JMdict 100319
Reading あか
Translation eng dirt ; filth ; grime Translation ger Schmutzablagerungen in der Haut ; Porenschmutz ; Ohrenschmalz ; Schmutz ; Dreck ; Abschaum ; Bodensatz ; weltliche Angelegenheiten Translation fre crasse ; saleté

JMdict 100319
Word 汚れ
Reading よごれ
Translation eng dirt ; filth Translation ger Schmutz ; Dreck ; Fleck ; Klecks ; Unreinheit ; Verpestung Translation fre crasse ; saleté Translation rus гря́зь

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wu1
English dirty ; filthy ; foul ; corrupt ; to smear ; to defile ; dirt ; filth

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wu1
English dirty ; filthy ; foul ; corrupt ; to smear ; to defile ; dirt ; filth

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wu1
English dirty ; filthy ; foul ; corrupt ; to smear ; to defile ; dirt ; filth

CEDict 100318
Traditional 污垢 Simplified 污垢
Pinyin wu1 gou4
English filth

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hui4
English dirt ; filth

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 汚穢
Reading おわい ; おあい ; あえ ; わえ ; おかい
Translation dut smet ; bezoedeling ; verontreiniging ; urine en ontlasting ; excrementen Translation spa porquería ; excremento
Translation eng night soil ; muck ; filth ; dirt Translation ger Schmutz ; Dreck ; ( Euphemismus f.) Fäkalien ; Kot und Urin ; Schmutz ; Dreck ; Schmutz ; Dreck ; ( Euphemismus f.) Fäkalien ; Kot und Urin Translation rus ( см .) おわい ; ( кн .) грязь ; нечистоты ; нечистоты

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wu1
English dirty ; filthy ; foul ; corrupt ; to smear ; to defile ; dirt ; filth

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wu1
English dirty ; filthy ; foul ; corrupt ; to smear ; to defile ; dirt ; filth

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 污垢 Simplified 污垢
Pinyin wu1 gou4
English filth

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin hui4
English dirt ; filth

JMdict 200217
Word 汚物
Reading おぶつ
Translation dut vuiligheid ; viezigheid ; vuilheid ; vuil ; uitwerpselen ; ontlasting ; excrement ; excrementen ; excreten ; drek Translation hun piszok ; por ; steksz
Translation eng filth ( esp . excrement , feces , urine ) ; muck ; waste ; garbage ; dirt ; dust Translation ger Unrat ; Schmutz ; Dreck ; (z.B.) Fäkalien ; Müll ; Abfall Translation fre débris ; détritus ; immondice ; saleté Translation rus грязь ; нечистоты ; отбросы , мусор

JMdict 200217
Word 垢膩
Reading こうじ ; くに
Translation eng dirt and grease ; filth ; grime Translation ger Hautschmutz und Schweiß

JMdict 200217
Word 中折れ
Reading なかおれ
Translation hun nemezkalap Translation swe filthatt
Translation eng felt hat ; fedora ; trilby ; stopping in the middle ; being interrupted in the middle ; being broken in the middle ; prematurely going soft during intercourse Translation ger Filzhut ; weicher Hut Translation rus : {~の} вогнутый
Crossref 中折れ帽子

JMdict 200217
Word 中折れ帽 ; 中折帽
Reading なかおれぼう
Translation hun nemezkalap Translation swe filthatt
Translation eng felt hat ; fedora ; trilby Translation ger Filzhut ; weicher Hut Translation rus фетровая шляпа ( мужская )

JMdict 200217
Word ソフト帽
Reading ソフトぼう
Translation hun nemezkalap Translation swe filthatt
Translation eng felt hat Translation ger weicher Filzhut Translation rus фетровая шляпа

JMdict 100319
Word 不潔感
Reading ふけつかん
Translation eng filthiness

JMdict 100319
Word 不浄
Reading ふじょう
Translation eng uncleanliness ; dirtiness ; impurity ; filthiness ; defilement ; bathroom ; menses ; feces ( faeces ) Translation ger Unreinlichkeit ; Schmutz ; Unehrlichkeit ; Toilette Translation fre impureté ; saleté ; toilettes
Crossref 御不浄

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 汚水
Reading おすい
Translation eng filthy water ; sewage Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Abwässer ; Schmutzwasser ; schmutziges Wasser

JMdict 100319
Word 薄汚い ; 薄汚ない
Reading うすぎたない
Translation eng filthy ; dirty ( looking ) ; drab Translation ger leicht angeschmutzt ; schmutzig

JMdict 100319
Word 不潔
Reading ふけつ
Translation eng unclean ; dirty ; filthy ; impure Translation ger Unsauberkeit ; Schmutzigkeit ; Unreinlichkeit ; Unmoral ; Unanständigkeit Translation fre crasseux ; impur ; sale

JMdict 100319
Word むさ苦しい
Reading むさくるしい
Translation eng filthy ; squalid ; dirty ; foul ; sordid

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不乾不淨 Simplified 不干不净
Pinyin bu4 gan1 bu4 jing4
English unclean ; filthy ; foul-mouthed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 庸俗 Simplified 庸俗
Pinyin yong1 su2
English filthy ; vulgar ; debased

CEDict 100318
Traditional 污穢 Simplified 污秽
Pinyin wu1 hui4
English nasty ; sordid ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 污言穢語 Simplified 污言秽语
Pinyin wu1 yan2 hui4 yu3
English filthy speech ; obscenities

CEDict 100318
Traditional 滿口髒話 Simplified 满口脏话
Pinyin man3 kou3 zang1 hua4
English to pour out obscenities ; filthy mouthed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 腌臢 Simplified 腌臜
Pinyin a1 za5
English dirty ; filthy ; awkward ; disgusting ; nauseating

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin za1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zang1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ang1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 骯髒 Simplified 肮脏
Pinyin ang1 zang1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zang1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 髒兮兮 Simplified 脏兮兮
Pinyin zang1 xi1 xi1
English dirty ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional 黑齷 Simplified 黑龌
Pinyin hei1 wo4
English unclean ; filthy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chuo4
English dirty ; filthy ; base ; mean ; narrow-minded ; petty

CEDict 100318
Traditional 齷濁 Simplified 龌浊
Pinyin wo4 zhuo2
English filthy ; nasty ; sordid ; impure ( motives )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 齷齪 Simplified 龌龊
Pinyin wo4 chuo4
English dirty ; filthy ; vile ; despicable ; narrow-minded ; petty

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xie4 Reading On セツ Reading Kun けが . れる ; な. れる Reading Korean seol Reading Korean
Meaning filthy

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu1 Reading On Reading Kun けが .す ; けが . れる ; けが . らわしい ; よご .す ; よご . れる ; きたな .い Reading Korean o
Meaning filthy ; dirty ; impure ; polluted

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 洿
Reading Pinyin wu1 Reading On オ ; ウ ; コ
Meaning stagnant water ; impure ; filthy

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mai2 Reading On バイ ; マイ ; リ Reading Kun うず . める
Meaning to bury ; to stop up ; dirty ; filthy

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