Unicode 5.2
Character Definition only , just , simply
Pinyin ZHI3 ZHI1 Jyutping zek3 zi2 On SHI Kun TADA Hangul Korean CI Tang *jǐɛ Viet chỉ
Traditional U+8879 U+96BB Variant U+6B62
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition offspring , child ; fruit , seed of ; 1st terrestrial branch
Pinyin ZI3 ZI5 Jyutping zi2 On SHI SU Kun KO MI OTOKO Hangul Korean CA Tang *tziə̌ Viet
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition monopolize , take sole possession
Pinyin ZHUAN1 Jyutping zyun1 On SEN Kun MOPPARA Hangul Korean CEN Tang jiuɛn Viet chuyên
Simplified U+4E13
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cliff , precipice ; precipitous
Pinyin YA2 YAI2 Jyutping ngaai4 On GAI Kun GAKE Hangul Korean AY UY Tang *ngɛi Viet day
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cling to , cuddle , embrace , fondle
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection to call attention
Pinyin WEI4 Jyutping wai2 wai3 On KI KAI Kun NAGEKU Viet ỏi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be worn-out , emaciated , haggard
Pinyin QIAO2 Jyutping ciu4 On SHOU Kun YATSURERU Hangul Korean CHO Tang dzhiɛu Viet tiều
Hong Kong proper shape 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition the pivots , at the top and bottom of a Chinese door , on which the door turns
Pinyin WEI1 Jyutping wui1 On WAI GAI Viet ổi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a cove , a bay ; a bend or nook in the hills ; the curve of a bow
Pinyin WEI1 WEI3 Jyutping wui1 Hangul Korean OY Viet hoáy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to stew , simmer
Pinyin WEI1 YU4 Jyutping wui1 On WAI UTSU UCHI Kun UZUMIBI Hangul Korean OY Viet oi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition vulgar , low , cheap ; wanton ; obscene
Pinyin WEI3 WEI4 Jyutping wai2 wui1 On WAI Kun MIDARI MIDARINI Hangul Korean OY Tang quə̌i
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fear , dread , awe , reverence
Pinyin WEI4 WEI1 WEI3 Jyutping wai3 On I Kun OSORERU KASHIKOSHI KASHIKOMARU Hangul Korean OY Tang *qiuə̀i Viet
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cove , bay , inlet
Pinyin WEI1 Jyutping wui1 On WAI E Kun KUMA Korean OY Tang quəi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to feed , to raise
Pinyin WEI4 Jyutping wai3 On DAI Kun UERU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition weak ; KangXi radical 43
Pinyin WANG1 YOU2 Jyutping wong1 On OU Kun ASHINAE SEMUSHI
PRC Telegraph Code 1428 Taiwan Telegraph 1428

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin CHI1
Variant U+5F72
GB 8565-89 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yuan4 Reading On エン ; オン Reading Kun その ; う.つ Nanori あや Reading Korean weon Reading Korean
Meaning garden ; farm ; park Meaning fr jardins ( impériaux ) ; parc ; ferme ; recueil Meaning es jardín imperial ; jardín ; parque
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ya2 ; ai2 Reading On ガイ ; ゲ ; ギ Reading Kun がけ ; きし ; はて Reading Korean ae ; eui Reading Korean ;
Meaning cliff ; bluff ; precipice Meaning es acantilado ; precipicio ; despeñadero
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei1 ; wei2 Reading On Reading Kun あぶ . ない ; あや . うい ; あや . ぶむ Reading Korean wi Reading Korean
Meaning dangerous ; fear ; uneasy Meaning fr dangereux ; crainte ; gêne Meaning es peligroso ; dudoso Meaning pt perigoso ; medo ; desconforto
Dictionary dr_maniette 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi2 Reading On キ ; ギ Nanori たかし ; また Reading Korean gi Reading Korean
Meaning branch off ; fork in road ; scene ; arena ; theater Meaning fr bifurcation ; embranchement ; scène ; arène ; théâtre Meaning es bifurcación ; división ; dividir ; partir Meaning pt ramo cortado ; bifurcação ; cena ; arena ; teatro
Miscellaneous Frequency 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei4 Reading On ギ ; カ Reading Kun いつわ .る ; にせ ; いつわ .り Reading Korean wi Reading Korean
Meaning falsehood ; lie ; deceive ; pretend ; counterfeit ; forgery Meaning fr faux ; mensonge ; berner ; prétendre ; imitation ; contrefaçon Meaning es falsedad ; mentira ; engañar ; fingir ; mentir ; engaño Meaning pt falsidade ; mentira ; enganar ; fingir ; falsificação
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin si1 Reading On Reading Kun わたくし ; わたし Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning private ; I ; me Meaning fr privé ; je ; moi Meaning es yo ; privado ; secreto Meaning pt particular ; Eu ; me
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lu :3 Reading On Reading Kun しばしば Reading Korean ru Reading Korean
Meaning often ; frequently
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun さけ ; さか- Nanori き ; さ ; し Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning sake ; alcohol Meaning fr saké ; alcool Meaning es sake ; alcohol ; vino de arroz Meaning pt sake ; álcool
Dictionary dr_heisig 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chu4 Reading On ショク Reading Kun ふ. れる ; さわ .る ; さわ Reading Korean chog Reading Korean
Meaning contact ; touch ; feel ; hit ; proclaim ; announce ; conflict Meaning fr contact ; toucher ; sentir ; frapper ; proclamer ; annoncer ; conflit Meaning es tocar ; percibir ; mencionar ; proclamar ; anunciar Meaning pt contato ; tocar ; sentir ; acesso ; proclamar ; anunciar ; conflito
Dictionary dr_henshall 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shuan1 Reading On セン Reading Korean jeon Reading Korean
Meaning plug ; bolt ; cork ; bung ; stopper Meaning fr bouchon ; bonde ; robinet Meaning es tapón ; perno ; corcho ; espita Meaning pt Rolha ; tampa ; tampão ; cortiça
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhuo1 ; zhuo2 Reading On タク Nanori すぐる ; たか ; たかし Reading Korean tag Reading Korean
Meaning eminent ; table ; desk ; high Meaning fr éminent ; haut ; table Meaning es exceder ; sobrepasar ; eminente ; mesa ; escritorio Meaning pt eminente ; tabela ; mesa ; alta
Dictionary dr_gakken 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tao2 Reading On トウ Reading Kun もも Nanori み ; もの Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning peach tree Meaning fr pêche ( fruit ) Meaning es melocotonero ; melocotón Meaning pt pêssegueiro
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On フク Nanori そい ; そえ Reading Korean bu ; bog Reading Korean ;
Meaning vice- ; duplicate ; copy Meaning fr vice- ; copie ; duplicata Meaning es vice- ; duplicado ; copia Meaning pt vice- ; duplicar ; cópia
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mu4 Reading On Reading Kun く. れる ; く. らす Nanori ぐらし ; ぐれ ; ぽ Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning livelihood ; make a living ; spend time Meaning fr mener sa vie ; vivre ; arriver à son terme ; coucher de soleil Meaning es anochecer ; vivir ; finalizar ; obscurecerse ; acabar Meaning pt meio de vida ; ganhar a vida ; gastar tempo
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ya2 Reading On ガイ Reading Kun がけ Reading Korean ae ; eui Reading Korean ;
Meaning cliff ; bluff ; precipice
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cui1 Reading On ガイ ; サイ ; スイ Reading Kun がけ Reading Korean choe Reading Korean
Meaning cliff ; bluff ; precipice
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 1428

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin sheng2 Reading On ジョウ Reading Kun なわ ; ただ .す Reading Korean seung Reading Korean
Meaning rope ; cord
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition only , just , simply
Pinyin zhǐ Jyutping zek3 zi2 On SHI Kun TADA Hangul : 0E Korean CI Tang *jǐɛ Viet chỉ
Traditional U+96BB Variant U+6B62
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1428

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition specialized ; concentrated
Pinyin ZHUAN1 DUAN1 Jyutping dyun1 zyun1 On TAN SEN Kun HASHI Hangul Korean TAN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition offspring , child ; fruit , seed of ; 1st terrestrial branch
Pinyin zi Jyutping zi2 On SHI SU Kun KO MI OTOKO Hangul : 0E Korean CA Tang *tziə̌ Viet
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition monopolize , take sole possession
Pinyin zhuān Jyutping zyun1 On SEN Kun MOPPARA Hangul : 0E Korean CEN Tang jiuɛn Viet chuyên
Simplified U+4E13
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cliff , precipice ; precipitous
Pinyin Jyutping ngaai4 On GAI Kun GAKE Hangul : 0N Korean AY UY Tang *ngɛi Viet day
Nelson: Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition specialized ; concentrated
Pinyin duān Jyutping dyun1 zyun1 On TAN SEN Kun HASHI Hangul : 1N Korean TAN
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cling to , cuddle , embrace , fondle
Pinyin wēi Jyutping wui1 On WAI E Kun HONOKA NAJIMU SHITASHIMU CHIKAYORU Hangul : 1N Korean OY
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition interjection to call attention
Pinyin wèi Jyutping wai2 wai3 On KI KAI Kun NAGEKU Viet ỏi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition be worn-out , emaciated , haggard
Pinyin qiáo Jyutping ciu4 On SHOU Kun YATSURERU Hangul : 0N Korean CHO Tang dzhiɛu Viet tiều
Hong Kong proper shape 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition the pivots , at the top and bottom of a Chinese door , on which the door turns
Pinyin wēi Jyutping wui1 On WAI GAI Viet ổi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a cove , a bay ; a bend or nook in the hills ; the curve of a bow
Pinyin wēi Jyutping wui1 Hangul : 1N Korean OY Viet hoáy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to stew , simmer
Pinyin wēi Jyutping wui1 On WAI UTSU UCHI Kun UZUMIBI Hangul : 1N Korean OY Viet oi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition vulgar , low , cheap ; wanton ; obscene
Pinyin wěi Jyutping wai2 wui1 On WAI Kun MIDARI MIDARINI Hangul : 0N Korean OY Tang quə̌i
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fear , dread , awe , reverence
Pinyin wèi Jyutping wai3 On I Kun OSORERU KASHIKOSHI KASHIKOMARU Hangul : 0E Korean OY Tang *qiuə̀i Viet
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cove , bay , inlet
Pinyin wēi Jyutping wui1 On WAI E Kun KUMA Korean OY Tang quəi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to feed , to raise
Pinyin wèi Jyutping wai3 On DAI Kun UERU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 1428

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