JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 通暁
Reading つうぎょう
Translation eng well versed ; thorough knowledge Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Vertrautheit ; gründliche Kenntnis Translation fre connaisseur/calé

JMdict 100319
Word 徹底的
Reading てっていてき
Translation eng thorough ; complete Translation ger gründlich ; vollständig Translation fre minutieux ( personne )

JMdict 100319
Word 念入り
Reading ねんいり
Translation eng careful ; scrupulous ; thorough ; conscientious Translation ger sorgfältig ; sorgsam ; vorsichtig ; behutsam ; gründlich Translation fre attentif ; consciencieux ; scrupuleux

JMdict 100319
Word 綿密
Reading めんみつ
Translation eng minute ; detailed ; careful ; scrupulous ; thorough Translation ger Genauigkeit ; Sorgfalt ; Gewissenhaftigkeit Translation fre consciencieux ; minutieux ; pointilleux ; scrupuleux

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou1
English to make a circuit ; to circle ; circle ; circumference ; lap ; cycle ; complete ; all ; all over ; thorough ; to help financially

CEDict 100318
Traditional 周全 Simplified 周全
Pinyin zhou1 quan2
English thorough ; to bring one's help ; to assist

CEDict 100318
Traditional 周密 Simplified 周密
Pinyin zhou1 mi4
English careful ; thorough

CEDict 100318
Traditional 周詳 Simplified 周详
Pinyin zhou1 xiang2
English meticulous ; thorough ; comprehensive ; complete ; detailed

CEDict 100318
Traditional 地道 Simplified 地道
Pinyin di4 dao5
English authentic ; genuine ; typical ; from a place known for the product ; thorough ; conscientious

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin che4
English thorough ; penetrating ; to pervade ; to pass through

CEDict 100318
Traditional 徹底 Simplified 彻底
Pinyin che4 di3
English thorough ; thoroughly ; complete

CEDict 100318
Traditional 摸排 Simplified 摸排
Pinyin mo1 pai2
English thorough search

CEDict 100318
Traditional 深入 Simplified 深入
Pinyin shen1 ru4
English to penetrate deeply ; thorough

CEDict 100318
Traditional 詳盡 Simplified 详尽
Pinyin xiang2 jin4
English thorough and detailed ; exhaustive ; the tedious details in full

CEDict 100318
Traditional 詳盡無遺 Simplified 详尽无遗
Pinyin xiang2 jin4 wu2 yi2
English exhaustive ; thorough

CEDict 100318
Traditional 透徹 Simplified 透彻
Pinyin tou4 che4
English penetrating ; thorough ; incisive

CEDict 100318
Traditional 週到 Simplified 周到
Pinyin zhou1 dao5
English thoughtful ; considerate ; attentive ; thorough

JMdict 200217
Word 丁寧 ; 叮嚀
Reading ていねい
Translation dut beleefdheid ; wellevendheid ; beschaafdheid ; hoffelijkheid ; voorkomendheid ; urbaniteit ; hoofsheid ; vormelijkheid ; civiliteit ; minzaamheid {i .h.b.} ; zorgvuldigheid ; nauwkeurigheid ; nauwgezetheid ; angstvalligheid ; nauwlettendheid ; stiptheid ; verzorgdheid ; beleefd ; beschaafd ; wellevend ; galant ; hoffelijk ; voorkomend ; urbaan ; hoofs ; vormelijk ; formeel ; civiel {w .g.} ; minzaam {i .h.b.} ; nauwkeurig ; zorgvuldig ; consciëntieus ; nauwgezet ; secuur ; angstvallig ; nauwlettend ; soigneus ; stipt ; verzorgd ; beleefd ; hoffelijk ; wellevend ; voorkomend ; welgemanierd ; eerbiedig ; respectueus ; respectvol ; correct ; nauwgezet ; soigneus ; zorgvuldig ; scrupuleus ; gewetensvol ; angstvallig ; consciëntieus ; plichtsgetrouw ; minutieus ; nauwkeurig ; beleefd ; beschaafd ; wellevend ; formeel ; galant ; hoffelijk ; voorkomend ; urbaan ; hoofs ; civiel {w .g.} ; minzaam {i .h.b.} ; nauwkeurig ; zorgvuldig ; consciëntieus ; nauwgezet ; secuur ; angstvallig ; nauwlettend ; soigneus ; stipt ; verzorgd Translation hun udvarias ; gondos ; igyekezet ; alapos ; pontos ; sikátor ; szoros ; lelkiismeretes Translation slv vljuden ; pozoren ; olikan ; skrben ; prijazen ; temeljit ; vesten ; natančen ; vljudnost ; natančnost ; skrbnost Translation spa cortés ; educado
Translation eng polite ; courteous ; civil ; careful ; close ; thorough ; conscientious Translation ger Höflichkeit ; Artigkeit ; Zuvorkommenheit ; Sorgfalt ; Sorgfältigkeit ; Bedacht ; Behutsamkeit ; Genauigkeit ; in höflicher Weise ; in sorgfältiger Weise ; höflich ; artig ; respektvoll ; zuvorkommend ; gründlich ; sorgfältig ; bedächtig ; genau ; vorsichtig Translation fre poli ; courtois ; civil ; soigneux ; scrupuleux ; approfondi ; consciencieux Translation rus вежливый ; учтивый ; аккуратный ; старательный ; 1): {~な} вежливый , учтивый ; быть вежливым с ( кем-л .) {…に~にする} ; 2): {~な} старательный , добросовестный ; старательный , добросовестный ; вежливый , учтивый

JMdict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhou1
English to make a circuit ; to circle ; circle ; circumference ; lap ; cycle ; complete ; all ; all over ; thorough ; to help financially

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 周密 Simplified 周密
Pinyin zhou1 mi4
English careful ; thorough ; meticulous ; dense ; impenetrable

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 周詳 Simplified 周详
Pinyin zhou1 xiang2
English meticulous ; thorough ; comprehensive ; complete ; detailed

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 徹底 Simplified 彻底
Pinyin che4 di3
English thorough ; thoroughly ; complete

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 摸排 Simplified 摸排
Pinyin mo1 pai2
English thorough search

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深入 Simplified 深入
Pinyin shen1 ru4
English to penetrate deeply ; thorough

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 萬全 Simplified 万全
Pinyin wan4 quan2
English absolutely safe ; surefire ; thorough

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 詳盡 Simplified 详尽
Pinyin xiang2 jin4
English thorough and detailed ; exhaustive ; the tedious details in full

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 詳盡無遺 Simplified 详尽无遗
Pinyin xiang2 jin4 wu2 yi2
English exhaustive ; thorough

JMdict 200217
Reading けちょんけちょん
Translation spa aplastantemente ; apabullantemente ; a lo bestia
Translation eng thorough ( criticism , defeat , etc .) ; utter ; serious Translation ger niederschmetternd ; vernichtend

JMdict 200217
Word 総叩き
Reading そうたたき
Translation eng thorough bashing ; thorough flaming

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin che4
English clear ( water ) ; thorough

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 深耕 Simplified 深耕
Pinyin shen1 geng1
English deep plowing ; thorough penetration ; thorough development ( of a market segment etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin che4
English thorough ; penetrating ; to pervade ; to pass through

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 周到 Simplified 周到
Pinyin zhou1 dao4
English thoughtful ; considerate ; attentive ; thorough ; also pr . [ zhou1 dao5 ]

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