Unicode 5.2
Pinyin JIE4 On KAI KE KA Kun KOE
Cangjie Input Code ROLL

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll around with hand ; model
Pinyin TUAN2 ZHUAN1 Jyutping tyun4
Traditional U+6476

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll up the sleeves ; fight bare-fisted ; strike , stab
Pinyin ZHEN4 Jyutping zam3 On CHIN Kun UTSU SASU Viet chạm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll around with hand ; model
Pinyin TUAN2 ZHUAN1 Jyutping tyun4 On TAN SEN Kun MARUI Tang dhuɑn
Simplified U+629F

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll flat
Pinyin GAN3 HAN4
Variant U+625E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition roll
Pinyin LEI4 LEI2 LEI3 Jyutping leoi5 leoi6 On RAI RUI Hangul Korean LOY

JMdict 100319
Word 揺ら揺ら
Reading ゆらゆら
Translation eng slow swaying ; rolling from side to side ; swinging ; wobbling ; shake ; swing ; waver ; roll ; rock ; tremble ; vibration ; flicker Translation ger schwankend Translation fre bouger ? ; trembler ; vibrer

JMdict 100319
Reading ロール
Translation eng roll Translation ger Rolle ; Walze ; Semmel .

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールカラー
Translation eng roll collar Translation ger {Kleidung} Rollkragen

JMdict 100319
Word ; 巻き
Reading まき
Translation eng roll (e.g. of cloth ) ; winding ; volume ( of book ) Translation ger Rolle ; Band ; Buch Translation fre livre ; rouleau ; volume

JMdict 100319
Word 採決
Reading さいけつ
Translation eng vote ; roll call Translation ger Abstimmung Translation fre appel ; vote

JMdict 100319
Word 札束
Reading さつたば
Translation eng roll of banknotes Translation ger Bündel Banknoten Translation fre liasse de billets

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading ひき ; き
Translation eng counter for small animals ; counter for rolls of cloth ( two han in size ) ; counter for horses ; roll of cloth Translation fre ( numéral pour petits animaux ) ; rouleaux de tissu

JMdict 100319
Word 巻き舌
Reading まきじた
Translation eng speak rapidly ; roll one's r's Translation ger Rollen mit der Zunge

JMdict 100319
Word 指名投票
Reading しめいとうひょう
Translation eng roll call vote Translation ger namentliche Abstimmung

JMdict 100319
Word 巻子本
Reading かんしほん
Translation eng roll ; scroll ; rolled book

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールサンド
Translation eng roll sandwich ; sandwich roll

JMdict 100319
Word ロール雲
Reading ロールぐも
Translation eng roll cloud

JMdict 100319
Reading タルト
Translation eng tart ; roll of sponge cake with sweetened beans Source Language fre tarte Source Language dut taart

JMdict 100319
Word 吊るし雲 ; つるし雲
Reading つるしぐも
Translation eng roll cloud ; rotor cloud

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールキャベツ
Source Language eng roll cabbage Translation eng cabbage roll ; stuffed cabbage

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールフィルム
Translation eng roll film

JMdict 100319
Word ロール用紙
Reading ロールようし
Translation eng roll paper

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールバー
Translation eng roll bar

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールコール
Translation eng roll call

JMnedict 100319
Reading ロール Romaji Laure ; Roar ; Rohl ; Rohr ; Rohrl ; Roll

CEDict 100318
Traditional 名冊 Simplified 名册
Pinyin ming2 ce4
English roll ( of names ) ; register

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fu2
English width ; roll ; classifier for textiles or pictures

CEDict 100318
Traditional 排名 Simplified 排名
Pinyin pai2 ming2
English ranking ; ordered list ; to rank nth out of 100 ; to be placed ; roll of honor

CEDict 100318
Traditional 排名榜 Simplified 排名榜
Pinyin pai2 ming2 bang3
English ranking ; ordered list ; top 20 ; roll of honor ; to come nth out of 100

CEDict 100318
Traditional 排名表 Simplified 排名表
Pinyin pai2 ming2 biao3
English league table ; roll of honor

CEDict 100318
Traditional 棒硫 Simplified 棒硫
Pinyin bang4 liu2
English roll sulfur

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yin3
English roll of thunder

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin lei4
English roll stone down hill ; stone pile

CEDict 100318
Traditional 簸蕩 Simplified 簸荡
Pinyin bo3 dang4
English roll ; rock

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji2
English book or record ; registry ; roll ; place of one's family or ancestral records ; membership

CEDict 100318
Traditional 腐竹 Simplified 腐竹
Pinyin fu3 zhu2
English roll of dried tofu strips

CEDict 100318
Traditional 軋輥 Simplified 轧辊
Pinyin zha2 gun3
English roll

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhan3
English roll over on side ; turn half over

CEDict 100318
Traditional 點名 Simplified 点名
Pinyin dian3 ming2
English roll call ; to mention sb by name ; ( to call or praise or criticize sb ) by name

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin juan4 ; juan3 Reading On カン ; ケン Reading Kun ま.く ; まき ; ま.き Reading Korean gweon Reading Korean
Meaning scroll ; volume ; book ; part ; roll up ; wind up ; tie ; coil ; counter for texts ( or book scrolls ) Meaning fr rouleau ; livre ; tome ; volume ; partie ; enrouler ; envelopper ; compteur de textes ( manuscrits roulés ) Meaning es enrollar ; rollo ; volumen ; tomo ; liar Meaning pt rolo ; volume ; livro ; parte ; enrolar ; laço ; mola ; sufixo para contagem de para textos ( em livros )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wan2 Reading On ガン Reading Kun まる ; まる . める ; まる .い Nanori ま ; わ ; わに Reading Korean hwan Reading Korean
Meaning round ; full ; month ; perfection ; -ship ; pills ; make round ; roll up ; curl up ; seduce ; explain away Meaning fr rond ; arrondir ; entier ( mois ) ; pilule ; perfection ; suffixe des bateaux ; se pelotonner ; se rouler en boule ; séduire ; justifier Meaning es redondo ; circular ; círculo ; redondear Meaning pt arredondar ; cheio ; mês ; perfeição ; -nave ; pílulas ; espiral para cima ; seduzir

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin juan3 Reading On ケン Reading Kun ま.く ; ま. くる ; まく .る ; めく .る ; まく . れる Reading Korean gweon Reading Korean
Meaning roll ; wind ; coil ; turn pages ; roll up sleeves ; strip off ; be turned ; be rolled up

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pi3 ; pi1 Reading On ヒツ Reading Kun ひき Reading Korean pil ; mog Reading Korean ;
Meaning equal ; head ; counter for small animals ; roll of cloth Meaning fr égal ; tête ; compteur de petits animaux ; rouleau de tissu (= 2 tan = ‾19m ) Meaning es una persona ; confrontar ; equilibrar ; contador de animales ; contador de largo de telas Meaning pt igual ; cabeça ; sufixo para contagem de para pequenos animais ; rolo de pano

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tuan2 Reading On タン ; セン Reading Kun まる .い Reading Korean dan Reading Korean
Meaning roll into a ball ; slap

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhen4 Reading On チン Reading Kun う.つ ; さ.す
Meaning roll up sleeves ; fight bare fist

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