JMdict 100319
Word 懐柔
Reading かいじゅう
Translation eng conciliation Translation ger Besänftigung ; Beschwichtigung ; Zähmung ; Bestechung Translation fre conciliation

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 互譲
Reading ごじょう
Translation eng conciliation ; compromise Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; gegenseitiges Zugeständnis Translation fre compromis ; conciliation

JMdict 100319
Word 譲歩
Reading じょうほ
Translation eng concession ; conciliation ; compromise Translation ger Zugeständnis ; Konzession ; Nachgeben Translation fre capitulation ; compromis ; concession ; conciliation

JMdict 100319
Word 折衷 ; 折中
Reading せっちゅう
Translation eng compromise ; cross ; blending ; eclecticism Translation ger Kompromiss Translation fre éclectisme ; alliance ; compromis ; conciliation

JMdict 100319
Word 仲裁
Reading ちゅうさい
Translation eng arbitration ; intercession ; mediation Translation ger Schlichtung ; Vermittlung ; Beilegung ; Versöhnung Translation fre arbitrage ; conciliation ; médiation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 勸解 Simplified 劝解
Pinyin quan4 jie3
English conciliation ; mediation ; to mollify ; to propitiate ; to reconcile

CEDict 100318
Traditional 和解 Simplified 和解
Pinyin he2 jie3
English to settle (a dispute out of court ) ; to reconcile ; settlement ; conciliation ; to become reconciled

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin he2 Reading On
Meaning harmony ; peace ; conciliation ; to be on good terms with ; kindly ; mild

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin he2 Reading On
Meaning harmony ; peace ; conciliation ; to be on good terms with ; kindly ; mild

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 勸解 Simplified 劝解
Pinyin quan4 jie3
English conciliation ; mediation ; to mollify ; to propitiate ; to reconcile

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 和解 Simplified 和解
Pinyin he2 jie3
English to settle (a dispute out of court ) ; to reconcile ; settlement ; conciliation ; to become reconciled

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition conciliation ; to come to an amicable understanding ; compromise
Pinyin HOU2 HOU4 Jyutping hau4

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition conciliation ; to come to an amicable understanding ; compromise
Pinyin hóu Jyutping hau4

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