JMdict 100319
Word 充血
Reading じゅうけつ
Translation eng congestion ( with blood ) Translation ger {Med .} Blutandrang ; Blutstauung ; Hyperämie ; Kongestion Translation rus гипереми́я

JMdict 100319
Word 渋滞
Reading じゅうたい
Translation eng congestion (e.g. traffic ) ; delay ; stagnation Translation ger Stockung ; Verzögerung ; Stauung Translation fre blocage ; délai ; embouteillage ( circulation ) ; retardement ; stagnation

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 輻輳 ; 輻湊
Reading ふくそう
Translation eng congestion (e.g. traffic ) ; overcrowding ; convergence ( esp . optical ) Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Anhäufung ; Ansammlung ; Andrang ; Überfüllung ; Konvergenz

JMdict 100319
Word 鬱滞 ; うっ滞
Reading うったい
Translation eng congestion ; pent-up feelings

JMdict 100319
Word 雑踏 ; 雑沓 ; 雑鬧
Reading ざっとう
Translation eng congestion ; traffic jam ; throng ; hustle and bustle Translation ger Gedränge ; Andrang ; Gewühl ; Gewimmel Translation fre bousculade ; cohue ; embouteillage ( circulation ) ; encombrement

CEDict 100318
Traditional 交通堵塞 Simplified 交通堵塞
Pinyin jiao1 tong1 du3 se4
English traffic jam ; congestion

CEDict 100318
Traditional 充塞 Simplified 充塞
Pinyin chong1 se4
English congestion ; to block ; to congest ; to crowd ; to choke ; to cram ; to fill up ; to stuff ; to take up all the space

CEDict 100318
Traditional 堵塞費 Simplified 堵塞费
Pinyin du3 se4 fei4
English congestion charge

CEDict 100318
Traditional 擁塞 Simplified 拥塞
Pinyin yong1 se4
English jam ( of traffic , crowd etc ) ; congestion ; to block up

JMdict 200217
Word 停滞
Reading ていたい
Translation dut stagneren ; stremmen ; achteropraken ; oponthoud hebben ; vertraging ondervinden ; tegengehouden worden ; zich opstapelen ; zich opeenstapelen ; oplopen ; zich ophopen ; zich opeenhopen ; zich accumuleren ; ( met betaling ) achteropraken ; ( met betaling ) ten achter raken ; in gebreke blijven ; stagnatie ; stremming ; stilstand ; het tegengehouden worden ; vertraging ; congestie ; ophoping ; opeenhoping ; opstapeling ; opeenstapeling ; accumulatie ; achterstal ; betalingsachterstand ; achterstand Translation hun stagnálás ; vérbőség ; zsúfoltság ; megtartás ; visszatartás Translation slv zastoj ; zastajanje ; ustavitev ; zastati ; ustaviti se Translation spa estancamiento Translation swe stagnera
Translation eng stagnation ; tie-up ; standstill ; congestion ; delay ; accumulation ; falling into arrears Translation ger stagnieren ; stillstehen ; stocken ; ins Stocken geraten ; sich verstopfen ; sich verzögern ; sich ansammeln ; sich anhäufen ; rückständig sein ; Stagnation ; Stockung ; Stauung ; Verstopfung ; Verzögerung ; Rückstand ; Stillstand ; Anhäufung Translation fre stagnation Translation rus быть задержанным , задерживаться ; застревать ; застаиваться ; быть в застое ; иметь задолженность ; 1) задержка , затор , застой ; заминка ; пробка ( транспорта ) ; быть быть задержанным , задерживаться ; застревать ; застаиваться ; в застое {~する} ; 2) задолженность ; иметь задолженность {~する}

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 充塞 Simplified 充塞
Pinyin chong1 se4
English congestion ; to block ; to congest ; to crowd ; to choke ; to cram ; to fill up ; to stuff ; to take up all the space

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 擁堵 Simplified 拥堵
Pinyin yong1 du3
English ( of traffic ) to become congested ; congestion

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 擁擠 Simplified 拥挤
Pinyin yong1 ji3
English crowded ; to throng ; congestion

JMdict 200217
Word 輻輳制御
Reading ふくそうせいぎょ
Translation eng congestion control (e.g. in a network )

JMdict 200217
Word 混雑度
Reading こんざつど
Translation eng degree of congestion (e.g. traffic , Internet ) ; congestion factor

JMdict 200217
Word 渋滞税
Reading じゅうたいぜい
Translation eng congestion charge

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