JMdict 100319
Reading ひつじ
Translation eng eighth sign of Chinese zodiac ( The Ram , 1pm-3pm , south-southwest , June ) Translation ger Schaf ; achtes Tier im chin . Tierkreis ; ein bis drei Uhr nachmittags Translation fre bélier ( signe du Zodiaque chinois ), ( arch ) 13h-15h , sud-sud-ouest , juin

JMdict 100319
Reading かのと ; しん
Translation eng 8th in rank ; eighth sign of the Chinese calendar Translation ger {Astrol .} achtes der zehn Kalenderzeichen

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 南呂
Reading なんりょ
Translation eng ( in China ) 10th note of the ancient chromatic scale ( approx . B) ; eighth month of the lunar calendar
Crossref 十二律 ; 盤渉

CEDict 100318
Traditional 八分音符 Simplified 八分音符
Pinyin ba1 fen1 yin1 fu2
English quaver ; eighth note

CEDict 100318
Traditional 八月 Simplified 八月
Pinyin ba1 yue4
English eighth month ; August

CEDict 100318
Traditional 半復賽 Simplified 半复赛
Pinyin ban4 fu4 sai4
English eighth finals

CEDict 100318
Traditional 第八 Simplified 第八
Pinyin di4 ba1
English eighth

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xin1
English ( of taste ) hot or pungent ; hard ; laborious ; suffering ; eighth of the ten heavenly stems 十天干 ; eighth in order ; octa

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei4 Reading On ミ ; ビ Reading Kun いま .だ ; ま.だ ; ひつじ Reading Korean mi Reading Korean
Meaning un- ; not yet ; hitherto ; still ; even now ; sign of the ram ; 1-3PM ; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac Meaning fr non- ; encore ; pas encore ; jusqu'ici ; même maintenant ; signe de la 8ème branche terrestre ; signe du Mouton ( zodiaque ) ; 13 à 15 heures Meaning es aún no ; todavía ; hasta ahora Meaning pt já- ; não ainda ; até aqui ; ainda ; até mesmo agora

JMdict 200217
Reading ダル ; ダール
Translation eng dull ; Indian split pulse ( lentils , peas or beans ) ; Indian pulse stew ; dal ; daal ; dāl ; eighth letter of the Arabic alphabet Translation ger stumpfsinnig ; langweilig ; träge ; faul ; Robert Alan Dahl ( amerik . Politologe ; 1915-2014 ) Source Language hin dāl

JMdict 200217
Word 8月 ; 八月
Reading はちがつ
Translation dut augustus ; aug . {afk .} ; augustusmaand ; oogstmaand Translation hun augusztus ; magasztos Translation slv avgust Translation spa agosto ; Agosto Translation swe augusti
Translation eng August ; eighth month of the lunar calendar Translation ger August Translation rus август

JMdict 200217
Word 八分音符
Reading はちぶおんぷ
Translation eng 8th note ; eighth note ; quaver Translation ger Achtelnote ; Achtel

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 南呂
Reading なんりょ
Translation eng 10th note of the ancient chromatic scale ( approx . B) ; eighth month of the lunar calendar
Crossref 十二律 ; 盤渉

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin wei4 Reading On ミ ; ビ Reading Kun いま .だ ; ま.だ ; ひつじ Reading Korean mi Reading Korean
Meaning un- ; not yet ; hitherto ; still ; even now ; sign of the ram ; 1-3PM ; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac Meaning fr non- ; encore ; pas encore ; jusqu'ici ; même maintenant ; signe de la 8ème branche terrestre ; signe du Mouton ( zodiaque ) ; 13 à 15 heures Meaning es aún no ; todavía ; hasta ahora Meaning pt já- ; não ainda ; até aqui ; ainda ; até mesmo agora

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 八分音符 Simplified 八分音符
Pinyin ba1 fen1 yin1 fu2
English quaver ; eighth note

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 八月 Simplified 八月
Pinyin Ba1 yue4
English August ; eighth month ( of the lunar year )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 半復賽 Simplified 半复赛
Pinyin ban4 fu4 sai4
English eighth finals

CC-CEDict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 辛未
Reading かのとひつじ ; しんび
Translation eng eighth of the sexagenary cycle
Crossref 干支・1

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 秋風の月
Reading あきかぜのつき
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 秋風月
Reading あきかぜづき
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 濃染月 ; 木染月
Reading こぞめづき
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 竹の春
Reading たけのはる
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 燕去り月 ; 燕去月
Reading つばめさりづき
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 紅染月
Reading こうぞめづき
Translation eng eighth lunar month
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217
Word 其色月
Reading そのいろづき
Translation eng eighth month of the lunar calendar
Crossref 葉月

JMdict 200217

Records 1 - 41 of 41 retrieved in 337 ms