Unicode 5.2
Character Definition like , similar ; resemble ; pretty
Pinyin QIAO4 Jyutping ciu3 On SEU Kun NIRU KATADORU MIMETOISAMA Hangul Korean SO
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 759

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition clothes ; wear , dress
Pinyin FU2 FU4 BI4 Jyutping fuk6 On FUKU Kun KIRU KIMONO SHITAGAU Hangul Korean POK Tang *bhiuk Viet phục
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 759

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sea , ocean ; maritime
Pinyin HAI3 Jyutping hoi2 On KAI Kun UMI Hangul Korean HAY Tang *xə̌i Viet hải
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 759

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition fat , plump , obese ; fertile
Pinyin FEI2 BI3 Jyutping fei4 On HI Kun KOERU KOYASU KOE Hangul Korean PI Tang *bhiəi Viet phì
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 759

Unicode 5.2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 759

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 七百五十九 Simplified 七百五十九
Pinyin qi1 bai3 wu3 shi2 jiu3
Deutsch 759 ( siebenhundertneunundfünfzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ ; イ Reading Kun やさ . しい ; やす .い Reading Korean yeog ; i Reading Korean ;
Meaning easy ; ready to ; simple ; fortune-telling ; divination Meaning fr facile ; prêt-à- ... ; simple ; voyance ; divination ; commerce Meaning es fácil ; simple ; cambio ; intercambio ; adivinación ; sencillo Meaning pt Fácil ; ler a sorte ; pronto para ; simples ; advinhação
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On イク Reading Kun そだ .つ ; そだ .ち ; そだ . てる ; はぐく .む Nanori やす Reading Korean yug Reading Korean
Meaning bring up ; grow up ; raise ; rear Meaning fr élever ; grandir Meaning es educar ; criar ; ser educado ; crecer Meaning pt educar ; crescer ; levantar ; elevar
Dictionary dr_heisig 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yu3 ; yu4 Reading On Reading Kun あめ ; あま- ; -さめ Reading Korean u Reading Korean
Meaning rain Meaning fr pluie Meaning es lluvia Meaning pt chuva
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hui4 ; kuai4 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Kun あ.う ; あ. わせる ; あつ . まる Nanori あい ; い Reading Korean hoe ; goe ; gwal Reading Korean ; ;
Meaning meeting ; meet ; party ; association ; interview ; join Meaning fr réunion ; rencontre ; meeting ; parti ; association ; entrevue ; rejoindre Meaning es asociación ; reunión ; encontrarse con ; reunirse Meaning pt encontro ; reunião ; festa ; associação ; entrevista ; une
Dictionary dr_maniette 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin guo1 Reading On カク Reading Kun くるわ Nanori ひろ Reading Korean gwag Reading Korean
Meaning enclosure ; quarters ; fortification ; red-light district Meaning fr enceinte ; quartiers ; fortifications ; quartier chaud Meaning es cerco ; recinto ; fortificación Meaning pt cercado ; quarteirão ; fortificação ; bairro das prostitutas
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On キュウ Reading Kun ふる .い ; もと Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning old times ; old things ; old friend ; former ; ex- Meaning fr ancien temps ; anciennes choses ; ancien ami ; ancien - ; ex- Meaning es antiguo ; viejo ; viejos tiempos Meaning pt tempos antigos ; coisas antigas ; amigo velho ; ex- ; anteriores
Dictionary dr_sakade 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kong3 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun おそ . れる ; おそ .る ; おそ . ろしい ; こわ .い ; こわ . がる Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning fear ; dread ; awe Meaning fr peur ; épouvante ; crainte Meaning es miedo ; temor ; sobrecogimiento ; tener miedo ; temer ; temible ; pavoroso ; espantoso Meaning pt medo ; temer ; temor
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin si1 Reading On Reading Kun つかさど .る Nanori つ ; つか ; つかさ Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning director ; official ; govt office ; rule ; administer Meaning fr directeur ; fonctionnaire ; bureau administratif ; gouverner ; administrer Meaning es dirigir ; gobernar ; ordenar Meaning pt diretor ; oficial ; escritório do govt ; regra ; administrar
Miscellaneous Frequency 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On シュウ ; ジュ Reading Kun つ.く ; つ. ける Nanori たか ; なり Reading Korean chwi Reading Korean
Meaning concerning ; settle ; take position ; depart ; study ; per Meaning fr concernant ; s'installer ; prendre place ; prendre un poste ; adhérer à ; se rendre à ; étudier ; par Meaning es llegar al trabajo ; realizar ; establecerse en ; tomar posición ; llevar a cabo Meaning pt colocar ; tomar partido ; lado de um contrato ; partido
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chu1 Reading On ショ Reading Kun はじ .め ; はじ . めて ; はつ ; はつ- ; うい- ; -そ . める ; -ぞ .め Nanori し ; はっ Reading Korean cho Reading Korean
Meaning first time ; beginning Meaning fr première fois ; commencement Meaning es comienzo ; primero Meaning pt primeiros tempos ; começo
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ze2 ; zhai4 Reading On セキ Reading Kun せ. める Reading Korean chaeg ; chae Reading Korean ;
Meaning blame ; condemn ; censure Meaning fr blâmer ; condamner ; critiquer Meaning es condena ; censura ; obligación ; condenar ; censurar ; culpar ; criticar Meaning pt culpa ; condenar ; censurar
Dictionary dr_gakken 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On ソ ; ス Reading Kun もと Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning elementary ; principle ; naked ; uncovered Meaning fr élément ; principe ; nu ; découvert Meaning es materia prima ; elemental ; normal ; usual Meaning pt elementar ; princípio ; descoberto ; nu
Dictionary dr_henshall3 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin za1 Reading On キョウ ; ソウ Reading Kun めぐ .る Reading Korean jab Reading Korean
Meaning go around
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiang1 ; xiang4 Reading On ソウ ; ショウ Reading Kun あい- Nanori あ ; い ; おう ; さ ; さが ; すけ Reading Korean sang Reading Korean
Meaning inter- ; mutual ; together ; each other ; minister of state ; councillor ; aspect ; phase ; physiognomy Meaning fr inter- ; mutuel ; ensemble ; ministre ; aspect ; phase ; physionomie Meaning es apariencia ; aspecto ; fase ; ministro de estado ; conjuntamente ; mutuamente Meaning pt inter- ; mútuo ; juntamente ; mutuamente ; ministro de estado ; conselheiro ; aspecto ; face ; fisionomia
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dai4 Reading On タイ Reading Kun か.す ; か. し- ; かし- Reading Korean dae ; teug Reading Korean ;
Meaning lend Meaning fr prêter ; louer Meaning es préstamo ; prestar ; alquilar Meaning pt Emprestar
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dao3 ; dao4 Reading On ドウ Reading Kun みちび .く Nanori みち Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning guidance ; leading ; conduct ; usher Meaning fr directives ; mener ; guider ; conduire Meaning es guía ; enseñanza ; conductor ; guiar ; ser guiado Meaning pt orientação ; conduzindo ; conduta ; organizador
Dictionary dr_henshall 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On キュウ ; コウ Reading Kun とが . める ; とが Reading Korean gu ; go Reading Korean ;
Meaning blame ; censure ; reprimand
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xian3 Reading On ケン Reading Kun けわ . しい Reading Korean heom Reading Korean
Meaning inaccessible place ; impregnable position ; steep place ; sharp eyes
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 759

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin guan1 Reading On カン Reading Kun とねり Reading Korean gwan
Meaning assistant in wine shop ; groom
Dictionary dr_moro 759

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition like , similar ; resemble ; pretty
Pinyin qiào Jyutping ciu3 On SEU Kun NIRU KATADORU MIMETOISAMA Hangul :1 :N Korean SO
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 759

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition clothes ; wear , dress
Pinyin Jyutping fuk6 On FUKU Kun KIRU KIMONO SHITAGAU Hangul : 0E Korean POK Tang *bhiuk Viet phục
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 759

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sea , ocean ; maritime
Pinyin hǎi Jyutping hoi2 On KAI Kun UMI Hangul : 0EN Korean HAY Tang *xə̌i Viet hải
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 759

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition fat , plump , obese ; fertile
Pinyin féi Jyutping fei4 On HI Kun KOERU KOYASU KOE Hangul : 0E Korean PI Tang *bhiəi Viet phì
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 759

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping ku1 kwu1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin si1 Reading On Reading Kun つかさど .る Nanori つ ; つか ; つかさ Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning director ; official ; govt office ; rule ; administer Meaning fr directeur ; fonctionnaire ; bureau administratif ; gouverner ; administrer Meaning es dirigir ; gobernar ; ordenar Meaning pt diretor ; oficial ; escritório do govt ; regra ; administrar
Miscellaneous Frequency 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On シュウ ; ジュ Reading Kun つ.く ; つ. ける Nanori たか ; なり Reading Korean chwi Reading Korean
Meaning concerning ; settle ; take position ; depart ; study ; per Meaning fr concernant ; s'installer ; prendre place ; prendre un poste ; adhérer à ; se rendre à ; étudier ; par Meaning es llegar al trabajo ; realizar ; establecerse en ; tomar posición ; llevar a cabo Meaning pt colocar ; tomar partido ; lado de um contrato ; partido
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chu1 Reading On ショ Reading Kun はじ .め ; はじ . めて ; はつ ; はつ- ; うい- ; -そ . める ; -ぞ .め Nanori し ; はっ Reading Korean cho Reading Korean
Meaning first time ; beginning Meaning fr première fois ; commencement Meaning es comienzo ; primero Meaning pt primeiros tempos ; começo
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin sheng1 Reading On セイ ; ショウ Reading Kun こえ ; こわ- Reading Korean seong Reading Korean
Meaning voice Meaning fr voix Meaning es voz ; fama ; reputación ; rumor Meaning pt Voz
Dictionary dr_sh_kk2 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ze2 ; zhai4 Reading On セキ Reading Kun せ. める Reading Korean chaeg ; chae Reading Korean ;
Meaning blame ; condemn ; censure Meaning fr blâmer ; condamner ; critiquer Meaning es condena ; censura ; obligación ; condenar ; censurar ; culpar ; criticar Meaning pt culpa ; condenar ; censurar
Dictionary dr_gakken 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On ソ ; ス Reading Kun もと Reading Korean so Reading Korean
Meaning elementary ; principle ; naked ; uncovered Meaning fr élément ; principe ; nu ; découvert Meaning es materia prima ; elemental ; normal ; usual Meaning pt elementar ; princípio ; descoberto ; nu
Dictionary dr_henshall3 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin za1 Reading On キョウ ; ソウ Reading Kun めぐ .る Reading Korean jab Reading Korean
Meaning go around
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiang1 ; xiang4 Reading On ソウ ; ショウ Reading Kun あい- Nanori あ ; い ; おう ; さ ; さが ; すけ Reading Korean sang Reading Korean
Meaning inter- ; mutual ; together ; each other ; minister of state ; councillor ; aspect ; phase ; physiognomy Meaning fr inter- ; mutuel ; ensemble ; ministre ; aspect ; phase ; physionomie Meaning es apariencia ; aspecto ; fase ; ministro de estado ; conjuntamente ; mutuamente Meaning pt inter- ; mútuo ; juntamente ; mutuamente ; ministro de estado ; conselheiro ; aspecto ; face ; fisionomia
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dai4 Reading On タイ Reading Kun か.す ; か. し- ; かし- Reading Korean dae ; teug Reading Korean ;
Meaning lend Meaning fr prêter ; louer Meaning es préstamo ; prestar ; alquilar Meaning pt Emprestar
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nu4 Reading On ド ; ヌ Reading Kun いか .る ; おこ .る Reading Korean no Reading Korean
Meaning angry ; be offended Meaning fr colère ; offenser Meaning es enojo ; enfado ; enojarse ; enfadarse Meaning pt Zangado ; ofender-se
Dictionary dr_heisig6 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dao3 ; dao4 Reading On ドウ Reading Kun みちび .く Nanori みち Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning guidance ; leading ; conduct ; usher Meaning fr directives ; mener ; guider ; conduire Meaning es guía ; enseñanza ; conductor ; guiar ; ser guiado Meaning pt orientação ; conduzindo ; conduta ; organizador
Dictionary dr_henshall 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhen3 ; zhen4 Reading On チン ; シン Reading Kun まくら Reading Korean chim Reading Korean
Meaning pillow Meaning es almohada ; prefacio a una frase o charla
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld_2ed 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On キュウ ; コウ Reading Kun とが . める ; とが Reading Korean gu ; go Reading Korean ;
Meaning blame ; censure ; reprimand
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xian3 Reading On ケン Reading Kun けわ . しい Reading Korean heom Reading Korean
Meaning inaccessible place ; impregnable position ; steep place ; sharp eyes
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin guan1 Reading On カン Reading Kun とねり Reading Korean gwan
Meaning assistant in wine shop ; groom
Dictionary dr_moro 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ ; イ Reading Kun やさ . しい ; やす .い Reading Korean yeog ; i Reading Korean ;
Meaning easy ; ready to ; simple ; fortune-telling ; divination Meaning fr facile ; prêt-à- ... ; simple ; voyance ; divination ; commerce Meaning es fácil ; simple ; cambio ; intercambio ; adivinación ; sencillo Meaning pt Fácil ; ler a sorte ; pronto para ; simples ; advinhação
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yu4 Reading On イク Reading Kun そだ .つ ; そだ .ち ; そだ . てる ; はぐく .む Nanori やす Reading Korean yug Reading Korean
Meaning bring up ; grow up ; raise ; rear Meaning fr élever ; grandir Meaning es educar ; criar ; ser educado ; crecer Meaning pt educar ; crescer ; levantar ; elevar
Dictionary dr_heisig 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yu3 ; yu4 Reading On Reading Kun あめ ; あま- ; -さめ Reading Korean u Reading Korean
Meaning rain Meaning fr pluie Meaning es lluvia Meaning pt chuva
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin hui4 ; kuai4 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Kun あ.う ; あ. わせる ; あつ . まる Nanori あい ; い Reading Korean hoe ; goe ; gwal Reading Korean ; ;
Meaning meeting ; meet ; party ; association ; interview ; join Meaning fr réunion ; rencontre ; meeting ; parti ; association ; entrevue ; rejoindre Meaning es asociación ; reunión ; encontrarse con ; reunirse Meaning pt encontro ; reunião ; festa ; associação ; entrevista ; une
Dictionary dr_maniette 759

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin guo1 Reading On カク Reading Kun くるわ Nanori ひろ Reading Korean gwag Reading Korean
Meaning enclosure ; quarters ; fortification ; red-light district Meaning fr enceinte ; quartiers ; fortifications ; quartier chaud Meaning es cerco ; recinto ; fortificación Meaning pt cercado ; quarteirão ; fortificação ; bairro das prostitutas
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 759

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