
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition head ; first ; leader , chief ; a poem
Pinyin SHOU3 Jyutping sau2 On SHU SHUU Kun KUBI KOUBE SHIRUSHI Hangul Korean SWU Tang *shiǒu Viet thủ

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading あたま ; かしら ; かぶり ; こうべ ; ず ; つむり ; つぶり ; つむ ; かぶ
Translation eng head ; mind ; brain ; intellect ; top ; hair ( on one's head ) ; bangs ; fringe ; top structural component of a kanji Translation ger Kopf ; Haupt ; Intelligenz ; "Köpfchen" ; Verstand ; Kopfhaare ; Gipfel ; Spitze ; Vorstand ; Anfang ; Beginn ; vorne ; Personenzahl ; Anzahl ; ( von Menschen ) ; Kopfzahl Translation fre tête Translation rus голова

JMdict 100319
Word ; ;
Reading くび ; クビ
Translation eng neck ; head ; unemployed person Translation ger Kopf ; Haupt ; Hals ; Nacken ; ( Metapher für ) ; Entlassung Translation fre cou Translation rus шея

JMdict 100319
Reading しゅ
Translation eng counter for songs and poems Translation ger Zählwort für Gedichte

JMdict 100319
Word 首記
Reading しゅき
Translation eng abovementioned item ; description at beginning of ( this ) text or document

JMdict 100319
Word ; ; ; ;
Reading つかさ
Translation eng office ; official ; chief ; head

JMdict 100319

Radical List
Radical Radical
Meaning head

JMnedict 100319
Reading おびと Romaji Obito

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shou3
English head ; chief ; first ( occasion , thing etc ) ; classifier for poems , songs etc

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shou3
Deutsch Zähleinheitswort für Texte ( Lieder , Gedichte , Musik usw .) (u.E.) ( Zähl ) ; Kopf , erster (u.E.) (S) ; Radikal Nr . 185 = Kopf , Haupt , Oberhaupt , Anführer , der Erste , als Erster , anzeigen (u.E.) ( Zähl )

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin shou3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun くび Nanori おびと ; こべ ; す Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning neck ; counter for songs and poems Meaning fr cou ; compteur de chansons ou poèmes Meaning es cuello ; principio Meaning pt pescoço

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition head ; first ; leader , chief ; a poem
Pinyin shǒu Jyutping sau2 On SHU SHUU Kun KUBI KOUBE SHIRUSHI Hangul : 0E Korean SWU Tang *shiǒu Viet thủ

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 首級 ;
Reading しゅきゅう ; しるし
Translation eng decapitated head of an enemy Translation ger abgeschlagener Kopf ( eines Feindes )

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shou3 Reading On シュ Reading Kun くび Nanori おびと ; こべ ; す Reading Korean su Reading Korean
Meaning neck ; counter for songs and poems Meaning fr cou ; compteur de chansons ou poèmes Meaning es cuello ; principio Meaning pt pescoço

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shou3
English head ; chief ; first ( occasion , thing etc ) ; classifier for poems , songs etc

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shou3
Deutsch ZEW für Texte ( Lieder , Gedichte , Musik usw .) ( Zähl ) ; Kopf , erster (S) ; Radikal Nr . 185 = Kopf , Haupt , Oberhaupt , Anführer , der Erste , als Erster , anzeigen ( Zähl )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading かしら
Translation eng head ( of a doll )
Crossref 頭・かしら・1

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Reading こうべ ; かぶり ; ず ; つむり ; つむ ; つぶり ; かぶ
Translation hun felső rész ; vezető ; agyvelő Translation spa cabeza
Translation eng head Translation ger Stolz ; Kopf ; das Haupt ; Kopf ; Kopf Translation rus ( поэт .) голова , глава ; чело ; голова ; ( разг .) голова , башка ; ( диал .) голова , головка

JMnedict 200217
Reading おびと Romaji Obito

CEDict 100318
Traditional 花兒 Simplified 花儿
Pinyin hua1 er2
English style of folk song popular in Gansu , Qinghai and Ningxia

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 花兒 Simplified 花儿
Pinyin hua1 er2
English style of folk song popular in Gansu , Qinghai and Ningxia

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ci2
English word ; statement ; speech ; lyrics ; a form of lyric poetry , flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝 | 宋朝 [ Song4 chao2 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin shi1
English poem ; poetry ; verse

JMdict 100319
Word 首が飛ぶ
Reading くびがとぶ
Translation eng to be sacked ; to be dismissed

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319
Word 首が絞まる
Reading くびがしまる
Translation eng to have one's neck wrung

JMdict 200217
Word 首が絞まる
Reading くびがしまる
Translation eng to have one's neck wrung

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 首筋 ; 頚筋 ; 頸筋 ; 首すじ
Reading くびすじ
Translation dut nekvel ; achterkant van de nek Translation spa nuca
Translation eng nape of the neck ; back of the neck ; scruff of the neck Translation ger Genick ; Nacken Translation rus затылок

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 首吊り ; 首つり
Reading くびつり
Translation hun akasztás
Translation eng hanging ( by the neck ) Translation ger Selbstmord durch Erhängen ; jmd ., der sich selbst erhängt hat ; Kleidung von der Stange ; Konfektionskleidung

JMdict 100319
Word 首っ玉
Reading くびったま
Translation eng the neck Translation ger ( ugs .) ; Hals

JMdict 200217
Word 首っ玉
Reading くびったま
Translation swe hals
Translation eng the neck Translation ger Hals Translation rus ( прост .) шея

JMdict 100319
Word 首っ丈
Reading くびったけ
Translation eng up to the neck ; complete devotion Translation ger Hingerissenheit von jmdm

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319
Word 首にする
Reading くびにする
Translation eng to fire from a job Translation ger jmdn . feuern ; jmdn . entlassen Translation rus увольнять ; выгонять с работы

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