JMdict 200217
Word 否々 ; 否否
Reading いやいや ; いえいえ
Translation dut neenee ; welnee Translation hun kelletlenül ; vonakodva ; húzódozva ; nem akaródzva ; nem akarva Translation slv nerade volje ; proti volji ; neprostovoljno ; z nejevoljo ; nerad Translation spa a regañadientes ; de ninguna manera ; de mala gana
Translation eng no! ; no no! ; no , not at all Translation ger nein , nein Translation fre pas du tout Translation rus против воли , нехотя
Crossref 嫌々・いやいや・3

JMdict 200217
Word 反日
Reading はんにち
Translation dut anti-Japans {~の} Translation slv protijaponski {+の} Translation spa antijaponés
Translation eng anti-Japanese Translation ger antijapanisch Translation fre anti-japonais Translation rus : {~{の}} антияпонский ; антияпонский

JMdict 200217
Word 火災警報
Reading かさいけいほう
Translation hun tűzjelzés Translation slv protipožarni alarm
Translation eng fire warning ; fire alert Translation ger Feuermeldung ; Brandmeldung

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 原生生物 Simplified 原生生物
Pinyin yuan2 sheng1 sheng1 wu4
English protist ; primitive organism

JMdict 200217
Word 原生生物
Reading げんせいせいぶつ
Translation spa protozoo
Translation eng protist ; protistan ; protoctist Translation ger Protist ; Einzeller ; einzelliges Lebewesen

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 原生生物 Simplified 原生生物
Pinyin yuan2 sheng1 sheng1 wu4
English protist ; primitive organism

JMdict 200217
Word 対策
Reading たいさく
Translation dut maatregel ; stap ; tegenmaatregel ; tegenzet {fig .} Translation hun ellenintézkedés Translation slv protiudarec ; protiukrep Translation spa contramedida Translation swe motåtgärd
Translation eng measure ; provision ; step ; countermeasure ; counterplan ; countermove Translation ger Gegenmaßnahme ; Maßnahme Translation fre mesure prendre ) ; disposition ; étape ; contre-mesure ; contre-plan Translation rus мероприятия ; контрмеры {ответные}

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pie1
English protium 1H ; light hydrogen , the most common isotope of hydrogen , having no neutron , so atomic weight 1

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pie1
Deutsch Protium ( ein Wasserstoffisotop , H) (S, Chem )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pie1
English protium 1H ; light hydrogen , the most common isotope of hydrogen , having no neutron , so atomic weight 1

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin pie1
Deutsch Protium ( ein Wasserstoffisotop , H) (S, Chem )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 反戦
Reading はんせん
Translation dut anti-oorlogs- ; verzet tegen de oorlog ; antioorlogshouding ; pacifisme ; antioorlogs- Translation hun háborúellenes Translation slv protivojni {+の} Translation spa antiguerra ; pacifista
Translation eng anti-war Translation ger Antikriegs- ; pazifistisch ; Antikriegs… Translation fre contre la guerre ; opposant à la guerre Translation rus антивоенный ; против войны ; антивоенный {~{の}}

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