JMnedict 100319
Reading ソールベロー Romaji Saul Bellow

JMnedict 100319
Reading ソウル Romaji Seoul ( South Korea ) ; Saul

CEDict 100318
Traditional 掃羅 Simplified 扫罗
Pinyin sao3 luo2
English Saul ( name ) ; biblical king around 1000 BC

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 掃羅王 Simplified 扫罗王
Pinyin sao3 luo2 wang2
Deutsch Saul (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 索爾貝婁 Simplified 索尔贝娄
Pinyin suo3 er3 bei4 lou2
Deutsch Saul Bellow (u.E.) ( Eig , Pers , 1915 - 2005 )

JMdict 200217
Word 沙羅 ; 娑羅
Reading しゃら ; さら
Translation eng sal ( tree ) ( Shorea robusta ) ; saul ; Japanese stewartia ( Stewartia pseudocamellia ) Translation rus ( см .) さらじゅ
Crossref 夏椿 ; 沙羅双樹・1

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 掃羅王 Simplified 扫罗王
Pinyin sao3 luo2 wang2
Deutsch Saul

JMdict 200217
Word 双樹
Reading そうじゅ
Translation eng two trees ; sal ( tree ) ( Shorea robusta ) ; saul
Crossref 娑羅双樹・1

JMnedict 200217
Reading サウル Romaji Saul the King

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 掃羅 Simplified 扫罗
Pinyin Sao3 luo2
English Saul ( name ) ; biblical king around 1000 BC

JMnedict 200217
Reading ソウル Romaji Seoul ( South Korea ) ; Saul

JMnedict 200217
Reading ソールベロー Romaji Saul Bellow

JMnedict 200217

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 索爾貝婁 Simplified 索尔贝娄
Pinyin suo3 er3 bei4 lou2
Deutsch Saul Bellow ( Eig , Pers , 1915 - 2005 )

JMdict 100319
Word 円柱 ; 丸柱
Reading えんちゅう ; まるばしら
Translation eng column ; shaft ; cylinder ; round pillar ( esp . in buildings ) Translation ger Säule ; Kolumne ; Zylinder ; Walze Translation fre colonne ; cylindre
Crossref 角柱

JMdict 100319
Word 支柱
Reading しちゅう
Translation eng prop ; brace ; fulcrum Translation ger Stütze ; Pfahl ; Säule ; Pfosten ; Stützpfeiler ; seelischer Halt ; Stütze Translation fre appui ; attache ; colonne ; pilier ( fig .) ; pivot

JMdict 100319
Word 枝垂れ柳 ; 枝垂柳
Reading しだれやなぎ
Translation eng weeping willow Translation ger {Bot .} Trauerweide ; ( <wiss . N.: Salix babylonica> ) Translation fre saule pleureur

JMdict 100319
Reading はしら
Translation eng pillar ; post ; support ; prop ; mainstay ; counter for buddhas , gods , nobles , etc . Translation ger Pfosten ; Säule ; Pfeiler ; Mast ; Stütze Translation fre pilier ; poteau Translation rus сто́лб ; коло́нна

JMdict 100319
Word ; ; 楊柳
Reading やなぎ ; ようりゅう
Translation eng willow ( any tree of genus Salix ) ; weeping willow ( Salix babylonica ) Translation ger {Bot .} Weide Translation fre osier ; saule ; svelte Translation rus ива
Crossref 枝垂れ柳

JMdict 100319
Word 国家の柱石
Reading こっかのちゅうせき
Translation eng pillar of state Translation ger Säule des Staates

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 圓柱 Simplified 圆柱
Pinyin yuan2 zhu4
Deutsch Druckspalt (u.E.) (S) ; Kolumne (u.E.) (S) ; Säule (u.E.) (S) ; Zylinder (u.E.) (S, Math )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhu4
Deutsch Betonpfeiler (u.E.) (S) ; Säule (u.E.) (S) ; Zhu (u.E.) ( Eig , Fam )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 柱子 Simplified 柱子
Pinyin zhu4 zi5
Deutsch Betonpfeiler (u.E.) (S) ; Kolonne (u.E.) (S) ; Säule (u.E.) (S)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin liu3 Reading On リュウ Reading Kun やなぎ Nanori なぎ ; や ; やい ; やぎ ; やな ; やない Reading Korean ryu Reading Korean
Meaning willow Meaning fr saule Meaning es sauce ; mimbre Meaning pt salgueiro

JMdict 200217
Reading コラム
Translation dut kolom {bouwk .} ; zuil ; pilaar ; pijler ; column ; kolom {w .g.} Translation hun oszlop Translation spa columna ( periodística )
Translation eng column (e.g. in newspaper ) ; stand-alone feature article framed by a box Translation ger Säule ; Spalte ; Kolonne ; Kolumne ; Kolumne ; Meinungsartikel ; Spalte Translation rus (( англ .) column ) колонка газете , журнале )

JMdict 200217
Word 円柱 ; 丸柱
Reading えんちゅう ; まるばしら
Translation dut rolronde zuil ; kolom ; pilaar ; pijler ; schacht ; cilinder {wisk .} ; rol {wisk .} Translation hun akna ; fénysugár ; hímvessző ; kocsirúd ; nyél ; nyíl ; nyílvessző ; szár ; törzs ; henger Translation spa columna ; cilindro
Translation eng round pillar ( esp . in buildings ) ; column ; shaft ; cylinder Translation ger Säule ; Kolumne ; Walze ; Kreiszylinder ; runde Säule Translation fre colonne ; cylindre Translation rus ( стр .) колонна
Crossref 角柱

JMdict 200217
Word 枝垂れ柳 ; 垂れ柳 ; 枝垂柳
Reading しだれやなぎ ; シダレヤナギ
Translation dut echte treurwilg {plantk .} ; groene treurwilg ; Salix babylonica Translation swe sorgpil ; tårpil
Translation eng weeping willow ( Salix babylonica ) Translation ger Trauerweide ; Salix babylonica Translation fre saule pleureur Translation rus плакучая ива , Salyx babylonica (L.)

JMdict 200217
Word ; ; 楊柳
Reading やなぎ ; ようりゅう ; ヤナギ
Translation dut wilg {plantk .} Translation hun fűzfa ; csekély ; vékony
Translation eng weeping willow ( Salix babylonica ) ; willow ( any tree of genus Salix ) Translation ger Weide ; Yōryū-Seidenkrepp ( Abk .) ; Yanagi ; Weide ; Weidenbaum Translation fre osier ; saule ; svelte Translation rus ива
Crossref 枝垂れ柳

JMdict 200217
Word 国家の柱石
Reading こっかのちゅうせき
Translation eng pillar of state Translation ger Säule des Staates

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin liu3 Reading On リュウ Reading Kun やなぎ Nanori なぎ ; や ; やい ; やぎ ; やな ; やない Reading Korean ryu Reading Korean
Meaning willow Meaning fr saule Meaning es sauce ; mimbre Meaning pt salgueiro

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 柱子 Simplified 柱子
Pinyin zhu4 zi5
Deutsch Betonpfeiler (S) ; Kolonne (S) ; Säule (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhu4
Deutsch Betonpfeiler (S) ; Säule (S) ; Zhu ( Eig , Fam )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 圓柱 Simplified 圆柱
Pinyin yuan2 zhu4
Deutsch Druckspalt (S) ; Kolumne (S) ; Säule (S) ; Zylinder (S, Math )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 棟梁 Simplified 栋梁
Pinyin dong4 liang2
Deutsch Giebelbalken ( Architektur ) ; Säulen

JMdict 200217
Word 蚊柱
Reading かばしら
Translation dut zuilvormige muggenzwerm
Translation eng mosquito swarm Translation ger säulenartiger Mückenschwarm Translation fre moustiquaire Translation rus рой комаров

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 柱型圖 Simplified 柱型图
Pinyin zhu4 xing2 tu2
Deutsch Säulendiagramm (u.E.) (S)

JMdict 200217
Word 棒グラフ
Reading ぼうグラフ
Translation hun oszlopdiagram
Translation eng bar graph ; bar chart Translation ger Balkendiagramm ; Säulendiagramm ; Stabdiagramm

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 柱型圖 Simplified 柱型图
Pinyin zhu4 xing2 tu2
Deutsch Säulendiagramm (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 英國櫟 Simplified 英国栎
Pinyin ying1 guo2 li4
Deutsch Säuleneiche , Pyramideneiche ( lat : Quercus robur fastigata ) ( Eig , Bio )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 英國櫟 Simplified 英国栎
Pinyin ying1 guo2 li4
Deutsch Säuleneiche , Pyramideneiche ( lat : Quercus robur fastigata ) ( Eig , Bio )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 有柱 Simplified 有柱
Pinyin you3 zhu4
Deutsch säulenförmig (u.E.)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 有柱 Simplified 有柱
Pinyin you3 zhu4
Deutsch säulenförmig

JMdict 200217
Word 円柱形
Reading えんちゅうけい
Translation eng column shape ; cylinder ; columnar Translation ger säulenförmig

JMdict 200217
Word 円柱状
Reading えんちゅうじょう
Translation eng column shape ; cylinder ; columnar Translation ger säulenförmig

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