Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wane , reduce , contract ; exploit
Pinyin JUAN1 Jyutping syun1 zeoi1 zeon1 On SEN Kun CHIJIMARU CHIJIMU HERU
Cangjie Input Code BICE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition reduce , contract ; exploit ; reproductive organ of infant
Pinyin ZUI1 JUAN1 Jyutping zeon1 On SAI SUI SA SEN Kun HERU Hangul Korean CHOY SEN
Variant U+6718
Cangjie Input Code BICE

JMnedict 100319
Reading バイス Romaji Bice ; Weihs

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wane , reduce , contract ; exploit
Pinyin zuī Jyutping syun1 zeoi1 zeon1 On SEN Kun CHIJIMARU CHIJIMU HERU
Cangjie Input Code BICE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition reduce , contract ; exploit ; reproductive organ of infant
Pinyin juān Jyutping zeon1 On SAI SUI SA SEN Kun HERU Hangul : 1N Korean CHOY SEN
Variant U+6718
Cangjie Input Code BICE

JMnedict 200217
Reading バイス Romaji Bice ; Weihs

JMdict 200217
Reading やりこい
Translation hun csendes ; elmosódó ; erőtlen ; finom ; gyenge ; halk ; halkan ; lágy ; puha ; érzékeny ; gyengéd ; kényes ; tapintatos ; zsenge ; bicegés ; hajlékony
Translation eng soft ; tender ; limp

JMdict 200217
Word 柔らかい ; 軟らかい ; 柔かい
Reading やわらかい
Translation dut zacht ; smeu ; mals ; donzig ; zachtaardig ; teder ; mild ; murw ; behaaglijk ( warm ) ; mild ; soepel ; niet-stroef ; vlot ; flexibel ; coulant ; tegemoetkomend ; inschikkelijk Translation hun csendes ; elmosódó ; erőtlen ; finom ; gyenge ; halk ; halkan ; lágy ; puha ; érzékeny ; gyengéd ; kényes ; tapintatos ; zsenge ; bicegés ; hajlékony Translation slv mehek ; nežen ; gladek ; blag Translation spa blando ; blando ; tierno ; suave
Translation eng soft ; tender ; pliant ; supple ; limber ; limp ; gentle ; mild ; mellow ; informal ; light ; flexible (e.g. thinking ) Translation ger weich ; sanft ; zart ; elastisch ; mild ; sanft ; locker ; nicht förmlich Translation fre tendre ; mou ; souple ; doux ; léger ; informel ; officieux ; allégé Translation rus мягкий , нежный

JMdict 100319
Word 二頭筋
Reading にとうきん
Translation eng biceps Translation ger {Anat .} Bizeps

CEDict 100318
Traditional 二頭肌 Simplified 二头肌
Pinyin er4 tou2 ji1
English biceps muscle

CEDict 100318
Traditional 股二頭肌 Simplified 股二头肌
Pinyin gu3 er4 tou2 ji1
English biceps femoris ( anatomy )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 肱二頭肌 Simplified 肱二头肌
Pinyin gong1 er4 tou2 ji1
English bicipital muscle ; biceps

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nao4
English biceps ( in Chinese medicine ) ; ( arch .) forelimbs of livestock animal

JMdict 200217
Word 二頭筋
Reading にとうきん
Translation dut biceps {anat .} ; tweehoofdige armspier Translation hun bicepsz Translation spa bíceps
Translation eng biceps Translation ger Bizeps ; zweiköpfiger Muskel ; Musculus biceps Translation rus ( анат .) бицепс

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 二頭肌 Simplified 二头肌
Pinyin er4 tou2 ji1
English biceps muscle

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 股二頭肌 Simplified 股二头肌
Pinyin gu3 er4 tou2 ji1
English biceps femoris ( anatomy )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 肱二頭肌 Simplified 肱二头肌
Pinyin gong1 er4 tou2 ji1
English bicipital muscle ; biceps

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin nao4
English biceps ( in Chinese medicine ) ; ( arch .) forelimbs of livestock animal

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