Unicode 5.2
Character Definition pestle ; baton used beat clothes
Pinyin CHU3 Jyutping cyu5 On SHO Kun KINE Hangul Korean CE Tang chiǔ Viet ngỏ
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bear , accept , undertake ; just
Pinyin DANG1 DANG4 Jyutping dong1 dong3 On TOU Kun ATARU Hangul Korean TANG Tang *dɑng dɑ̀ng Viet đương
Simplified U+5F53

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition sow grain ; sheaves of grain
Pinyin JIA4 Jyutping gaa3 On KA Kun MINORI UERU KASEGU Hangul Korean KA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition abundant , lush , bountiful , plenty
Pinyin FENG1 Jyutping fung1 On HOU FUU Kun YUTAKA Korean PHWUNG Tang *piung Viet phong
Simplified U+4E30 Variant U+8C4A
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition destroyed , ruined ; to subvert to injure
Pinyin PI3 Jyutping pei2 On HI BI Kun YABURU YABURERU KUTSUGAESU KUTSUGAYERU Hangul Korean PI Viet dãy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition wife , spouse ; imperial concubine
Pinyin FEI1 PEI4 Jyutping fei1 On HI HAI Kun KISAKI Hangul Korean PI PAY Tang *piəi Viet phi

Unicode 5.2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition direct , guide , lead , conduct
Pinyin DAO3 DAO4 Jyutping dou6
Traditional U+5C0E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition self , oneself ; personal , private ; 6th heavenly stem
Pinyin JI3 Jyutping gei2 On KI KO Kun ONORE TSUCHINOTO Hangul Korean KI Tang giə̌ Viet kỉ
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition jealous , envious ; fear
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gei6 On KI Kun IMU Hangul Korean KI Tang ghiə̀ Viet kị

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition change , alter ; improve , remodel
Pinyin GAI3 Jyutping goi2 On KAI Kun ARATAMERU ARATAME ARATAMARU Hangul Korean KAY Tang *gə̌i
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition willow ; medlar tree ; a small feudal state ( Qi )
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping gei2 On KO KI Kun SUKI FUGO MOKKO Hangul Korean KI Tang kiə̌
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition record , annal , historical account
Pinyin JI4 JI3 Jyutping gei2 gei3 On KI Kun OSAMERU NORI SHIRUSU Hangul Korean KI Tang giə̌ Viet kỉ
Simplified U+7EAA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition white millet
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping gei2 hei2 On KI GI Kun CHISA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition record ; keep in mind , remember
Pinyin JI4 Jyutping gei3 On KI Kun SHIRUSU SHIRUSHI Hangul Korean KI Tang giə̀ Viet
Simplified U+8BB0
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition rise , stand up ; go up ; begin
Pinyin QI3 Jyutping hei2 On KI Kun OKIRU OKORU TATSU Hangul Korean KI Tang *kiə̌ Viet khởi
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition match , pair ; equal ; blend
Pinyin PEI4 Jyutping pui3 On HAI Kun KUBARU NARABU NARABERU Hangul Korean PAY Tang pə̀i Viet phối
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 五百九十七 Simplified 五百九十七
Pinyin wu3 bai3 jiu3 shi2 qi1
Deutsch 597 ( fünfhundertsiebenundneunzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ ; イ Reading Kun やさ . しい ; やす .い Reading Korean yeog ; i Reading Korean ;
Meaning easy ; ready to ; simple ; fortune-telling ; divination Meaning fr facile ; prêt-à- ... ; simple ; voyance ; divination ; commerce Meaning es fácil ; simple ; cambio ; intercambio ; adivinación ; sencillo Meaning pt Fácil ; ler a sorte ; pronto para ; simples ; advinhação
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ ; ヤク Reading Kun ま.す Nanori まし ; ます Reading Korean ig Reading Korean
Meaning benefit ; gain ; profit ; advantage Meaning fr bénéfice ; gain ; profit ; avantage Meaning es beneficio ; ganancia ; ventaja ; provecho Meaning pt benefício ; ganho ; lucro ; vantagem
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin he2 Reading On Reading Kun かわ Nanori かっ ; こ ; こう Reading Korean ha Reading Korean
Meaning river Meaning fr rivière ; fleuve Meaning es río ; corriente Meaning pt rio
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qiao2 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun はし Nanori ばせ Reading Korean gyo Reading Korean
Meaning bridge Meaning fr pont Meaning es puente Meaning pt ponte
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ji2 Reading On キョク ; ゴク Reading Kun きわ . める ; きわ . まる ; きわ . まり ; きわ .み ; き. める ; -ぎ .め ; き. まる Reading Korean geug Reading Korean
Meaning poles ; settlement ; conclusion ; end ; highest rank ; electric poles ; very ; extremely ; most ; highly ; 10**48 Meaning fr extrêmes ; pôles (N et S) ; décision ; conclusion ; fin ; plus haut rang ; pôles électriques ; très ; extrêmement ; le plus ; hautement ; 10**48 Meaning es polo terrestre o magnético ; muy ; sumamente ; extremadamente ; alcanzar un extremo Meaning pt postes ; acordo ; conclusão ; fim ; a mais alta posição ; postes elétricos ; muitos ; extremamente ; maior ; altamente ; 10 elevado a48
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ku3 Reading On Reading Kun くる . しい ; -ぐる . しい ; くる . しむ ; くる . しめる ; にが .い ; にが .る Reading Korean go Reading Korean
Meaning suffering ; trial ; worry ; hardship ; feel bitter ; scowl Meaning fr souffrir ; peine ; affliction ; souci ; amer ; renfrogné Meaning es sufrimiento ; pena ; doloroso ; penoso ; trabajoso ; amargo Meaning pt sofrimento ; experiência ; preocupar ; dificuldade ; sentir- se amargo ; tristeza
Dictionary dr_gakken 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qian4 Reading On ケツ ; ケン Reading Kun か. ける ; か.く Reading Korean heum ; gam ; gyeol Reading Korean ; ;
Meaning lack ; gap ; fail ; yawning radical ( no . 76 ) Meaning fr manquer ; lacune ; rater ; radical bâillement ( no . 76 ) Meaning es falta ; carestía ; romperse ; agrietarse ; faltar ; carecer Meaning pt falta ; intervalo ; falha
Dictionary dr_sakade 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chao1 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun こ. える ; こ.す Nanori まさる ; わたる Reading Korean cho Reading Korean
Meaning transcend ; super- ; ultra- Meaning fr dépasser ; super- ; sur- Meaning es trascender ; sobresalir ; super- ; sobrepasar Meaning pt transcender ; ótimo ; ultra- ; super-
Miscellaneous Frequency 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ting2 Reading On テイ Reading Kun にわ Nanori Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning courtyard ; garden ; yard Meaning fr jardin ; cour Meaning es patio ; jardín Meaning pt jardim ; quintal
Dictionary dr_maniette 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ren3 Reading On ニン Reading Kun しの .ぶ ; しの . ばせる Nanori おし Reading Korean in Reading Korean
Meaning endure ; bear ; put up with ; conceal ; secrete ; spy ; sneak Meaning fr supporter ; endurer ; dissimuler ; cacher ; secret ; espion ; se glisser ; subrepticement Meaning es resistencia ; aguante ; oculto ; escondido ; resistir ; aguantar ; soportar ; ocultarse ; esconderse ; ir a hurtadillas Meaning pt suporte ; carregar ; tolerar ; esconder ; ocultar ; espionar ; furtivo
Dictionary dr_heisig 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fan4 Reading On ハン Reading Kun めし Nanori い ; いい ; いり ; え Reading Korean ban Reading Korean
Meaning meal ; boiled rice Meaning fr repas ; riz bouilli Meaning es comida ; arroz cocido Meaning pt refeição ; arroz cozido
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bi4 Reading On ヒツ Reading Kun かなら .ず Reading Korean pil Reading Korean
Meaning invariably ; certain ; inevitable Meaning fr nécessairement ; certain ; inévitable ; invariablement Meaning es sin falta ; necesariamente ; inevitable ; ciertamente Meaning pt invariavelmente ; inevitável ; certo
Dictionary dr_henshall3 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin fu4 Reading On Reading Kun よめ Nanori Reading Korean bu Reading Korean
Meaning lady ; woman ; wife ; bride Meaning fr femme mariée ; épouse ; dame ; femme Meaning es señora ; mujer ; esposa Meaning pt dama ; mulher ; esposa ; noiva
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin men2 Reading On モン Reading Kun かど ; と Nanori じょう ; も ; と ; ゆき Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning gate ; counter for cannons Meaning fr portail ; compteur de canons Meaning es puerta Meaning pt portões
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lu4 ; liu4 Reading On リク ; ロク Reading Kun おか Nanori くが ; たち ; みち ; む ; むつ Reading Korean ryug Reading Korean
Meaning land ; six Meaning fr continent ; six Meaning es tierra Meaning pt terra
Dictionary dr_henshall 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin lian2 Reading On レン Nanori きよ Reading Korean ryeom Reading Korean
Meaning bargain ; reason ; charge ; suspicion ; point ; account ; purity ; honest ; low price ; cheap ; rested ; contented ; peaceful Meaning fr bonne affaire ; raison ; charge ; suspicion ; pas cher ; point ; compte ; pureté ; honnête ; reposé ; satisfait ; paisible Meaning es noble ; puro ; honrado ; sincero ; barato Meaning pt pechincha ; razão ; carga ; suspeita ; ponto ; conta ; pureza ; preço baixo ; honesto ; barato ; descansado ; pacífica ; satisfeita
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xi4 Reading On ケイ Reading Korean hye Reading Korean
Meaning hiding enclosure radical ( no . 23 )
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 597

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mou2 Reading On ボウ ; ム Reading Kun ひと . しい ; そろ .う ; したが .う ; つと . める ; と.る ; はか .る Reading Korean mo
Meaning equal
Dictionary dr_moro 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition pestle ; baton used beat clothes
Pinyin chǔ Jyutping cyu5 On SHO Kun KINE Hangul : 0N Korean CE Tang chiǔ Viet ngỏ
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bear , accept , undertake ; just
Pinyin dāng Jyutping dong1 dong3 On TOU Kun ATARU Hangul : 0E Korean TANG Tang *dɑng dɑ̀ng Viet đương
Simplified U+5F53

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition sow grain ; sheaves of grain
Pinyin jià Jyutping gaa3 On KA Kun MINORI UERU KASEGU Hangul : 0N Korean KA
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition abundant , lush , bountiful , plenty
Pinyin fēng Jyutping fung1 On HOU FUU Kun YUTAKA Hangul :E Korean PHWUNG Tang *piung Viet phong
Simplified U+4E30 Variant U+8C4A
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition destroyed , ruined ; to subvert to injure
Pinyin Jyutping pei2 On HI BI Kun YABURU YABURERU KUTSUGAESU KUTSUGAERU Hangul : 1N Korean PI Viet dãy
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition wife , spouse ; imperial concubine
Pinyin fēi Jyutping fei1 On HI HAI Kun KISAKI Hangul : 0E Korean PI PAY Tang *piəi Viet phi

Unicode 12.1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition direct , guide , lead , conduct
Pinyin dǎo Jyutping dou6
Traditional U+5C0E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition self , oneself ; personal , private ; 6th heavenly stem
Pinyin Jyutping gei2 On KI KO Kun ONORE TSUCHINOTO Hangul : 0E Korean KI Tang giə̌ Viet kỉ
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition jealous , envious ; fear
Pinyin Jyutping gei6 On KI Kun IMU Hangul : 0E Korean KI Tang ghiə̀ Viet kị

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition change , alter ; improve , remodel
Pinyin gǎi Jyutping goi2 On KAI Kun ARATAMERU ARATAME ARATAMARU Hangul : 0E Korean KAY Tang *gə̌i
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition willow ; medlar tree ; a small feudal state ( Qi )
Pinyin Jyutping gei2 On KO KI Kun SUKI FUGO MOKKO Hangul : 0N Korean KI Tang kiə̌
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition record , annal , historical account
Pinyin Jyutping gei2 gei3 On KI Kun OSAMERU NORI SHIRUSU Hangul : 0E Korean KI Tang giə̌ Viet kỉ
Simplified U+7EAA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition white millet
Pinyin Jyutping gei2 hei2 On KI GI Kun CHISA
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 597

Records 1 - 50 of 100 retrieved in 599 ms