Unicode 12.1
Character Definition choose ; select ; pick up ; gather
Pinyin jiǎn Jyutping gaan2 On KAN KEN Kun ERABU Hangul : 0N Korean KAN YEN Tang gɛ̌n Viet gióng
Simplified U+62E3
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition letter , invitation ; choose
Pinyin jiǎn Jyutping gaan2 On KAN KEN Kun ERABU TEGAMI Hangul : 0N Korean KAN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition Melia japonica
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN Kun OUCHI Hangul : 1N Korean LYEN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition boil silk
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN RAN Kun NERU Hangul : 1N Korean LYEN Viet rịn
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smelt , refine ; distill , condense
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN Kun NERU Hangul : 0N :0 Korean LYEN Viet luyện
Simplified U+70BC Variant U+F993
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition practice , drill , exercise , train
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN Kun NERU NERIGINU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYEN Tang lèn Viet luyện
Simplified U+7EC3
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition remonstrate , admonish
Pinyin jiàn Jyutping gaan3 On KAN Kun ISAMERU ISAME Hangul : 0N Korean KAN Tang gàn Viet gián
Simplified U+8C0F
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition smelt metals , forge ; refine
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN Kun NERU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYEN Tang lèn Viet luyện
Variant U+F99B
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition door screen ; railing fence
Pinyin lán Jyutping laan4 On RAN Kun TESURI SAEGIRU TAKENAWA Hangul : 1N Korean LAN Tang *lɑn Viet làn
Simplified U+9611

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition a herring
Pinyin liàn Jyutping lin6 On REN Kun NISHIN Hangul : 1N Korean LYEN
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zi1 Reading On ジ ; シ Nanori し ; しげ ; しげる Reading Korean ja Reading Korean
Meaning nourishing ; more & more ; be luxuriant ; planting ; turbidity Meaning fr nourrissant ; de plus en plus ; luxuriant ; plantation ; turbidité Meaning es florecer ; ser exuberante ; nutritivo Meaning pt nutrir ; mais & mais ; ser luxuriante ; planta ; turbidez
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld_2ed 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xie3 Reading On シャ ; ジャ Reading Kun うつ .す ; うつ .る ; うつ- ; うつ .し Reading Korean sa Reading Korean
Meaning copy ; be photographed ; describe Meaning fr copie ; être photographié ; décrire Meaning es copiar ; imitar ; fotografiar Meaning pt cópia ; foto ; descrever
Dictionary dr_sh_kk2 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhou1 Reading On シュウ ; ス Reading Kun Nanori くに Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning state ; province Meaning fr province ; état Meaning es estado ; provincia ; banco de arena Meaning pt estado ; província
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Literal 宿
Reading Pinyin su4 ; xiu3 ; xiu4 Reading On シュク Reading Kun やど ; やど .る ; やど .す Nanori すく ; ぶすき ; やけ Reading Korean sug ; su Reading Korean ;
Meaning inn ; lodging ; relay station ; dwell ; lodge ; be pregnant ; home ; dwelling Meaning fr auberge ; logement ; séjourner ; relais ( de poste , station ) ; porter en soi ( virus , enfant ) ; être enceinte ; habiter ; habitation Meaning es posada ; alojamiento ; hostal ; hospedar ; concebir un hijo Meaning pt pousada ; alojamento ; estação de retransmissor ; moradia ; estar grávida ; casa ; residência
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhao1 Reading On ショウ Nanori あき ; あきら ; かず ; かずみ ; てる Reading Korean so ; jo Reading Korean ;
Meaning shining ; bright Meaning fr briller Meaning es luminoso ; brillante Meaning pt brilhar ; brilhante
Dictionary dr_gakken 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cheng2 Reading On セイ ; ジョウ Reading Kun な.る ; な.す ; -な .す Nanori あき ; あきら ; しげ ; そん ; たえ ; なお ; なり ; なる ; のり ; ひら ; まさ ; よし ; り Reading Korean seong Reading Korean
Meaning turn into ; become ; get ; grow ; elapse ; reach Meaning fr se changer en ; devenir ; obtenir ; croissance ; s'écouler ; accomplir Meaning es convertirse en ; resultar ; consistir en ; hacerse ; llegar a ser ; llevar a cabo ; lograr Meaning pt tornar-se ; obter ; crescer ; passar ; alcançar
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xi2 Reading On セキ Reading Kun むしろ Reading Korean seog Reading Korean
Meaning seat ; mat ; occasion ; place Meaning fr siège ; natte ; occasion ; place Meaning es asiento ; plaza ; posición Meaning pt assento ; esteira ; ocasião ; lugar
Dictionary dr_henshall3 549 Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ting3 ; ding1 Reading On チョウ Reading Kun まち Reading Korean jeong Reading Korean
Meaning town ; village ; block ; street Meaning fr quartier ; ville ; village ; rue Meaning es pueblo ; ciudad ; bloque ; calle Meaning pt aldeia ; cidade ; bloco ; rua
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin di3 ; de5 Reading On テイ Reading Kun そこ Reading Korean ji ; jeo Reading Korean ;
Meaning bottom ; sole ; depth ; bottom price ; base ; kind ; sort Meaning fr partie basse ; fond ; semelle ; profondeur ; prix plancher ; base ; sorte Meaning es fondo ; suelo ; parte más baja ; base Meaning pt único ; fundo ; profundidade ; preço baixo ; base ; espécie ; tipo
Dictionary dr_henshall 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dong4 Reading On ドウ Reading Kun うご .く ; うご . かす Nanori るぎ Reading Korean dong Reading Korean
Meaning move ; motion ; change ; confusion ; shift ; shake Meaning fr bouger ; mouvement ; changement ; confusion ; secouer Meaning es mover ; movimiento ; moverse ; trasladar Meaning pt mover ; movimento ; mudança ; jáfusão ; trocar ; agitar
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ran2 Reading On ネン Reading Kun も. える ; も. やす ; も.す Reading Korean yeon Reading Korean
Meaning burn ; blaze ; glow Meaning fr brûler ; flamber Meaning es quemar ; quemarse ; arder Meaning pt queimadura ; chama ; ardor
Dictionary dr_heisig6 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yang2 Reading On ヨウ Nanori なだ ; ひろ ; ひろし ; よ ; よし Reading Korean yang Reading Korean
Meaning ocean ; sea ; foreign ; Western style Meaning fr océan ; style occidental Meaning es océano ; de estilo occidental ; cada una de las dos mitades del mundo Meaning pt oceano ; estilo ocidental
Dictionary dr_heisig 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lie4 Reading On レツ ; レイ Reading Kun きよ .い Reading Korean ryeol Reading Korean
Meaning pure
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin sheng1 Reading On ショウ Reading Kun のぼ .る Reading Korean seung Reading Korean
Meaning go up ; climb
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkd 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin kuai4 Reading On カイ ; ケ Reading Kun なかがい Reading Korean goe
Meaning go-between ; broker ; proxy ; middleman
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin rong2 Reading On エイ ; ヨウ Reading Kun さか . える ; は.え ; -ば .え ; は. える ; え Nanori さかえ ; しげ ; てる ; なが ; ひで ; よし Reading Korean yeong Reading Korean
Meaning flourish ; prosperity ; honor ; glory ; splendor Meaning fr florissant ; prospérité ; honneur ; gloire ; splendeur Meaning es florecer ; prosperidad ; honor ; gloria ; prosperar Meaning pt florescer ; prosperidade ; honra ; glória ; esplendor
Dictionary dr_sakade 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ji1 Reading On Reading Kun つくえ Reading Korean gwe Reading Korean
Meaning desk ; table Meaning fr bureau ; table Meaning es mesa ; escritorio Meaning pt mesa ; escrivaninha
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jiu4 Reading On キュウ Reading Kun ふる .い ; もと Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning old times ; old things ; old friend ; former ; ex- Meaning fr ancien temps ; anciennes choses ; ancien ami ; ancien - ; ex- Meaning es antiguo ; viejo ; viejos tiempos Meaning pt tempos antigos ; coisas antigas ; amigo velho ; ex- ; anteriores
Miscellaneous Frequency 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xiang1 Reading On キョウ ; ゴウ Reading Kun さと Nanori くに Reading Korean hyang Reading Korean
Meaning home town ; village ; native place ; district Meaning fr village natal ; village ; lieu de naissance ; région Meaning es ciudad natal ; pueblo ; lugar donde hay algo especial Meaning pt cidade natal ; aldeia ; lugar de nascimento ; distrito
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin hao2 Reading On ゴウ Reading Kun えら .い Nanori こう ; ご ; すぐる ; たけ ; たけし ; ひで ; まさる Reading Korean ho Reading Korean
Meaning overpowering ; great ; powerful ; excelling ; Australia Meaning fr écrasant ; grand ; puissant ; éminent ; Australie Meaning es avasallador ; poderoso ; vigoroso ; sobresaliente Meaning pt predominar ; grande ; poderoso ; superação ; Austrália
Dictionary dr_maniette 549

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ji4 Reading On サイ ; セイ Reading Kun す.む ; -ず .み ; -ずみ ; す. まない ; す. ます ; -す . ます ; すく .う ; な.す ; わたし ; わた .る Nanori すむ ; なり ; わたる Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning settle ( debt , etc .) ; relieve ( burden ) ; finish ; come to an end ; excusable ; need not Meaning fr achever ; finir ; excusable ; s'en sortir sans Meaning es ayudar ; rescatar ; terminar ; finalizar ; acabar ; concluir ; reembolsar ; devolver Meaning pt fim ; terminar ; desculpável ; não necessário
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 549

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 五百四十九 Simplified 五百四十九
Pinyin wu3 bai3 si4 shi2 jiu3
Deutsch 549 ( fünfhundertneunundvierzig )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition interjection of approval or admiration
Pinyin ZE2 Jyutping zaak3 zik1 On SAKU Kun SAKEBU Hangul Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+5567

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition interjection of approval or admiration
Pinyin Jyutping zaak3 zik1 On SAKU Kun SAKEBU Hangul : 1N Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+5567

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition bed mat ; mat
Pinyin ZE2 ZHAI4 Jyutping zaak3 On SAKU Kun SU Hangul Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+7BA6

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition bed mat ; mat
Pinyin Jyutping zaak3 On SAKU Kun SU Hangul : 1N Korean CHAYK
Simplified U+7BA6

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition split , tear , open
Pinyin CHE4 Jyutping caak3 On TAKU CHAKU Kun SAKERU WAKARERU HIRAKU SAKEME Hangul Korean THAK Tang *tjæk

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition split , tear , open
Pinyin chè Jyutping caak3 On TAKU CHAKU Kun SAKERU WAKARERU HIRAKU SAKEME Hangul : 0N Korean THAK Tang *tjæk

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition scheme , plan ; to whip ; urge
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping caak3 On SAKU Kun MUCHI TSUE KAZUTORI Hangul Korean CHAYK Tang *chrɛk Viet sách
Variant U+7B5E

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition scheme , plan ; to whip ; urge
Pinyin Jyutping caak3 On SAKU Kun MUCHI TSUE KAZUTORI Hangul : 0E Korean CHAYK Tang *chrɛk Viet sách
Variant U+7B5E

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition book , volume , register , list
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping caak3 On SATSU SAKU Kun FUMI Korean CHAYK Viet sách
Traditional U+518A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition book , volume , register , list
Pinyin Jyutping caak3 On SATSU SAKU Kun FUMI Hangul :N Korean CHAYK Viet sách
Traditional U+518A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition feel anguish , feel compassion
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping caak1 cak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun ITAMU Hangul Korean CHUK Tang *chriək
Simplified U+607B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition feel anguish , feel compassion
Pinyin Jyutping caak1 cak1 On SOKU SHOKU Kun ITAMU Hangul : 0N Korean CHUK Tang *chriək
Simplified U+607B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition measure , estimate , conjecture
Pinyin CE4 Jyutping caak1 cak1 On SOKU Kun HAKARU Hangul Korean CHUK Tang chriək Viet trắc
Simplified U+6D4B

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition measure , estimate , conjecture
Pinyin Jyutping caak1 cak1 On SOKU Kun HAKARU Hangul : 0E Korean CHUK Tang chriək Viet trắc
Simplified U+6D4B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition virtuous , especially of women , admirable , esteemed , excellent
Pinyin YI4 Jyutping zi3

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition virtuous , especially of women , admirable , esteemed , excellent
Pinyin Jyutping zi3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stop , halt ; stay , detain , keep
Hangul Korean YU
Variant U+7559 Variant U+7559

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stop , halt ; stay , detain , keep
Hangul :0 Korean YU
Variant U+7559 Variant U+7559

Records 51 - 100 of 145 retrieved in 1703 ms