JMdict 100319
Word 鬱積 ; 欝積
Reading うっせき
Translation eng accumulation (e.g. of emotions , grievances , etc .) ; buildup ; suppression (e.g. of anger ) Translation ger Ansammlung ; Stauung ; Anhäufung

JMdict 100319
Word 集積
Reading しゅうせき
Translation eng accumulation Translation ger Ansammeln ; Anhäufen ; Integrieren Translation rus накопле́ние

JMdict 100319
Word 蓄積
Reading ちくせき
Translation eng accumulation ; accumulate ; store Translation ger Ansammlung ; Anhäufung ; Speicherung ; Akkumulation Translation fre accumulation ; emmagasinage ; accumuler ; emmagasiner Translation rus накопле́ние

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 累加
Reading るいか
Translation eng acceleration ; progressive increase Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Zunahme ; Anwachsen ; Erhöhung Translation fre accumulation ; augmentation ( progressive ) ; incrémentation

JMdict 100319
Word 累積
Reading るいせき
Translation eng accumulation Translation ger Anhäufung ; Kumulation Translation fre accumulation

JMdict 100319
Word 収集 ; 蒐集 ; 拾集 ; 収輯
Reading しゅうしゅう
Translation eng gathering up ; collection ; accumulation Translation ger Sammlung ; Kollektion Translation fre collection ; récolte

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 積み重ね
Reading つみかさね
Translation eng pile ; accumulation Translation ger Häufung ; Anhäufung

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 世代 Simplified 世代
Pinyin shi4 dai4
English generation ; an era ; accumulation of years ; passing on from generation to generation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 堆積 Simplified 堆积
Pinyin dui1 ji1
English to pile up ; to heap ; accumulation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 積壓 Simplified 积压
Pinyin ji1 ya1
English to overstock ; backlog ; accumulation of neglected work ; arrears of work

CEDict 100318
Traditional 積累 Simplified 积累
Pinyin ji1 lei3
English to accumulate ; accumulation ; cumulative ; cumulatively

CEDict 100318
Traditional 積雪 Simplified 积雪
Pinyin ji1 xue3
English accumulation of snow

CEDict 100318
Traditional 聚點 Simplified 聚点
Pinyin ju4 dian3
English meeting point ; accumulation point ( math )

JMdict 200217
Word 積立 ; 積み立て ; 積立て
Reading つみたて
Translation dut accumulatie Translation hun takarékbetét Translation spa ahorros Translation swe sparpengar
Translation eng saving ; savings ; accumulation ; putting aside ; reserving Translation ger Erspartes ; Zurückgelegtes Translation fre épargne ; mise en réserve ( de fonds ) Translation rus накопление , запас

JMdict 200217
Word 停滞
Reading ていたい
Translation dut stagneren ; stremmen ; achteropraken ; oponthoud hebben ; vertraging ondervinden ; tegengehouden worden ; zich opstapelen ; zich opeenstapelen ; oplopen ; zich ophopen ; zich opeenhopen ; zich accumuleren ; ( met betaling ) achteropraken ; ( met betaling ) ten achter raken ; in gebreke blijven ; stagnatie ; stremming ; stilstand ; het tegengehouden worden ; vertraging ; congestie ; ophoping ; opeenhoping ; opstapeling ; opeenstapeling ; accumulatie ; achterstal ; betalingsachterstand ; achterstand Translation hun stagnálás ; vérbőség ; zsúfoltság ; megtartás ; visszatartás Translation slv zastoj ; zastajanje ; ustavitev ; zastati ; ustaviti se Translation spa estancamiento Translation swe stagnera
Translation eng stagnation ; tie-up ; standstill ; congestion ; delay ; accumulation ; falling into arrears Translation ger stagnieren ; stillstehen ; stocken ; ins Stocken geraten ; sich verstopfen ; sich verzögern ; sich ansammeln ; sich anhäufen ; rückständig sein ; Stagnation ; Stockung ; Stauung ; Verstopfung ; Verzögerung ; Rückstand ; Stillstand ; Anhäufung Translation fre stagnation Translation rus быть задержанным , задерживаться ; застревать ; застаиваться ; быть в застое ; иметь задолженность ; 1) задержка , затор , застой ; заминка ; пробка ( транспорта ) ; быть быть задержанным , задерживаться ; застревать ; застаиваться ; в застое {~する} ; 2) задолженность ; иметь задолженность {~する}

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 堆積 Simplified 堆积
Pinyin dui1 ji1
English to pile up ; to heap ; accumulation

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 積累 Simplified 积累
Pinyin ji1 lei3
English to accumulate ; accumulation ; cumulative ; cumulatively

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 聚點 Simplified 聚点
Pinyin ju4 dian3
English meeting point ; accumulation point ( math .)

JMdict 200217
Word 貯留 ; 瀦溜
Reading ちょりゅう
Translation eng accumulation ; retention ; collection ; sequestration ( as in carbon dioxide sequestration ) ; storage ( usually a liquid , e.g. rainwater , or behind a dam .) Translation ger Ansammlung ( von Wasser ) ; Retention Translation rus ( кн .) ; 1) скапливание воды ; 2) лужа

JMdict 200217
Word 集積点
Reading しゅうせきてん
Translation eng accumulation point ; limit point

JMdict 200217
Word 集簇
Reading しゅうぞく
Translation eng aggregation ; accumulation

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