JMdict 100319
Reading ぴゅうぴゅう
Translation eng sound of whistling or wheezing Translation ger pfeifend ; zischend

JMdict 200217
Reading ひゅーっ ; ひゅー
Translation eng ( with a) whizzing sound ; sound of something whizzing by Translation ger pfeifend Translation rus ( см .) ひゅーひゅー

JMdict 200217
Reading ぴゅう ; ぴゅん ; ピュウッ ; ピュー
Translation eng whiz (e.g. projectile through air ) ; swoosh ; whoosh ; whistling sound Translation ger pfeifend Translation rus ( ономат .) со свистом
Crossref ぴゅうぴゅう

JMdict 200217
Reading ビュッ ; びゅっ ; ビュン ; びゅん
Translation eng zip ; ping ; zing ; zoom ; whoosh Translation ger pfeifend ; heulend ; zischend
Crossref ビュンビュン

JMdict 200217
Word 喘鳴
Reading ぜんめい
Translation eng stridor ; wheezing ; noisy breathing Translation ger Stridor ; Keuchen ; pfeifendes Atemgeräusch

Records 1 - 11 of 11 retrieved in 102 ms