JMdict 200217
Word どの辺 ; 何の辺
Reading どのへん
Translation hun ahol ; hol ; hollét ; merre Translation spa paradero Translation swe uppehållsort
Translation eng whereabout ; about where ; how much Translation ger welche Gegend? Translation fre ou ( interrogatif )

JMdict 100319
Word 居所
Reading いどころ ; きょしょ
Translation eng whereabouts ; address Translation ger Aufenthaltsort ; Adresse ; Anschrift ; Wohnsitz ; Wohnort ; Ort , an dem sich jmd . aufhält

JMdict 100319
Word 在所
Reading ざいしょ
Translation eng whereabouts ; country ; one's home village ; one's residence Translation ger Wohnort ; Geburtsort ; Heimat ; Land ; Provinz

JMdict 100319
Word 所在
Reading しょざい
Translation eng whereabouts Translation ger Aufenthalt ; Aufenthaltsort ; Verbleib ; Standort ; Sitz ; Handlung ; Tat

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word どの辺 ; 何の辺
Reading どのへん
Translation eng whereabouts Translation ger welche Gegend? Translation fre ou ( interrogatif )

JMdict 100319
Word 居場所
Reading いばしょ
Translation eng whereabouts Translation ger Aufenthaltsort ; Wohnort ; Adresse ; Anschrift ; Raum ; Platz , an dem sich jmd . bzw . etw . befindet

JMdict 100319
Word 何処ら辺り ; 何処ら辺
Reading どこらあたり
Translation eng where ; whereabouts Translation ger wo ; in welcher Gegend

JMdict 100319
Word 在り処 ; 在り所
Reading ありか
Translation eng location ; whereabouts ; hiding place Translation ger zeitweiliger Aufenthalt ; Ort , wo sich etw . befindet

CEDict 100318
Traditional 下落 Simplified 下落
Pinyin xia4 luo4
English whereabouts

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不知去向 Simplified 不知去向
Pinyin bu4 zhi1 qu4 xiang4
English whereabouts unknown ; gone missing

CEDict 100318
Traditional 去向 Simplified 去向
Pinyin qu4 xiang4
English the position of sth ; whereabouts

CEDict 100318
Traditional 所在 Simplified 所在
Pinyin suo3 zai4
English place ; location ; whereabouts ; domicile ; to be located ; to belong to ( organization etc )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin luo4
English to fall or drop ; ( of the sun ) to set ; ( of a tide ) to go out ; to lower ; to decline or sink ; to lag or fall behind ; to fall onto ; to rest with ; to get or receive ; to write down ; whereabouts ; settlement

CEDict 100318
Traditional 著落 Simplified 着落
Pinyin zhuo2 luo4
English whereabouts (i.e. where sth has got to ) ; place to settle ; reliable source ; ( of a matter ) to falls to sb's responsibility ; settled

CEDict 100318
Traditional 行蹤 Simplified 行踪
Pinyin xing2 zong1
English whereabouts ; ( lose ) track ( of )

JMdict 200217
Word 在所
Reading ざいしょ
Translation hun ahol ; hol ; hollét ; merre
Translation eng whereabouts ; country ; one's home village ; one's residence Translation ger Wohnort ; Geburtsort ; Heimat ; Land ; Provinz Translation rus 1) деревня противоп . городу ) ; 2) родина , родные места

JMdict 200217
Word 居場所
Reading いばしょ
Translation dut verblijfplaats ; plaats waar iemand zich bevindt ; whereabouts ; plaats waar iemand thuis is {i .h.b.} Translation hun ahol ; hol ; hollét ; merre Translation spa paradero Translation swe uppehållsort
Translation eng whereabouts ; place ; location ; place where one belongs ; where one fits in ; place where one can be oneself Translation ger Aufenthaltsort ; Wohnort ; Adresse ; Anschrift ; Platz , an dem sich jmd . bzw . etw . befindet Translation rus ( см .) いどころ

JMdict 200217
Word 行く先
Reading ゆくさき ; いくさき
Translation dut bestemming ; eindpunt ; doel ; plaats waar iem . ; iets zich bevindt ; toekomst ; wat te gebeuren staat Translation spa ( el ) destino uno ) ; ( el ) paradero uno ) ; ( el ) futuro
Translation eng destination ; whereabouts ; future ; prospects Translation ger Ziel ; Ziel ; Aufenthaltsort ; Zukunft Translation rus 1) место назначения ; место , куда идёт ( направляется ) ( кто-л .) ; 2) ( см .) ゆくすえ

JMdict 200217
Word どこら辺り ; 何処ら辺り
Reading どこらあたり
Translation hun hol ; ahol ; hollét ; merre
Translation eng where ; whereabouts Translation ger wo ; in welcher Gegend
Crossref どこら辺・どこらへん

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 何処いら ; 何所いら
Reading どこいら
Translation spa dónde ; en que lugar
Translation eng where ; whereabouts Translation ger wo ungefähr ; wo etwa ; in welcher Gegend ; an welcher Stelle

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 下落 Simplified 下落
Pinyin xia4 luo4
English whereabouts ; to drop ; to fall

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不知去向 Simplified 不知去向
Pinyin bu4 zhi1 qu4 xiang4
English whereabouts unknown ; gone missing

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不知所之 Simplified 不知所之
Pinyin bu4 zhi1 suo3 zhi1
English whereabouts unknown

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 去向 Simplified 去向
Pinyin qu4 xiang4
English the position of sth ; whereabouts

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin luo4
English to fall or drop ; ( of the sun ) to set ; ( of a tide ) to go out ; to lower ; to decline or sink ; to lag or fall behind ; to fall onto ; to rest with ; to get or receive ; to write down ; whereabouts ; settlement

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行止 Simplified 行止
Pinyin xing2 zhi3
English movements ; attitude ; behavior ; whereabouts ; tracks

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行蹤 Simplified 行踪
Pinyin xing2 zong1
English whereabouts ; ( lose ) track ( of )

JMdict 200217
Word 居り所
Reading おりどころ
Translation eng whereabouts

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 踪跡
Reading そうせき
Translation eng traces ; footprints ; whereabouts Translation ger Spuren ; Fußspuren Translation rus ( кн .) следы ( чьи-л .)

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