Unicode 5.2
Character Definition temperate , frugal , economical
Pinyin JIAN3 Jyutping gim6 On KEN Kun TSUZUMAYAKA Hangul Korean KEM Tang ghyɛ̌m Viet kiệm
Simplified U+4FED
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition change place , shift ; move about
Pinyin YI2 CHI3 YI4 Jyutping ji4 On I Kun UTSURU UTSUSU Hangul Korean I Tang *iɛ Viet dời
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition muscles ; tendons
Pinyin JIN1 QIAN2 Jyutping gan1 On KIN KON Kun SUJI Hangul Korean KUN Tang giən Viet gân
Variant U+89D4
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition draw , sketch , paint
Pinyin HUI4 HUI2 Jyutping kui2 On KAI GAI KOTSU GOCHI KI GI Kun ORIAMARI Hangul Korean KWEY
Simplified U+7F0B Variant U+7E6A
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition small fish net , to catch fish with small fish net
Pinyin LIAO4 LU4 Jyutping luk6
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk1 luk6 On ROKU ROU RU Kun NAGOKASU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition filter , strain ; wet , dripping
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun KOSU SUKU KOSHI Hangul Korean LOK Viet lộc
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a box , a basket
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun HAKO Hangul Korean LOK
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition windlass , pulley , capstan ; wheel
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun NAGAESHIHA Hangul Korean LOK
Simplified U+8F98
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to fight to the end , engage in a fierce battle
Pinyin AO2 BIAO1 Jyutping ngou4 ou1 On OU Kun MINAGOROSHI Hangul Korean O

Unicode 5.2
Character 鹿 Definition deer ; surname ; KangXi radical 198
Pinyin LU4 LÜ2 Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun SHIKA KA Hangul Korean LOK Tang *luk Viet lộc
Variant U+F940
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition female deer ; roe , doe
Pinyin YOU1 Jyutping jau1 On YUU YU Kun MEJIKA Hangul Korean WU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition foot of hill ; foothill
Pinyin LU4 Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun FUMOTO Hangul Korean LOK
Variant U+68BA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rough , coarse , big , rough
Pinyin CU1 Jyutping cou1 On SO ZO Kun HANARERU ARAI Hangul Korean CHWU Tang tso
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 八百四十八 Simplified 八百四十八
Pinyin ba1 bai3 si4 shi2 ba1
Deutsch 848 ( achthundertachtundvierzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wo3 Reading On Reading Kun われ ; わ ; わ. が- ; わが- Nanori あ ; あが ; か Reading Korean a Reading Korean
Meaning ego ; I ; selfish ; our ; oneself Meaning fr ego ; je ; moi ; égoïste ; notre ; soi-même Meaning es yo ; uno mismo ; ego Meaning pt ego ; Eu ; egoísta ; nosso ; a si próprio
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yan3 Reading On ガン ; ゲン Reading Kun まなこ ; め Reading Korean an Reading Korean
Meaning eyeball Meaning fr globe oculaire Meaning es ojo ; vista ; perspicacia ; punto principal Meaning pt globo ocular
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi2 Reading On Reading Kun うたが .う Reading Korean eui ; ung Reading Korean ;
Meaning doubt ; distrust ; be suspicious ; question Meaning fr douter ; méfiance ; soupçon ; question Meaning es duda ; desconfianza ; sospecha ; dudar ; desconfiar ; sospechar Meaning pt dúvida ; desconfiança ; é suspeito ; pergunta
Dictionary dr_henshall3 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xing2 Reading On ケイ Nanori おさか ; ぎょう Reading Korean hyeong Reading Korean
Meaning punish ; penalty ; sentence ; punishment Meaning fr peine ; sanction ; condamnation ; punition Meaning es pena ; sentencia ; castigo Meaning pt Punir ; penalidade ; sentença ; punição
Dictionary dr_gakken 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xi1 Reading On ケイ Reading Kun たに ; たにがわ Reading Korean gye Reading Korean
Meaning mountain stream ; valley Meaning fr torrent ; gorge ; vallée étroite Meaning es arroyo de montaña ; valle ; garganta Meaning pt corrente de montanha ; vale
Dictionary dr_maniette 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ju4 Reading On ゲキ Reading Korean geug Reading Korean
Meaning drama ; play Meaning fr théâtre ; pièce ( théâtre ) Meaning es drama ; obra ; teatro ; violento ; intenso Meaning pt drama ; jogo
Dictionary dr_henshall 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin hou4 Reading On コウ Reading Kun あつ .い ; あか Nanori あ ; あっ Reading Korean hu Reading Korean
Meaning thick ; heavy ; rich ; kind ; cordial ; brazen ; shameless Meaning fr épais ; lourd ; cordial ; chaleureux ; gentil ; effronté ; éhonté Meaning es grueso ; espeso ; cordial ; calma Meaning pt rico ; pesado ; espesso ; espécie ; de bronze ; cordial ; desavergonhado
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhi1 Reading On Reading Kun あぶら Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning fat ; grease ; tallow ; lard ; rosin ; gum ; tar Meaning fr gras ; graisse ; suif ; lard ; résine ; gomme ; goudron Meaning es grasa ; sebo ; resina Meaning pt gordura ; graxa ; sêbo ; banha ; resina ; goma ; asfalto
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xiu4 Reading On シュウ Reading Kun ひい . でる Nanori しゅ ; しょう ; ひで ; ひでし ; ほ Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning excel ; excellence ; beauty ; surpass Meaning fr excellence ; exceller ; beauté ; dépasser Meaning es sobresaliente ; excelente ; sobresalir ; sobrepasar Meaning pt superar ; excelência ; beleza ; superação
Miscellaneous Frequency 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin cheng2 Reading On ショウ ; ジョウ Reading Kun うけたまわ .る ; う. ける ; ささ . げる ; とど . める ; たす . ける ; こ. らす ; つい .で ; すく .う Nanori つぐ ; こと ; すけ ; つぎ ; よし Reading Korean seung Reading Korean
Meaning acquiesce ; hear ; listen to ; be informed ; receive Meaning fr consentir ; entendre ; écouter ; être informé ; recevoir Meaning es conceder ; heredar ; escuchar ; ser informado Meaning pt aquiescer ; escutar ; ser informado ; receber
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chen2 Reading On シン ; ジン Nanori おみ ; たか ; と ; とみ ; み Reading Korean sin Reading Korean
Meaning retainer ; subject Meaning fr servant ; serviteur ; sujet Meaning es criado ; súbdito Meaning pt servente ; servo ; subalterno
Dictionary dr_heisig 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin su4 Reading On ソク Reading Kun はや .い ; はや- ; はや . める ; すみ . やか Nanori Reading Korean sog Reading Korean
Meaning quick ; fast Meaning fr vite ; rapide Meaning es rápido ; veloz ; darse prisa ; velocidad Meaning pt rápido ; apressar
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tai2 ; tai1 Reading On ダイ ; タイ Reading Kun うてな ; われ ; つかさ Reading Korean tae ; i Reading Korean ;
Meaning pedestal ; a stand ; counter for machines and vehicles Meaning fr piédestal ; socle ; compteur de voitures ou machines Meaning es estante ; banco ; tribuna ; pedestal ; contador para maquinas y vehículos Meaning pt pedestal ; stand ; sufixo para contagem de para máquinas e veículos
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dang3 Reading On トウ Reading Kun なかま ; むら Reading Korean dang Reading Korean
Meaning party ; faction ; clique Meaning fr parti politique ; faction ; clique Meaning es partido ; facción Meaning pt partido ; facção ; claque
Dictionary dr_sakade 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dao4 Reading On トウ Reading Kun いた .る Reading Korean do Reading Korean
Meaning arrival ; proceed ; reach ; attain ; result in Meaning fr arrivée ; atteindre ; arriver à ; aboutir à Meaning es llegar ; alcanzar ; lograr Meaning pt chegar ; continuar ; alcançar ; atingir ; resultar em
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mei4 Reading On マイ Reading Kun いもうと Nanori す ; せ ; も Reading Korean mae Reading Korean
Meaning younger sister Meaning fr soeur cadette Meaning es hermana menor Meaning pt irmã mais jovem
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chuan3 Reading On ゼン ; セン Reading Kun あえ .ぐ ; せき Reading Korean cheon Reading Korean
Meaning pant ; gasp ; breathe hard
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 848

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin tai2 ; tai1 Reading On ダイ ; タイ Reading Kun うてな ; われ ; つかさ Reading Korean dae Reading Korean
Meaning stand ; counter for vehicles
Miscellaneous Nelson Classic Variant 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition temperate , frugal , economical
Pinyin jiǎn Jyutping gim6 On KEN Kun TSUZUMAYAKA Hangul : 0E Korean KEM Tang ghyɛ̌m Viet kiệm
Simplified U+4FED
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition change place , shift ; move about
Pinyin Jyutping ji4 On I Kun UTSURU UTSUSU Hangul : 0E Korean I Tang *iɛ Viet dời
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition muscles ; tendons
Pinyin jīn Jyutping gan1 On KIN KON Kun SUJI Hangul : 0N Korean KUN Tang giən Viet gân
Variant U+89D4
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition draw , sketch , paint
Pinyin huì Jyutping kui2 On KAI GAI KOTSU GOCHI KI GI Kun ORIAMARI Hangul : 1N Korean KWEY
Simplified U+7F0B Variant U+7E6A
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition small fish net , to catch fish with small fish net
Pinyin Jyutping luk6
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin Jyutping luk1 luk6 On ROKU ROU RU Kun NAGOKASU
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition filter , strain ; wet , dripping
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun KOSU SUKU KOSHI Hangul : 1N Korean LOK Viet lộc
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a box , a basket
Pinyin Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun HAKO Hangul : 1N Korean LOK
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition windlass , pulley , capstan ; wheel
Pinyin Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun NAGAESHIHA Hangul : 1N Korean LOK
Simplified U+8F98
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to fight to the end , engage in a fierce battle
Pinyin áo Jyutping ngou4 ou1 On OU Kun MINAGOROSHI Hangul : 1N Korean O

Unicode 12.1
Character 鹿 Definition deer ; surname ; KangXi radical 198
Pinyin Jyutping luk6 On ROKU Kun SHIKA KA Hangul :0 : 0E Korean LOK Tang *luk Viet lộc
Variant U+F940
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition female deer ; roe , doe
Pinyin yōu Jyutping jau1 On YUU YU Kun MEJIKA Hangul : 1N Korean WU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition foot of hill ; foothill
Pinyin Jyutping luk1 On ROKU Kun FUMOTO Hangul : 0N Korean LOK
Variant U+68BA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition rough , coarse , big , rough
Pinyin Jyutping cou1 On SO ZO Kun HANARERU ARAI Hangul : 1N Korean CHWU Tang tso
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 848

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhi1 Reading On Reading Kun あぶら Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning fat ; grease ; tallow ; lard ; rosin ; gum ; tar Meaning fr gras ; graisse ; suif ; lard ; résine ; gomme ; goudron Meaning es grasa ; sebo ; resina Meaning pt gordura ; graxa ; sêbo ; banha ; resina ; goma ; asfalto
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 848

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiu4 Reading On シュウ Reading Kun ひい . でる Nanori しゅ ; しょう ; ひで ; ひでし ; ほ Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning excel ; excellence ; beauty ; surpass Meaning fr excellence ; exceller ; beauté ; dépasser Meaning es sobresaliente ; excelente ; sobresalir ; sobrepasar Meaning pt superar ; excelência ; beleza ; superação
Miscellaneous Frequency 848

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chong4 Reading On ジュウ Reading Kun つつ Reading Korean chong Reading Korean
Meaning gun ; arms Meaning fr fusil ; armes Meaning es arma ; pistola ; rifle Meaning pt Armas ; arma de fogo
Dictionary dr_sh_kk2 848

Records 1 - 50 of 98 retrieved in 625 ms