CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 高抬貴手 Simplified 高抬贵手
Pinyin gao1 tai2 gui4 shou3
English to be generous ( idiom ) ; to be magnanimous ; Give me a break!

JMdict 200217
Word 自由か死か
Reading じゆうかしか
Translation eng give me liberty , or give me death

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word kwsk
Reading くわしく
Translation eng tell me more ; give me more details Translation ger bis ins Einzelne ; detailliert ; ausführlich ; lang und breit
Crossref 詳しく

JMdict 200217
Word 凡事徹底
Reading ぼんじてってい
Translation eng do your best ; give it your all

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin FU4 Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , grant , bestow ; surname
Pinyin KUANG4 Jyutping fong3 On KYOU KOU Kun TAMAU Hangul Korean HWANG
Simplified U+8D36

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , present , confer ; surname
Pinyin LAI4 Jyutping loi6 On RAI Kun TAMAU TAMAMONO Hangul Korean LOY
Simplified U+8D49

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , bestow favors ; appoint
Pinyin CI4 SI4 Jyutping ci3 On SHI Kun TAMAWARU TAMAU TAMAMONO Hangul Korean SA Tang *siɛ̀
Simplified U+8D50

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , grant , bestow ; surname
Pinyin KUANG4 Jyutping fong3
Traditional U+8CBA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , present , confer ; surname
Pinyin LAI4 Jyutping loi6
Traditional U+8CDA

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , bestow favors ; appoint
Pinyin SI4 CI4 Jyutping ci3
Traditional U+8CDC

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , present ; reverential
Pinyin GONG1 Jyutping gung1 On KYOU KU YOU YU Kun SONAERU Hangul Korean KONG
Simplified U+9F9A

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give , present ; reverential
Pinyin GONG1 Jyutping gung1
Traditional U+9F94

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , deliver , pay , hand over ; entrust
Pinyin Jyutping fu6 On FU Kun TSUKERU ATAERU TSUKU Hangul : 0E Korean PWU Tang biò Viet phó

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , grant , bestow ; surname
Pinyin kuàng Jyutping fong3 On KYOU KOU Kun TAMAU Hangul : 1N Korean HWANG
Simplified U+8D36

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , present , confer ; surname
Pinyin lài Jyutping loi6 On RAI Kun TAMAU TAMAMONO Hangul : 0N Korean LOY
Simplified U+8D49

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , bestow favors ; appoint
Pinyin Jyutping ci3 On SHI Kun TAMAWARU TAMAU TAMAMONO Hangul : 0E Korean SA Tang *siɛ̀
Simplified U+8D50

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , grant , bestow ; surname
Pinyin kuàng Jyutping fong3
Traditional U+8CBA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , present , confer ; surname
Pinyin lài Jyutping loi6
Traditional U+8CDA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , bestow favors ; appoint
Pinyin Jyutping ci3
Traditional U+8CDC

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , present ; reverential
Pinyin gōng Jyutping gung1 On KYOU KU YOU YU Kun SONAERU Hangul : 1N Korean KONG
Simplified U+9F9A

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give , present ; reverential
Pinyin gōng Jyutping gung1
Traditional U+9F94

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin GEI3 JI3 XIA2 Jyutping kap1 On KYUU KYOU Kun TAMAU Hangul Korean KUP Tang gyip Viet cấp
Simplified U+7ED9

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin GEI3 JI3 Jyutping kap1
Traditional U+7D66

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin gěi Jyutping kap1 On KYUU KYOU Kun TAMAU Hangul : 0E Korean KUP Tang gyip Viet cấp
Simplified U+7ED9

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition give ; by , for
Pinyin gěi Jyutping kap1
Traditional U+7D66

JMdict 100319
Word 応酬
Reading おうしゅう
Translation eng exchange ; reciprocation ; give-and-take ; return ; reply ; riposte Translation ger Erwiderung ; Antwort ; Entgegnung ; Beantwortung Translation fre réplique ; riposte

JMdict 100319
Reading キブアンドテーク
Translation eng give-and-take

CEDict 100318

JMdict 200217
Reading キブアンドテーク
Translation eng give-and-take

JMdict 200217
Word ; 頂き ; 戴き
Reading いただき
Translation dut top ; piek ; kruin ; hoogste punt ; spits ; gemakkelijke overwinning ; weggevertje ; giveaway Translation hun csúcs ; fejtető ; lombkorona ; tető ; orom ; templomtorony Translation spa me lo quedo ; cumbre ; cima ; culmen ; cúspide
Translation eng crown ( of head ) ; summit ( of mountain ) ; spire ; easy win for one ; something received Translation ger Gipfel ; Spitze ; Wipfel ; Krone ; Scheitel ; etw . ganz Sicheres () Translation fre cime ; pointe ; sommet Translation rus 1) вершина ; верхушка , макушка ; пик ; 2) тулья

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 贈品 Simplified 赠品
Pinyin zeng4 pin3
English gift ; complimentary item ; freebie ; giveaway

JMdict 100319
Word お手上げ ; 御手上げ
Reading おてあげ
Translation eng all over ; given in ; given up hope ; bring to knees Translation ger etw ., gegen das man nichts machen kann

JMdict 100319
Reading ので ; んで
Translation eng that being the case ; because of ... ; the reason is .... ; given that ... Translation ger da ; weil

JMdict 100319
Word 手上げ
Reading てあげ
Translation eng all over ; given in ; given up hope ; bring to knees
Crossref お手上げ

JMdict 100319
Word 所定
Reading しょてい
Translation eng fixed ; prescribed ; certain ; given Translation ger Bestimmung ; Designation

JMdict 100319
Word 所与
Reading しょよ
Translation eng fact ; given thing ; the given ... Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Gegebenheit ; etw . Zutreffendes

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 名前
Reading なまえ
Translation eng name ; full name ; given name ; first name Translation ger Name ; Vorname ; dem Namen nach ; nominell Translation fre nom Translation rus имя
Crossref 苗字 ;

JMdict 100319
Word 与件
Reading よけん
Translation eng postulate ; given conditions ; data Translation ger {Philos .} Gegebenes ; Gegebenheit ; Daten

JMdict 100319
Word 呼び名 ; 呼名
Reading よびな
Translation eng given name ; popular name ; mnemonic name Translation ger Rufname ; Name , mit dem etw . oder jmd . normalerweise bezeichnet wird ; ( etwa im Gegensatz zum eigentlichen Namen ) Translation fre nom usuel ; prénom

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