
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition numerary adjunct , piece ; single
Pinyin GE4 GE3 Jyutping go3 On KO KA Kun KO Hangul Korean KAY Viet
Simplified U+4E2A

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Translation eng counter for articles ; counter for military units ; individual Translation ger Individuum ; Stück ; Exemplar ; ( Zählwort für kleinere Dinge , Äpfel , Eier , Schachteln , Bündel ) Translation fre ( compteur pour divers objets )

JMdict 100319
Word ; ;
Reading か ; カ
Translation eng counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system ( usu . directly preceding the item being counted ) ; a noun read using its on-yomi

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading つ ; ち ; ぢ ; じ
Translation eng counter for the hito-futa-mi counting system ( forming hitotsu , futatsu , mitsu , and misoji , yasoji , etc .)

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ge4
English individual ; this ; that ; size ; classifier for people or objects in general

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ge4
Deutsch ZEW für Menschen , Personen (z. B. Mensch , Student , Tochter , Zahnarzt , Lehrer ) ( Zähl ) ; ZEW für abstrakte Begriffe (z. B. Traum , Ansicht , Wunsch ) ( Zähl ) ; individuell , eigen

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ge4 ; ge5 Reading On コ ; カ Reading Korean gae Reading Korean
Meaning individual ; counter for articles Meaning fr individuel ; privé ; compteur d'articles ; compteur d'unités militaires Meaning es individuo ; individual ; contador para objetos pequeños Meaning pt indivíduo ; sufixo para contagem de para artigos

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition numerary adjunct , piece ; single
Pinyin Jyutping go3 On KO KA Kun KO Hangul : 0E Korean KAY Viet
Simplified U+4E2A

JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ge4 ; ge5 Reading On コ ; カ Reading Korean gae Reading Korean
Meaning individual ; counter for articles Meaning fr individuel ; privé ; compteur d'articles ; compteur d'unités militaires Meaning es individuo ; individual ; contador para objetos pequeños Meaning pt indivíduo ; sufixo para contagem de para artigos

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ge4
English individual ; this ; that ; size ; classifier for people or objects in general

CEDict 100318
Traditional 丈夫 Simplified 丈夫
Pinyin zhang4 fu5
English husband

CEDict 100318
Traditional 三明治 Simplified 三明治
Pinyin san1 ming2 zhi4
English sandwich

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上午 Simplified 上午
Pinyin shang4 wu3
English morning

CEDict 100318
Traditional 上級 Simplified 上级
Pinyin shang4 ji2
English higher authorities ; superiors

CEDict 100318
Traditional 下午 Simplified 下午
Pinyin xia4 wu3
English afternoon ; p.m.

CEDict 100318
Traditional 下巴 Simplified 下巴
Pinyin xia4 ba5
English chin

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不幸 Simplified 不幸
Pinyin bu4 xing4
English misfortune ; adversity ; unfortunate ; sad ; unfortunately

CEDict 100318
Traditional 世界 Simplified 世界
Pinyin shi4 jie4
English world

CEDict 100318
Traditional 世紀 Simplified 世纪
Pinyin shi4 ji4
English century

CEDict 100318
Traditional 中午 Simplified 中午
Pinyin zhong1 wu3
English noon ; midday

CEDict 100318
Traditional 中學 Simplified 中学
Pinyin zhong1 xue2
English middle school

CEDict 100318
Traditional 中心 Simplified 中心
Pinyin zhong1 xin1
English center ; heart ; core

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主人 Simplified 主人
Pinyin zhu3 ren2
English master ; host

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主任 Simplified 主任
Pinyin zhu3 ren4
English director ; head

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主席臺 Simplified 主席台
Pinyin zhu3 xi2 tai2
English rostrum ; platform

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主張 Simplified 主张
Pinyin zhu3 zhang1
English to advocate ; to stand for ; view ; position ; stand ; proposition ; viewpoint ; assertion

CEDict 100318
Traditional 主意 Simplified 主意
Pinyin zhu3 yi5
English plan ; idea ; decision

CEDict 100318
Traditional 乒乓球 Simplified 乒乓球
Pinyin ping1 pang1 qiu2
English table tennis ; ping-pong ; ping pong ; table tennis ball

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ge4
Variant | [ ge4 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 事件 Simplified 事件
Pinyin shi4 jian4
English event ; happening ; incident

CEDict 100318
Traditional 事實 Simplified 事实
Pinyin shi4 shi2
English a fact ; the fact that

CEDict 100318
Traditional 事物 Simplified 事物
Pinyin shi4 wu4
English thing ; object

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人員 Simplified 人员
Pinyin ren2 yuan2
English staff ; crew ; personnel

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人民 Simplified 人民
Pinyin ren2 min2
English the people

CEDict 100318
Traditional 人物 Simplified 人物
Pinyin ren2 wu4
English a person ; a character ( in a play , novel etc ) ; a protagonist

CEDict 100318
Traditional 代表團 Simplified 代表团
Pinyin dai4 biao3 tuan2
English delegation

CEDict 100318
Traditional 伯母 Simplified 伯母
Pinyin bo2 mu3
English wife of father's elder brother ; aunt ; ( polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 伯父 Simplified 伯父
Pinyin bo2 fu4
English father's elder brother ; term of respect for older man

CEDict 100318
Traditional 估計 Simplified 估计
Pinyin gu1 ji4
English to estimate ; to reckon

CEDict 100318
Traditional 位置 Simplified 位置
Pinyin wei4 zhi5
English position ; place ; seat

CEDict 100318
Traditional 作業 Simplified 作业
Pinyin zuo4 ye4
English school assignment ; homework ; work ; task ; operation ; to operate

CEDict 100318
Traditional 作用 Simplified 作用
Pinyin zuo4 yong4
English to act on ; to affect ; action ; function ; activity ; impact ; result ; effect ; purpose ; intent ; to play a role ; corresponds to English -ity , -ism , -ization

CEDict 100318
Traditional 作者 Simplified 作者
Pinyin zuo4 zhe3
English author ; writer

CEDict 100318
Traditional 例子 Simplified 例子
Pinyin li4 zi5
English case ; ( for ) instance ; example

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