Unicode 5.2
Character Definition griping colic , a swelling , a little painful ; some not serious
Pinyin JIAO3 Jyutping gaau2
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition steam , vapor , gas
Pinyin QI4 GAI1 YI3 Jyutping hei3 On KI ITSU Kun YUGE MIZUKE Hangul Korean KI HUL
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition section , department , science
Pinyin KE1 KE4 Jyutping fo1 On KA Kun SHINA TOGA Hangul Korean KWA Tang kuɑ Viet khoa
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition in disorder , scattered , tangled
Pinyin FEN1 Jyutping fan1 On FUN Kun MAGIRERU MAGAI Hangul Korean PWUN Tang *piən Viet phân
Simplified U+7EB7
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 701

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KUA1 KUA3 Jyutping kwaa2 On KA KE A Kun OGORU HOKORU Hangul Korean KWA
Variant U+8A87
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cut out , dig , rip up , scoop out
Pinyin KU1 Jyutping fu1 On KO Kun EGURU Hangul Korean KO Tang ko
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to revile
Pinyin KUA1 On KUU KE
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition be defeated , fail , collapse
Pinyin KUA3 Jyutping kwaa1 Viet khoai
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition extravagant , luxurious ; handsome
Pinyin KUA1 Jyutping kwaa1 On KO KA Kun OGORU Hangul Korean KWA Tang kua Viet khoa
Traditional U+8A87

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition beautiful , handsome , elegant
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carry
Pinyin KU1 KOU1 KUA4 Jyutping fu1 kwaa3
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character 洿 Definition stagnant water ; impure , filthy
Pinyin WU1 Jyutping wu1 On O U KO GO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bottle gourd ; calabash ; pot
Pinyin HU4 HU2 HUO4 GU1 Jyutping wok6 wu4 wu6 On KO KAKU Kun HISAGO Hangul Korean HO

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition trousers ; breeches leggings ; drawers
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KU KO Kun ZUBON
Simplified U+7ED4 Variant U+8932
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pelvis ; groin ; thighs
Pinyin KUA4 KUA3 Jyutping kwaa3 On KO KA Kun MATA Hangul Korean KWA KO
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin KUA1 Jyutping kwaa1 On KA KE HU KU Kun HANA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pants ; trousers ; panties
Pinyin KU4 Jyutping fu3 On KO Kun HAKAMA Hangul Korean KO Tang Viet khố
Variant U+8932
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition exaggerate ; brag , boast ; flaunt
Pinyin KUA1 Jyutping kwaa1 On KO KA Kun HOKORU HOKORI Hangul Korean KWA Tang *kuɑ Viet khoa
Simplified U+5938
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition straddle , bestride , ride ; carry
Pinyin KUA4 KU4 KUA1 KUA3 Jyutping kwaa1 kwaa3 On KO KA Kun MATAGU MATAGARU Hangul Korean KWA Tang kuà
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 七百零一 Simplified 七百零一
Pinyin qi1 bai3 ling2 yi1
Deutsch 701 ( siebenhunderteins ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ke3 ; ke4 Reading On カ ; コク Reading Kun -べ .き ; -べ .し Nanori よし Reading Korean ga ; geug Reading Korean ;
Meaning can ; passable ; mustn't ; should not ; do not Meaning fr possible ; acceptable ; ne doit pas ; ne pas , négatif Meaning es bueno ; aprobación ; posible ; poder hacer Meaning pt aceitável ; não deve não ; faz
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huo4 Reading On カク Reading Kun え.る Reading Korean hoeg Reading Korean
Meaning seize ; get ; find ; earn ; acquire ; can ; may ; able to Meaning fr prise ; capturer ; obtenir ; gagner ; acquérir ; pouvoir ; pouvoir faire Meaning es agarrar ; coger ; conseguir ; adquirir ; ganar ; tocarle ( algo ) a uno Meaning pt prender ; obter ; achar ; ganhar ; adquirir ; poder ; ser capaz de
Dictionary dr_heisig 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi3 ; qi4 Reading On Reading Kun くわだ . てる ; たくら .む Reading Korean gi Reading Korean
Meaning undertake ; scheme ; design ; attempt ; plan Meaning fr entreprendre ; concept ; projet ; essai ; plan Meaning es esquema ; diseño ; plan ; emprender ; idear ; diseñar ; planificar Meaning pt empreenda ; esquema ; projeto ; tentativa ; plano
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin geng4 ; geng1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun さら ; さら .に ; ふ. ける ; ふ. かす Reading Korean gyeong ; gaeng Reading Korean ;
Meaning grow late ; night watch ; sit up late ; of course Meaning fr se faire tard ; veiller ; de plus ; bien sûr Meaning es renovar ; cambiar ; caer la noche ; de nuevo ; aún Meaning pt ficar atrasado ; horário noturno ; certamente
Dictionary dr_maniette 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gou4 Reading On コウ Reading Kun かま . える ; かま .う Nanori とち Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning posture ; build ; pretend Meaning fr structure ; concerné ; préoccupé ; construire ; position Meaning es construir ; ensamblar ; preparación ; preocupación ; establecerse ; montar ; poner ; interesarse por ; preocuparse por Meaning pt postura ; construção ; fingir
Dictionary dr_henshall3 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xi4 Reading On サイ Reading Kun ほそ .い ; ほそ .る ; こま .か ; こま . かい Reading Korean se Reading Korean
Meaning dainty ; get thin ; taper ; slender ; narrow Meaning fr menu ; long et fin ; délicat ; mince ; fluet ; étroit Meaning es estrecho ; fino ; delgado ; detallado ; adelgazar ; minucioso Meaning pt franzino ; emagrecer ; afinar ; delgado ; estreito
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xie4 Reading On シャ Reading Kun あやま .る Nanori さ ; ざ Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning apologize ; thank ; refuse Meaning fr excuses ; remerciements ; refus Meaning es disculparse ; agradecer ; rehusar Meaning pt pedir desculpas ; agradecer ; recusar
Dictionary dr_henshall 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zhou1 Reading On シュウ Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning week Meaning fr semaine Meaning es semana Meaning pt semana
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 宿
Reading Pinyin su4 ; xiu3 ; xiu4 Reading On シュク Reading Kun やど ; やど .る ; やど .す Nanori すく ; ぶすき ; やけ Reading Korean sug ; su Reading Korean ;
Meaning inn ; lodging ; relay station ; dwell ; lodge ; be pregnant ; home ; dwelling Meaning fr auberge ; logement ; séjourner ; relais ( de poste , station ) ; porter en soi ( virus , enfant ) ; être enceinte ; habiter ; habitation Meaning es posada ; alojamiento ; hostal ; hospedar ; concebir un hijo Meaning pt pousada ; alojamento ; estação de retransmissor ; moradia ; estar grávida ; casa ; residência
Miscellaneous Frequency 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qi2 ; ji4 ; qi4 Reading On セイ ; サイ Reading Kun そろ .う ; ひと . しい ; ひと . しく ; あたる ; はやい Nanori ただ ; なり ; ひと ; ひとし Reading Korean ja ; che ; chae Reading Korean ; ;
Meaning adjusted ; alike ; equal ; similar variety of Meaning fr arranger ; égal ; semblable ; même variété Meaning es semejante ; igual ; equivalente Meaning pt ajustado ; da mesma forma ; igual ; variedade parecida
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xian1 ; xian3 Reading On セン Reading Kun あざ . やか Reading Korean seon Reading Korean
Meaning fresh ; vivid ; clear ; brilliant ; Korea Meaning fr frais ; vif ; clair ; brillant ; Corée Meaning es fresco ; vívido ; reciente ; espléndido ; Corea Meaning pt fresca ; viva ; limpa ; brilhante ; Coréia
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zu3 Reading On Nanori Reading Korean jo Reading Korean
Meaning ancestor ; pioneer ; founder Meaning fr ancêtre ; pionnier ; fondateur Meaning es antepasado ; pionero ; fundador Meaning pt antecessor ; pioneiro ; fundador
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin sou1 Reading On ソウ ; シュ ; シュウ Reading Kun さが .す Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning search ; look for ; locate Meaning fr chercher ; rechercher ; détecter ; repérer Meaning es buscar ; localizar ; explorar ; consultar el diccionario Meaning pt Pesquisar ; esperar ; localizar
Dictionary dr_gakken 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fan2 Reading On ハン ; ボン Reading Kun わずら .う ; わずら . わす Reading Korean beon Reading Korean
Meaning anxiety ; trouble ; worry ; pain ; ill ; annoy ; nuisance ; irksome Meaning fr anxiété ; tourment ; souci ; douleur ; malade ; ennuyeux ; nuisance Meaning es problema ; pega ; preocupación ; ansiedad ; molestia ; enfermedad ; preocuparse ; sufrir de ; molestar ; enfadar ; causar problemas Meaning pt ansiedade ; dificuldade ; preocupação ; dor ; mal ; aborrecer ; chateação ; irritante
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bi3 Reading On ヒツ Reading Kun ふで Nanori くし Reading Korean pil Reading Korean
Meaning writing brush ; writing ; painting brush ; handwriting Meaning fr pinceau ; écriture Meaning es pincel ; escritura ; pincel de escritura Meaning pt Pincel de escrever ; escrever ; pincel ; manuscrito
Dictionary dr_sakade 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lou4 Reading On ロウ Reading Kun も.る ; も. れる ; も. らす Reading Korean ru Reading Korean
Meaning leak ; escape ; time Meaning fr fuite ( eau , toit ) ; s'échapper ( gaz ) ; temps Meaning es fuga ; escape ; gotera ; gotear ; escaparse ; filtrarse ; rezumar Meaning pt vazamento ; escapar ; tempo
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wan1 Reading On ワン Reading Kun いりえ Reading Korean man Reading Korean
Meaning gulf ; bay ; inlet Meaning fr golfe ; baie ; crique Meaning es golfo ; bahía ; ensenada ; cala Meaning pt golfo ; baía ; pequena enseada
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kai3 Reading On ガイ ; カイ Reading Korean gae Reading Korean
Meaning scythe ; suitability
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 701

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ping1 ; ping2 Reading On ヘイ ; ビョウ Reading Kun つか .う ; おとこだて Reading Korean bing
Meaning to trust to ; send a message
Dictionary dr_moro 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition griping colic , a swelling , a little painful ; some not serious
Pinyin jiǎo Jyutping gaau2
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition steam , vapor , gas
Pinyin Jyutping hei3 On KI ITSU Kun YUGE MIZUKE Hangul : 0N Korean KI HUL
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition section , department , science
Pinyin Jyutping fo1 On KA Kun SHINA TOGA Hangul : 0E Korean KWA Tang kuɑ Viet khoa
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition in disorder , scattered , tangled
Pinyin fēn Jyutping fan1 On FUN Kun MAGIRERU MAGAI Hangul : 0E Korean PWUN Tang *piən Viet phân
Simplified U+7EB7
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to speak with an accent ; big and clumsy
Pinyin kuǎ Jyutping kwaa2 On KA KE A Kun OGORU HOKORU Hangul : 1N Korean KWA
Variant U+8A87
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cut out , dig , rip up , scoop out
Pinyin Jyutping fu1 On KO Kun EGURU Hangul : 1N Korean KO Tang ko
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to revile
Pinyin kuǎ On KUU KE
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition be defeated , fail , collapse
Pinyin kuǎ Jyutping kwaa1 Viet khoai
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition extravagant , luxurious ; handsome
Pinyin kuā Jyutping kwaa1 On KO KA Kun OGORU Hangul : 1N Korean KWA Tang kua Viet khoa
Traditional U+8A87

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition beautiful , handsome , elegant
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition carry
Pinyin kuà Jyutping fu1 kwaa3
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 701

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 429 ms