Unicode 5.2
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin SHA4 XIA4 Jyutping haa6 On KA Kun IE Hangul Korean HA
Traditional U+5EC8
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition district , region , boundary ; land
Pinyin YU4 Jyutping wik6 On IKI Kun SAKAI Hangul Korean YEK Tang hiuək Viet vực
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin SHA4 XIA4 Jyutping haa6 On KA SA Kun IE HISASHI Hangul Korean HA Tang Viet
Simplified U+53A6
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be satisfied , be comfortable
Pinyin QIE4 Jyutping hip3 hip6 On KYOU Kun KOKOROYOI Hangul Korean HYEP Tang kep
Simplified U+60EC
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ball , anything round , sphere
Pinyin QIU2 Jyutping kau4 On KYUU Kun MARI IGA Hangul Korean KWU Viet choác cầu
Variant U+7403
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cinders , ashes , embers ; remnants
Pinyin JIN4 Jyutping zeon2 zeon6 On JIN Kun MOENOKORI Hangul Korean SIN Tang zìn Viet tần
Simplified U+70EC
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition class , category , type ; to belong to
Pinyin SHU3 ZHU3 Jyutping suk6 zuk1 On ZOKU SHOKU SHU Kun YAKARA TSUKU SAKAN Hangul Korean SOK CHOK Tang *jiok zhiok Viet thuộc
Simplified U+5C5E
Hong Kong proper shape 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition torrential rains , flow of water
Pinyin PEI4 Jyutping pui3 On HAI Hangul Korean PHAY Viet pháy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1085

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to obstruct
Pinyin YONG1 YONG3 Jyutping jung1 jung2 On YOU Kun FUSAGU Hangul Korean ONG
PRC Telegraph Code 1085 Taiwan Telegraph 1085

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 一千零八十五 Simplified 一千零八十五
Pinyin yi1 qian1 ling2 ba1 shi2 wu3
Deutsch 1085 ( tausendfünfundachtzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On イキ Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning range ; region ; limits ; stage ; level Meaning fr zone ; champ ; région ; limites ; stade ; niveau Meaning es rango ; región ; límite Meaning pt série ; região ; limites ; estágio ; nível
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jia4 Reading On Reading Kun か. ける ; か. かる Reading Korean ga Reading Korean
Meaning erect ; frame ; mount ; support ; shelf ; construct Meaning fr ériger ; monter ; suspendre ( pont ) ; supporter ( poids ) ; étagère ; construire Meaning es montar ; apoyar ; estante ; construir ; colgar ; construir un puente Meaning pt eregir ; moldura ; monte ; apoio ; prateleira ; construir
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hua2 ; hua4 ; hua1 Reading On カ ; ケ Reading Kun はな Nanori Reading Korean hwa Reading Korean
Meaning splendor ; flower ; petal ; shine ; luster ; ostentatious ; showy ; gay ; gorgeous Meaning fr splendeur ; fleur ; pétale ; briller ; lustre ; ostentatoire ; voyant ; magnifique Meaning es flor ; pétalo ; esplendor ; vistoso Meaning pt esplendor ; flor ; pétala ; brilho ; lustre ; ostentação ; gritante ; alegre ; maravilhoso
Miscellaneous Frequency 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gua1 ; kuo4 Reading On カツ Reading Kun くく .る Reading Korean gwal Reading Korean
Meaning fasten ; tie up ; arrest ; constrict Meaning fr lier ; attacher ; arrêter ; serrer Meaning es sujetar ; amarrar ; abrochar ; atar Meaning pt fechar ; amarrar ; prisão ; constranger
Dictionary dr_henshall 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning villain ; evil ; bad luck ; disaster Meaning fr vaurien ; mauvais ; malchance ; désastre Meaning es mal ; maldad ; desastre ; calamidad Meaning pt vilão ; mau ; sorte ruim ; desastre
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jing4 Reading On キョウ ; ケイ Reading Kun さかい Nanori さか ; じき Reading Korean gyeong Reading Korean
Meaning boundary ; border ; region Meaning fr frontière ; région ; environnement Meaning es límite ; frontera ; región ; circunstancia ; borde Meaning pt limite ; borda ; região
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun むね ; むな- Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning bosom ; breast ; chest ; heart ; feelings Meaning fr poitrine ; seins ; coeur ; sentiments Meaning es pecho ; corazón ; sentimientos Meaning pt seio ; peito ; tórax ; coração ; sentimentos
Dictionary dr_gakken 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi3 Reading On ケイ Reading Kun ひら .く ; さと .す Nanori あき ; あきら ; さとし ; はじめ ; ひろ ; よし Reading Korean gye Reading Korean
Meaning disclose ; open ; say Meaning fr révéler ; ouvrir ; dire Meaning es abrir ; aclarar ; revelar ; decir Meaning pt revelar ; abrir ; dizer
Dictionary dr_heisig 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hu4 Reading On Reading Kun Nanori え ; へ Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning door ; counter for houses ; door radical ( no . 63 ) Meaning fr porte ; compteur de maisons ; radical porte ( no 63 ) Meaning es puerta ; casa ; puerta corrediza Meaning pt Porta
Dictionary dr_maniette 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zu3 Reading On Reading Kun はば .む Reading Korean jo Reading Korean
Meaning thwart ; separate from ; prevent ; obstruct ; deter ; impede Meaning fr faire obstacle ; obstruer ; contrarier ; séparer ; dissuader ; empêcher Meaning es escarpado ; separar ; obstruir ; disuadir ; impedir Meaning pt demover ; separar de ; previnir ; obstruir ; deter ; impedir
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bei4 ; bei1 Reading On ハイ Reading Kun せ ; せい ; そむ .く ; そむ . ける Reading Korean bae ; pae Reading Korean ;
Meaning stature ; height ; back ; behind ; disobey ; defy ; go back on ; rebel Meaning fr stature ; taille ; dos ; arrière ; désobéir ; défier ; revenir sur ; se rebeller Meaning es espalda ; detrás ; estatura ; desobedecer ; infringir ; rebelarse Meaning pt estatura ; altura ; costas ; atrás ; desobedecer ; desafiar ; quebrar promesum ; rebelar
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin pu3 Reading On Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning musical score ; music ; note ; staff ; table ; genealogy Meaning fr partition ; musique ; note ; portée ; liste ; généalogie Meaning es registro ; música ; nota Meaning pt nota musical ; música ; nota ; pessoal ; tabela ; genealogia
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bing3 Reading On ヘイ Reading Kun がら ; え ; つか Nanori から ; ら Reading Korean byeong Reading Korean
Meaning design ; pattern ; build ; nature ; handle ; crank ; grip ; knob ; shaft Meaning fr dessin ; motif ; construire ; nature ; manche ; poignée ; bouton ; manivelle Meaning es asa ; agarradera ; diseño ; patrón ; dibujo ; figura Meaning pt projeto ; modelo ; construção ; natureza ; cabo ; manivela ; maçaneta ; puxador
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On ヨ ; シャ Reading Kun あらかじ .め Reading Korean ye Reading Korean
Meaning relaxed ; comfortable ; at ease
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 1085

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xuan1 Reading On ケン ; カン Reading Kun あき . らか
Meaning light of the sun ; to dry in the sun
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin shà Jyutping haa6 On KA Kun IE Hangul : 0N Korean HA
Traditional U+5EC8
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition district , region , boundary ; land
Pinyin Jyutping wik6 On IKI Kun SAKAI Hangul : 0E Korean YEK Tang hiuək Viet vực
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition big building , mansion
Pinyin shà Jyutping haa6 On KA SA Kun IE HISASHI Hangul : 0N Korean HA Tang Viet
Simplified U+53A6
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition be satisfied , be comfortable
Pinyin qiè Jyutping hip3 hip6 On KYOU Kun KOKOROYOI Hangul : 1N Korean HYEP Tang kep
Simplified U+60EC
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ball , anything round , sphere
Pinyin qiú Jyutping kau4 On KYUU Kun MARI IGA Hangul : 0N Korean KWU Viet choác cầu
Variant U+7403
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cinders , ashes , embers ; remnants
Pinyin jìn Jyutping zeon2 zeon6 On JIN Kun MOENOKORI Hangul : 0N Korean SIN Tang zìn Viet tần
Simplified U+70EC
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition class , category , type ; to belong to
Pinyin shǔ Jyutping suk6 zuk1 On ZOKU SHOKU SHU Kun YAKARA TSUKU SAKAN Hangul : 0E Korean SOK CHOK Tang *jiok zhiok Viet thuộc
Simplified U+5C5E
Hong Kong proper shape 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition torrential rains , flow of water
Pinyin pèi Jyutping pui3 On HAI Hangul : 1N Korean PHAY Viet pháy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1085

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to obstruct
Pinyin yōng Jyutping jung1 jung2 On YOU Kun FUSAGU Hangul : 0N Korean ONG
PRC Telegraph Code 1085 Taiwan Telegraph 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zu3 Reading On Reading Kun はば .む Reading Korean jo Reading Korean
Meaning thwart ; separate from ; prevent ; obstruct ; deter ; impede Meaning fr faire obstacle ; obstruer ; contrarier ; séparer ; dissuader ; empêcher Meaning es escarpado ; separar ; obstruir ; disuadir ; impedir Meaning pt demover ; separar de ; previnir ; obstruir ; deter ; impedir
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bei4 ; bei1 Reading On ハイ Reading Kun せ ; せい ; そむ .く ; そむ . ける Reading Korean bae ; pae Reading Korean ;
Meaning stature ; height ; back ; behind ; disobey ; defy ; go back on ; rebel Meaning fr stature ; taille ; dos ; arrière ; désobéir ; défier ; revenir sur ; se rebeller Meaning es espalda ; detrás ; estatura ; desobedecer ; infringir ; rebelarse Meaning pt estatura ; altura ; costas ; atrás ; desobedecer ; desafiar ; quebrar promesum ; rebelar
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin pu3 Reading On Reading Korean bo Reading Korean
Meaning musical score ; music ; note ; staff ; table ; genealogy Meaning fr partition ; musique ; note ; portée ; liste ; généalogie Meaning es registro ; música ; nota Meaning pt nota musical ; música ; nota ; pessoal ; tabela ; genealogia
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin bing3 Reading On ヘイ Reading Kun がら ; え ; つか Nanori から ; ら Reading Korean byeong Reading Korean
Meaning design ; pattern ; build ; nature ; character ; handle ; crank ; grip ; knob ; shaft Meaning fr dessin ; motif ; construire ; nature ; manche ; poignée ; bouton ; manivelle Meaning es asa ; agarradera ; diseño ; patrón ; dibujo ; figura Meaning pt projeto ; modelo ; construção ; natureza ; cabo ; manivela ; maçaneta ; puxador
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin wu4 Reading On Reading Kun つと . める Nanori つかさ ; み Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning task ; duties Meaning fr tâche ; devoir ; travail Meaning es tarea ; obligaciones ; deber ; cargo ; servir ; desempeñar un cargo Meaning pt tarefa ; deveres
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld_2ed 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On ヨ ; シャ Reading Kun あらかじ .め Reading Korean ye Reading Korean
Meaning relaxed ; comfortable ; at ease
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xuan1 Reading On ケン ; カン Reading Kun あき . らか
Meaning light of the sun ; to dry in the sun
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On イキ Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning range ; region ; limits ; stage ; level Meaning fr zone ; champ ; région ; limites ; stade ; niveau Meaning es rango ; región ; límite Meaning pt série ; região ; limites ; estágio ; nível
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jia4 Reading On Reading Kun か. ける ; か. かる Reading Korean ga Reading Korean
Meaning erect ; frame ; mount ; support ; shelf ; construct Meaning fr ériger ; monter ; suspendre ( pont ) ; supporter ( poids ) ; étagère ; construire Meaning es montar ; apoyar ; estante ; construir ; colgar ; construir un puente Meaning pt eregir ; moldura ; monte ; apoio ; prateleira ; construir
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin hua2 ; hua4 ; hua1 Reading On カ ; ケ Reading Kun はな Nanori Reading Korean hwa Reading Korean
Meaning splendor ; flower ; petal ; shine ; luster ; ostentatious ; showy ; gay ; gorgeous Meaning fr splendeur ; fleur ; pétale ; briller ; lustre ; ostentatoire ; voyant ; magnifique Meaning es flor ; pétalo ; esplendor ; vistoso Meaning pt esplendor ; flor ; pétala ; brilho ; lustre ; ostentação ; gritante ; alegre ; maravilhoso
Miscellaneous Frequency 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin huo4 Reading On Reading Kun たから Reading Korean hwa Reading Korean
Meaning freight ; goods ; property Meaning fr fret ; biens Meaning es dinero ; moneda ; bienes ; artículos Meaning pt frete ; bens ; propriedade
Dictionary dr_heisig6 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin gua1 ; kuo4 Reading On カツ Reading Kun くく .る Reading Korean gwal Reading Korean
Meaning fasten ; tie up ; arrest ; constrict Meaning fr lier ; attacher ; arrêter ; serrer Meaning es sujetar ; amarrar ; abrochar ; atar Meaning pt fechar ; amarrar ; prisão ; constranger
Dictionary dr_henshall 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin wan2 ; wan4 Reading On ガン Reading Kun もちあそ .ぶ ; もてあそ .ぶ Reading Korean wan Reading Korean
Meaning play ; take pleasure in ; trifle with ; make sport of Meaning es jugar ; juguete ; tratar cuidadosamente
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning villain ; evil ; bad luck ; disaster Meaning fr vaurien ; mauvais ; malchance ; désastre Meaning es mal ; maldad ; desastre ; calamidad Meaning pt vilão ; mau ; sorte ruim ; desastre
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jing4 Reading On キョウ ; ケイ Reading Kun さかい Nanori さか ; じき Reading Korean gyeong Reading Korean
Meaning boundary ; border ; region Meaning fr frontière ; région ; environnement Meaning es límite ; frontera ; región ; circunstancia ; borde Meaning pt limite ; borda ; região
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 1085

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiong1 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun むね ; むな- Reading Korean hyung Reading Korean
Meaning bosom ; breast ; chest ; heart ; feelings Meaning fr poitrine ; seins ; coeur ; sentiments Meaning es pecho ; corazón ; sentimientos Meaning pt seio ; peito ; tórax ; coração ; sentimentos
Dictionary dr_gakken 1085

Records 1 - 50 of 89 retrieved in 501 ms