JMdict 100319
Word 試作車
Reading しさくしゃ
Translation eng experimental car Translation ger Erlkönig ; Prototyp ; Testmodell ; ( eines Autos )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 模範 Simplified 模范
Pinyin mo2 fan4
Deutsch Beispiel , Musterbeispiel (u.E.) (S) ; Modell , Muster (u.E.) (S) ; Prototyp (u.E.) (S) ; Vorbild , Leitbild (u.E.) (S) ; nachahmen , nachmachen , abbilden (u.E.) (V) ; beispielhaft , exemplarisch , musterhaft (u.E.) ( Adj )

JMdict 200217
Word 祖型
Reading そけい
Translation dut prototype ; oertype ; archetype Translation hun prototípus Translation swe förebild ; prototyp
Translation eng prototype Translation ger Prototyp ; Archetyp

JMdict 200217
Word 試作車
Reading しさくしゃ
Translation eng experimental car Translation ger Erlkönig ; Prototyp ; Testmodell ; Testfahrzeug ; Concept-Car

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 模範 Simplified 模范
Pinyin mo2 fan4
Deutsch Beispiel , Musterbeispiel (S) ; Modell , Muster (S) ; Prototyp (S) ; Vorbild , Leitbild (S) ; nachahmen , nachmachen , abbilden (V) ; beispielhaft , exemplarisch , musterhaft ( Adj )

JMdict 200217
Word 試作品
Reading しさくひん
Translation hun próbatermék Translation slv prototip ; poskusni izdelek
Translation eng trial product ; prototype model Translation ger Versuchstyp ; Muster ; Probestück ; Prototyp

JMdict 200217
Word 試作機
Reading しさくき
Translation hun prototípus
Translation eng prototype model ; experimental machine Translation ger Prototyp ( einer Maschine , z.B. eines Flugzeuges ) Translation rus опытный самолёт

JMdict 200217
Reading プロトタイプ
Translation dut prototype Translation hun prototípus Translation spa prototipo Translation swe förebild ; prototyp
Translation eng prototype Translation ger Prototyp

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 雛形機 Simplified 雏形机
Pinyin chu2 xing2 ji1
Deutsch Prototyp (u.E.) (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 祖型
Reading そけい
Translation eng prototype Translation ger Prototyp ; Archetyp

JMdict 100319
Word 試作機
Reading しさくき
Translation eng prototype (e.g. plane ) Translation ger Prototyp ; ( einer Maschine z.B. eines Flugzeuges )

JMdict 100319
Word 原型
Reading げんけい
Translation eng prototype ; model ; pattern ; archetypal Translation ger Urbild ; Prototyp ; Modell ; Archetyp Translation fre prototype

JMdict 100319
Reading プロトタイプ
Translation eng prototype Translation ger Prototyp

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 雛形機 Simplified 雏形机
Pinyin chu2 xing2 ji1
Deutsch Prototyp (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 藍本 Simplified 蓝本
Pinyin lan2 ben3
Deutsch Prototyp , Muster (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 藍本 Simplified 蓝本
Pinyin lan2 ben3
Deutsch Prototyp , Muster (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 試作品
Reading しさくひん
Translation eng trial product ; prototype model Translation ger Versuchstyp

JMdict 100319
Word 基本型
Reading きほんがた
Translation eng basic pattern ; basic model ; basic type ; prototype

CEDict 100318
Traditional 樣板 Simplified 样板
Pinyin yang4 ban3
English template ; prototype ; model ; example

CEDict 100318
Traditional 樣機 Simplified 样机
Pinyin yang4 ji1
English prototype

CEDict 100318
Traditional 試用品 Simplified 试用品
Pinyin shi4 yong4 pin3
English prototype ; trial product ; test sample

CEDict 100318
Traditional 試製 Simplified 试制
Pinyin shi4 zhi4
English to try out a new product ( or manufacturing process ) ; prototype ; trial product

CEDict 100318
Traditional 雛形 Simplified 雏形
Pinyin chu2 xing2
English embryonic form ; fledgling stage ; prototype

JMdict 200217
Word 見本
Reading みほん
Translation dut monster ; staal ; proef ; proeve ; specimen ; sample ; proefexemplaar ; proefmonster ; bemonsterde offerte ; toonbeeld ; schoolvoorbeeld ; model ; patroon ; prototype Translation hun kóstoló ; mintadarab Translation slv vzorec ; model Translation spa muestra ; ejemplar Translation swe sampla
Translation eng sample ; specimen ; pattern ; model ; example Translation ger Muster ; Probe ; Warenprobe ; Vorbild ; Beispiel Translation fre échantillon ; spécimen ; modèle ; exemple Translation rus 1) образец , образчик ; пробный экземпляр ; 2) образец , пример

JMdict 200217
Word 典型
Reading てんけい
Translation dut model ; toonbeeld ; voorbeeld ; patroon ; type ; prototype ; de zelve ; uitdr .} leest {in Translation hun minta ; sablon ; őstípusi Translation slv model ; vzor ; predstavnik Translation spa clásico ; típico
Translation eng type ; pattern ; model ; epitome ; exemplar ; archetype ; perfect example Translation ger Modell ; Mustertyp ; Vorbild Translation fre type ; modèle ; maquette ; exemple ; archétype ; représentant Translation rus 1) классическая форма , {классический} образец ; 2) тип ; типичный {~的}

JMdict 200217
Word 標本
Reading ひょうほん
Translation dut specimen ; exemplaar ; prototype ; karakteristiek voorbeeld ; sample ; monster ; proeve ; staal Translation hun mintadarab ; mutatvány ; példány Translation slv vzorec ; primer Translation spa espécimen ; muestra ; ejemplar
Translation eng example ; specimen ; sample Translation ger Exemplar ; Muster ; Typus ; Beispiel ; Präparat ; Probe ; Probeexemplar ; Untersuchungsgruppe Translation fre échantillon ; exemple ; modèle Translation rus экспонат , образчик ; типичный образец

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 原型 Simplified 原型
Pinyin yuan2 xing2
English model ; prototype ; archetype

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 樣板 Simplified 样板
Pinyin yang4 ban3
English template ; prototype ; model ; example

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 樣機 Simplified 样机
Pinyin yang4 ji1
English prototype

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 試用品 Simplified 试用品
Pinyin shi4 yong4 pin3
English prototype ; trial product ; test sample

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 試製 Simplified 试制
Pinyin shi4 zhi4
English to try out a new product ( or manufacturing process ) ; prototype ; trial product

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 雛形 Simplified 雏形
Pinyin chu2 xing2
English embryonic form ; fledgling stage ; prototype

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 原型炉
Reading げんけいろ
Translation eng prototype reactor Translation ger Prototypreaktor

JMdict 200217
Word 試作版
Reading しさくばん
Translation eng trial printing ; prototype edition

JMdict 100319
Word 典型的
Reading てんけいてき
Translation eng typical ; prototypical ; representative ; stereotypical ; model ; ideal Translation ger vorbildlich ; ideal ; typisch ; musterhaft Translation fre typique ; idéal ; modèle

JMdict 200217

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