIISURU KOROSU Hangul :0 Korean SI Viet thí
Traditional U+5F12
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to kill one's superior
Pinyin shì Jyutping si3 On SHI SHII Kun SHIISURU KOROSU Hangul :N Korean SI
Simplified U+5F11
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wipe away stains with cloth
Pinyin shì Jyutping sik1 On SHIKI SHOKU Kun NUGUU FUKU Hangul : 0N Korean SIK Tang shiək Viet rị
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition test , try , experiment
Pinyin shì Jyutping si3 si5 On SHI Kun KOKOROMIRU TAMESU Hangul : 0E Korean SI Tang *shiə̀ Viet thí
Simplified U+8BD5
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition horizontal wooden bar in front of a sedan chair
Pinyin shì Jyutping sik1 On SHOKU SHIKI Kun SHIKIMI Hangul : 0N Korean SIK
Simplified U+8F7C
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1193

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition begin , start ; then , only then
Pinyin shǐ Jyutping ci2 On SHI Kun HAJIMERU HAJIME HAJIMARU Hangul : 0E Korean SI Tang *shiə̌ Viet thuỷ
PRC Telegraph Code 1193 Taiwan Telegraph 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cuo4 ; cu4 Reading On サク ; シャク Reading Korean chag ; jo Reading Korean ;
Meaning confused ; mix ; be in disorder Meaning fr embrouillé ; confus ; complexe ; mélange Meaning es confundirse ; mezclarse ; equivocarse ; estar desordenado Meaning pt confundir ; mistura ; está em desordem
Dictionary dr_maniette 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Literal 姿
Reading Pinyin zi1 Reading On Reading Kun すがた Nanori しな Reading Korean ja Reading Korean
Meaning figure ; form ; shape Meaning fr silhouette ; forme ; aspect Meaning es figura ; forma ; apariencia Meaning pt figura ; formulário ; forma
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhou2 ; zhou4 ; zhu2 Reading On ジク Reading Korean chug Reading Korean
Meaning axis ; pivot ; stem ; stalk ; counter for book scrolls Meaning fr axe ; pivot ; tige ; compteur de livres en rouleaux Meaning es eje ; pivote ; péndulo ; mango Meaning pt eixo ; pivô ; talo ; caule ; sufixo para contagem de pergaminhos
Dictionary dr_heisig6 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qu4 ; cu4 Reading On シュ Reading Kun おもむき ; おもむ .く Reading Korean chwi ; chug Reading Korean ;
Meaning purport ; gist ; elegance ; interest ; proceed to ; tend ; become Meaning fr teneur ; fond ; aspect ; apparence ; sens ; tendance ; devenir Meaning es significado ; sentido ; apariencia ; proceder Meaning pt essência ; continuar para ; tender ; tornar-se
Dictionary dr_gakken 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shi4 Reading On ショク Reading Kun かざ .る ; かざ .り Nanori しか Reading Korean sig Reading Korean
Meaning decorate ; ornament ; adorn ; embellish Meaning fr décorer ; orner ; parer ; embellir Meaning es decorar ; ornamentar ; adornar ; embellecer Meaning pt decorar ; ornamento ; adornar ; embelezar
Miscellaneous Frequency 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xi2 Reading On セキ Reading Kun むしろ Reading Korean seog Reading Korean
Meaning seat ; mat ; occasion ; place Meaning fr siège ; natte ; occasion ; place Meaning es asiento ; plaza ; posición Meaning pt assento ; esteira ; ocasião ; lugar
Dictionary dr_heisig 1193

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shan4 Reading On ゼン ; セン Reading Kun かしわ ; すす . める ; そな . える Nanori ぜ ; よし Reading Korean seon Reading Korean
Meaning small low table ; tray Meaning es mesita baja ; bandeja ( para comida ) ; comida ; contador de palillos
Dictionary dr_sh_kk2 1193

Records 1 - 50 of 96 retrieved in 470 ms